BDS? Any comments on the collapse of the share price - e.g. anything related to BDS?
Re: FLG Chart Breakout, very positive Which in my book is not enough. We get 15% on SP and yield drops from 6% to under 3! Good deal for Aviva bad for us! Why are FG board recommending deal at this price?
Re: FLG Chart Breakout, very positive FT has it as 15%
Re: FLG Chart Breakout, very positive Where do you get 28%? .74 of Aviva Friday close is 398 which is 14%, I hope I'm wrong!
Re: FLG Chart Breakout, very positive Oldjoe1Delighted for you but some of us have existing capital gains on this stock and have been earning 6% dividends for a while. Now we get another 28%.How lucky is that?
💤👍👃💋 ,
Re: Ex Div goodness I hope so!!!!
2 pronged approach I had been waiting for an entry point in this intriguing company. It seems quite capable of diverse & profitable activity in most conditions, despite Argentinian attempts to interfere in tourist visiting. The big prize of supporting a major drilling capaign and the associated personnel/supplies once again hovers on the horizon, even if oil is a hope rather than a productive reality.The title reflects my thoughts that you may win here whether oil produced or not and also when one sector (art, tourism, ferry,construction, fishing, oil/gas) has a bad year.Tucking the shares away with a nice dividend to sustain a long term hold.PB
Re: Free fall £1..
Price drop Reflecting the latest RNS, the selling shows investors facing reality - this is no longer a rocket share and cannot justify such a high P/E as in recent years. The drop in profits last time were explained as management taking their eye off the organisational ball and the loss of much signal/obstruction business as the previous American agent took this sector to a competitor. There was never a question over basic lighting pumping out another 30- 50% increase in volume and profit, but the direct approach taken by management to regain obstruction accounts has obviously failed judging by the single line of comment about that area in the RNS. In my view this company will regain its previous highs in profits, but may take another 2 years to reach £18m+.On that basis, a heavy duty and profitable manufacturer of industrial lighting may justify a P/E of 15 to 20, but for now the glory days of 30 are gone.PB
Re: IMS Wednesday open £8.10 Friday close £7.21. 89p down in three days. I didn't see that coming and I still can't see why.
Re: this aint over Charlie the offer on the table is worth only 96p at ophir's current price. that is not a lot more than the SONA deal of 40% or one of the assets. I am not happy with the board taking this deal, they have screwed this up big time. Ophir would still have a revenue stream of 60% of bula and get back 70% of what they paid for the whole of SMDR. all you are capable of is to sling insults rather than put up any decent argument just watching your second rate rugby team play a 3rd rate rugby team, the commentator is getting all excited that the sweaties are beating the tongans sad sad sad.. nearly as deluded as the football team, now there is a 3rd rated team from a 3rd rate scottish premier league
57P: b---er me you serous five o .you know i alway liked you from the minute i read your first post!!! seriously though has, in the history of mining, ever been such a rise in a company's valuation!
Timing EXPECTED TIMETABLECompletion of Reorganisation 31 November 2014Distributions* 31 December 2014Despatch of share certificates by 31 December 2014* Certain distributions will be completed before this date and are subject to company share registers being established by the Company and Computershare.
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