Gunner: If this is your worst performing share why don't you sell them and sod off and annoy somebody else
Re: High dividend replacement Doesn't look like the city thinks the deals a goer. 5.5% up! Wheres the 15%?
High dividend replacement 3 weeks ago I bought these for my annuity portfolio ( a selection of 10 shares designed to pay a 5% dividend) what can I replace it with? Aviva will drag the payout below my target.
Early morning dip followed by a strong recovery..... Too many derampers wanting to get in at a lower price. This will easily double in share price from here. Hold on to your shares as there are not many of them around.
Tesco - REORDERS Asked Tescos yesterday with regards to availability and they said we will have some more available in a few days. They re-ordered when stock started running low.
Re: RNS Hub..."A sale at around 14p+ or 20p would be ideal."Yes it would have been ideal, however an offer at 400-600% premium to prevailing share price was always a fairy story. The offer on the table is 3.44p in shares. PIs never learn that the share price is far more relevant to the takeover than any fanciful valuations of the underlying asset.
offer Farewell then to this BB and to a company that repeatedly, tho undoubtably slickly, trumpeted so much promise to its public until the very end whilst unambiguously failing to deliver.Goodbye Roman Emperor, pity you didnt fall on your sword and return funds to we shareholders whilst there was still time. Were all a little poorer (or indeed quite a lot
Greer was either stupid or a calculated liar my opinion Greer was just fraud and I hope one day he will be sentenced for having lied to everyone and this for many years!
Offer from sound oil See RNS
Trading Update [link]
La Miba [link] french but basically its the rebirth of la miba in a close collaboration between MWA and DRCthis is such a fantastic news!for me 20% of la miba is worth more than 75% in BNC ( probably due to my Belgian background and my knwoledge about former Congo assets imo )la miba is worth nothing in MWA's books and in addition to the company's investments in shares in group undertakings like la miba valued at zero due to impairments,you will find well hidden in the companies books, loans to group undertakings totalling $80,708,300 as included in trade and other receivables whatd does this mean? like BNC bring it back to live , reverse impairments increase shareholders value and recup old loans to increase postive cash flowsthere's so much going on today with mwa, they have so many hidden gems in their accountsand nobody seems to care , nobody seems to know leaving MWA stock prices drifting in some dark fantasyland totally divorced from reality. For contrarian investors who like to buy their profits cheap to maximize their future returns, this anomaly has created an extraordinary buying opportunity. imo
FITBUG AND REVO IT "Revo IT Asia is based in Hong Kong, specializes in distributing third-party Apple and mobile accessories to Apple resellers throughout Greater China and South East Asia regions. " revoIT have Fit Bug for sale .....distribute to Apple re sellers across China ( massive numbers) [link] Apple resellers ( massive )![link] I think it is pretty much time for the RNS to confirm what we all ready know?
Re: TESCO SOLD OUT!!!! Sainsburys have bundles of them, thats if you can get any of the staff to know what your on about and take you to the aisle there in Got to be a pound by chrimbo surely, I mean its gotta be going up every day now hasnt it.......hasnt it?3D
Do you honestly believe the MM and spreadbet companies would let everyone make loads od money on FITBUG Truth is, hardly anyone is actually long, the Market Makers are just frothing the SP up and down so as to make you all believe that this stock is the one thats going to make yall zillions But of course you all know that dont cha Up.....down..................sideways...............up a bit..........up a bit more..............oh oh down a lot...................sheet what just happened.............................arghhhhhh darn PLACINGS!!!!! Have fun round the table tomorow guys, and see who yall can suck in to the game Sleep well now 3D (camping outside Tescos for the morning delivery of FITBUG)
Re: Stobart Biomass latest [link]
Agreed Stuart, that would be perfect!
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