no doubt it'll scoot to .5
that'll do though
small punt
50% on MDZ
how much you bagged today BuyBao ?
The next Fitbug maybe? Fitbug, eat your heart out!!
cheers MDZ
u, di maria, i already plugged
Re: Nice rise but why? Overlooked -been up over £10 and prospers are as good as ever.same as you bought in at £7.25-just too few . Wainting to buy more under £7 !
going to .3 now...
sell at .3
Re: High dividend replacement Don't fancy Carillion as I have been dabbling with BBY in my SIPP and it has put me off builders, Legal and Generals divi is a touch low for my target.Considering splitting it 50/50 between morrissons and Sainsbury.
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