and sell
0.3 there ya go
Re: RNS Hub,Yes it is a low ball offer but regardless of why and how Sound went public there is an offer on the table and given the performance of Antrim current management, shareholders may well take it seriously. Alternatively it may trigger a counter bid, but it isn't going to be 8p, it might be 4.5p. However Sound are pretty shrewd with their timing as given the market uncertainties and share pruce turmoil at companies such as Ithaca it seems a counter bid is probably unlikely.This should be a warning to all the dreamers over at Xcite who are dreaming of a £6 takeover price despite the share price languishing at less than 50p
Re: Run out of steam now.... I guess it's some profit-taking that has happened today. So regarding their cash position, maybe there is some truth in a 20p placing being announced in the near future.
Re: Antrim Up on TSX I hold both . and they have both been losers...
Re: Nice rise but why? I doubt we will see £7 again- unless something happens within the markets generally.
Another 7% Just need the larger AT trades to come in now which they will and soon be back in the 50's and beyond
.3 on the cards
another go at .29+
hope it gets there
good luck chap
now i'm out
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