Re: Reassuring news yep, snorters they are snorters they will remain. But they are usually the ones in the big flash cars!!!!!!
oh dear barney ?
They can't not finance Ollachea. The community is very much behind it. It's high-grade gold and a lot of it. 3 million oz is very likely. 5 million oz is quite possible. Not many like this left in the world. Whether it's this week or next month that the financing deal is finalized doesn't really matter that much in the end.
Re: P2 returns Having applied Dr Beeching style management principals over the last 2-3 years Hornby seem to be on track to start delivering. Hornby always get a boost in the 15 months after a British F1 champion. Was pleasantly surprised to see SK at the Warley Model Railway Show. Gone but not forgotten it would seem. RegardsDublo 7
Re: RNS Spike501,I wouldn't suggest this is a warning to all dreamers. It's not a warning at all. It's just a pathetic low ball offer from some chancers.If Antrim have circa £10mln in cash, why would shareholders accept an offer that values the cash at £6.35mln and the rest of the assets and tax loses at zero.The only warning that needs to be headed here is that some companies out there with little to lose will make silly offers. Test the water a bit before you up the offer?going public, they only one option now and that's to win shareholders over with a much better bid.My guess is that they could go as high as 4.5p and that will still get slapped down.Antrim BoD's may as well just give shareholders a 5p divi and close the business down.Trouble is... it's worth so much more as a shell due to tax losses. It's actually worth way more than the cash balance to someone like Premier, IAE or even PMG etc.I suspect this is nothing more than a PR stunt to be honest.Remember - FYNE is still a goer to someone that has the pockets to make it work.HUB
Contract win Simon Cleaver said, if i understood him correctly that, their main market was smaller customers (certainly he said he didn't expect to win British Gas), so it's good to see they can also win some large contracts.Based on UK business the next KPIs due early January should be good. If the US has really gained traction, they will be stunning.
Re: Strong Hold As at 14.40, 100 shares in FLG = £363 74 shares in Aviva= £377.unless I have misunderstood the mechanics of the proposal of course.Approaching "parity" and deal seems a total non-starter.
Re: Highs Just needs a programmer with a bit of gumption
dead cat bounce?
Re: Trading Statement Hardly an ugly duckling Dave given the rerating over the last couple of years or so but, i get your drift otherwise.(sp 262p)
Re: So !WHOT! is happening now? When is "Shortly"?
£915k Hhmmm. Somebody is confident of next weeks finals. Either that or a had good pub lunch?TT
Re: High dividend replacement Hmmm, also looking for a replacement for FLG. Any thoughts on a replacement guys, I am looking for 4.5% to 5.5% divi.
One of my worst decisions in life was probably buying these shares. Absolute misery. Commiserations to everyone who's in the same boat.
Stryker Bid Speculation mounts again about a possible Stryker offer for Smith & Nephew now that a 6-month no-bid period has ended.
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