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MTV Skint Taff 24 Nov 2014

Re: RNSÂ…Aaaaarrrghhhh This lot are a joke

MWA Baron83 24 Nov 2014

MWA The Chinese are certainly the early movers in this country and with MWAs partner splashing out $25M over 4 years on the Katanga copper project they are clearly seeking a substantial ROI. Last update in October:- On the Kawesitu licence visible mineralisation was intercepted over considerable widths, and at Niton, measurements have confirmed the presence of copper- Detailed results will be reported as soon as assay results have been received and processedHad another look at what we can expect in forthcoming Half Yearly results for the nickel today In H1 2013 the headlines for this aspect of the operation were:- Sales of 2,191 tonnes- Revenue of $21M- Profit of $4.7MFor the same period this year, sales are 77% higher to 3,879 tonnes. Improved margins and a substantially higher sales price too all bode well. Should be tasty reading.Lovely pivot off the 50MA too and break away from the 200MA always +VE.Get the buyers tomorrow and this will shift. Daily is absolutely primed on buying interest

MDZ alltold9 24 Nov 2014

Speculate to accumulate! Is my motto.

MTV welloiled1 24 Nov 2014

RNSÂ…Aaaaarrrghhhh We have noted price rise, have no new real news…but we need more money….clunk!!See how we dropped suddenly from 0.023 to 0,0175 based on cash call. Great.Welloiled1

FTO Nunquam 24 Nov 2014

I just gave FTO a BUY rating: late buys today.. Will I be right? [link]

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

should open up

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

.3455 to sell late

FLG oldjoe1 24 Nov 2014

Re: Strong Hold Canaccord Genuity has lifted its target price for insurance firm Friends Life from 340p to 400p and repeated its 'buy' call, saying that the £5.6bn takeover offer from rival Aviva is a "good price" for shareholders.While they have lifted their target price to equal the possible offer, analysts said they see potential further upside from this level when more details about synergies from the deal are known

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

fair play

ABC kilindidni 24 Nov 2014

Why the rise? Sudden move upwards without any obvious reason? Anyone have a view?

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

take some of Luke Shaws, fat nacker needs dieting

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

you look like a streaky p1ss at times

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

get some hot dinners down lad

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

stick you in me dreamteam then

MDZ BuyBAO 24 Nov 2014

as they have been shocking