Re: RNS Pretty much correct[link] fully underwritten Open Offer at 10 pence per Share, raising approximately £18.3 million (US$29.3 million) and a Placing at 10 pence per Share, raising up to £15.0 million (US$24.0 million). The minimum guaranteed proceeds of the Open Offer and the Placing will be £25.1 million (approximately US$40.2 million) before expenses.0.55 new shares for every 1 existing share held @10p ps********** ****A new corporate event has been announced on the above security for which you have a holding.This corporate action is an Open Offer.An Open Offer entitles shareholders, who hold on the ex date, the opportunity to purchase more ordinary shares in the company at a price normally discounted to the market share price, in proportion to their existing holding.Entitlements from an Open Offer are not tradable and therefore an Open Offer is only available to existing shareholders.Holders can apply for new ordinary shares in excess of their pro rata entitlements with such elections only satisfied to the extent that other shareholders do not take up their full basic entitlementsAs you hold your shares with a nominee you may have your election scaled back by a greater or lesser percentage than you would if you held your shares in your own name.Within this corporate action you have a series of options, one of which is the default. If you wish to select the default you do not need to reply.Please note we must be in receipt of your instruction by 27 November 2014 should you wish to select an option other than the default.If you would like further information about the terminology used in this notification, please visit our Ask A Question site.EVENT TERMS 0.55 new shares for every 1 existing share held Exercise Price: GBP0.1 per share Ex date: 17 November 2014 (5pm) Record date: 13 November 2014 (5pm) Further details can be found on our website OPTIONSOption 1: Securities Option (Basic Entitlement)Option 2: OversubscribeThere are a number of ways to log this response online and telephone. The easiest and most convenient way to respond is through our website as follows: Provide your instruction online by logging into your account and following the steps below Select Portfolio & Deal' and select 'Corporate Action Summary' from the Corporate Actions sectiono Under Voluntary Corporate Actions select the Email corporate action instruction linko Complete all fields and submit via the Send Instruction button Alternatively, provide your instructions by telephone by calling 0800 901 2911* or local dial number 0141 352 3971* Please quote corporate action reference: 201403616 Please ensure there are sufficient funds available by 5pm on 27 November 2014.Option 3: No Action (Default) INVESTMENT ISA EVENT OPTIONSOption 1a: Securities Option (Basic Entitlement) - Take up shares in your ISA.Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your account.Option 1b: Securities Option (Basic Entitlement) - Take up shares in a non ISA account you have with us.If you do not have sufficient funds within your ISA, you can take up your shares in a non ISA account if you have one with us.Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your non ISA account.Option 2a: Oversubscribe - Take up shares in your ISA.Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your account.Option 2b: Oversubscribe - Take up shares in a non ISA account you have with us.If you do not have sufficient funds within your ISA, you can take up your shares in a non ISA account if you have one with us.Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your non ISA account.There are a number of ways to log this response online and telephone. The easiest and most convenient way to respond is through our website as follows: Provide you
sum Elektron Technology (EKT) has maintained that results for the second half of 2014 will be in line with those for the first, despite sales in the third quarter dropping to 11.5 million pounds from 11.8 million pounds in the same period of 2013. The fall was due to weakening demand from European, Asian and Middle Eastern distributors as economic conditions stagnate and stock levels remain high. On the upside, net debt was 2 million pounds lower as at 31st October compared to three months earlier, at 2.7 million pounds. The shares fell by 0.375p to 4.5p.
Certain rules I keep Great RNS today folks. I never buy stock at the opening. Fools paradise with a normal spike. I wait for a retrace for however long it usually takes a late morning or a classic nappy afternoon. Whatever this stock opens up at it will hit £4.00 very quickly my friends then I will top slice. I will top slice again at £8.00 then let it run until after NY listing when WRN will become a very interesting stock indeed. Up until the NY listing News 24 is going to be the WRN story. it will be continuous. My prediction suspension lifted tomorrow after detailed RNS the latest Wednesday this week. I have never been in a suspended stock before and I have found the experience stressful. I hope this will be the last suspension WRN do. POG the dim investor is filtered. I am invested here but have not the funds currently to invest more sadly but I will with profits down the road. This will be a bumpy ride but a good Xmas and New Year will arrive for all PI's here with WRN. Best stock in town
Re: MWA Based on fundamentals first............... dirt cheap and an absolute bargain imo. Complement that with today's chart and this will surge if the buyers come in tomorrow.
"D" day. 15th, I answer my own question. Beware the Ides of December, somebody once said. Let us pray that he doesn't get this one right too, lol.Just frittering away my time, AXM are "doin me napper in" but remain the only present hope, in a bedraggled portfolio. Ciao.
Re: RNSÂ…Aaaaarrrghhhh Yep,
I know. When is "D" day in December? I"ll mark my advent calendar.
24 Pence underwritten [link]
Oil and $ There is no doubt in my mind that this is a solid company with good products but selling inevitably into an international market and into a sector as one of its customers that is currently in a bear market. Therefore two factors are affecting the share price:a) the severe drop in the price of oil per barrel is making the explorers reduce or slow down their activities, which in turn affects the 'picks and shovels' companies (see Petrofac); in turn those companies require less suppliesb) the $ exchange rate. There is a view that the $ is on a bull run; if it is, then the earnings of many companies are going to be affected.I repeat - a good company but can one deploy the capital tied up to any better advantage?
The truth is out there ..... .... lets wait and see ....SAGE
...Mone786 are you...... ...stew200's both seem to have the intellect of an ant............
15 Pence - underwritten by Bond For the disinterested [link]
Re: Results Vp Group interims to be released on Thursday, 27 November.
I just created a MDZ poll: What was / is your entry price? What do you think? [link]
Re: £400,000 buy ...could be MMs round-up at end of day ....SAGE
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