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KIBO womble 25 Nov 2014

1;80 bid now no volume yet imo just shows how many orders remain as they're are plenty who wan tbe in this just not enough shs to go round!

MDZ digitaldanuk 25 Nov 2014

bit pricey

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

FITB off again

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

seems to be a few flyers

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

yeah at present

AEY moneyman59 25 Nov 2014

SOUND FACTS As someone who has followed SOU for several years and is heavily invested, i feel for your losses due to poor management. Sound was drifting until James Parsons (ex Shell) took the helm and put together one of the best BODs on AIM. Just look at their presentation on their website - on stream small production covering costs, the much larger Nervesa drilled and proven flows just awaiting prod permit before connecting to the nearby gas grid. Nervesa 2 nearby is thought to be separate field at bottom hole. Then numerous plays, several proven resources to drill and the massive Badille well which is the most likely reason ENI will buy out SOU in the future. ENI also has interests near to your Skellig play, so synergies there.Sound is poised for great things over next 18 months with or without Antrim, so please do not underestimate this great opportunity, and chance for your shareholders to salvage something from your holdings. DYOR and good luck.MM

MDZ digitaldanuk 25 Nov 2014

are you following the tech sector?

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

and buy some AFCR if it falls to the .5s

SMDR chummer 25 Nov 2014

explain Could someone help my understanding please. Am offer of around 115p for smdr shares has been accepted. So why is it now 92p still? Are they expecting problems again? All rather disappointing

KIBO womble 25 Nov 2014

1;95 paid

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

wait for any dips perhaps?

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

MWA looks promising

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

profit is nice though

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

should have held the lot for the big .5

MDZ BuyBAO 25 Nov 2014

at .38 and .45