take out your original investment?
what a chump
t11omas he was after .15 yesterday lol
dint buy, had offer of 0.395p on table this morning
didne buy?
sold out?
kicking myself init
seems to be steadily rising
up to you chap
NEW ARTICLE: Super Scapa scores again "LSE:SCPA:Scapa has delivered on the promise it made six weeks ago for good growth in first-half sales and profits. It reckons full-year results will beat expectations, too. In fact, these "excellent" numbers from the tapes and adhesives supplier ..."[link]
hughsey.. Appreciate what your doing on here.. good to get up to date info price on this.. Cheers mate
Court Case Anyone following the court case? I noticed more activity last Friday, my guess would be Fitbug adding further evidence for the Summary Judgement application followed by Fitbit adding their opposing argument. If their opposition fails the Judge will have to rule on the case well before the trial date. Damages will follow a positive result the level of which, I presume, will be relevant to the size of Fitbit's business (which is fairly sizeable) and the perceived damage to Fitbug's market share. With a tiny mcap of £12m it might be cheaper to buy Fitbug out rather than pay them off?Could get interesting here very soon. Declaring my interest..... I'm now in.RoB
Re: L2 Yep, MMs want to take it higher again. Not much on 260. Over to the market.
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