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PTV yoyo 26 Nov 2014

BuyBAO did you missed the boat yet?

TRAP Vincentinvestor1 26 Nov 2014

npv 10 intresting to see the way Charles Stanley allocates a drop in Brent price towards NPV10 valuation of a producing assetthe drop from 100US$ per barrel towards 85US$ per barrel has caused a drop in 50% in the NPV10 calculations for the value of Athenasomething to take away in assessing the SP of other producing North Sea oil companies yet alone allocating any value towards non producing pure exploration companies!

PTV BuyBAO 26 Nov 2014

yo yo yo!

3LEG BuyBAO 26 Nov 2014

I just gave 3LEG a BUY rating: 8m in cash in the bank? 1p a share hmmmm.. Will I be right? [link]

PTV yoyo 26 Nov 2014

I just gave PTV a BUY rating: movement from low price.. Will I be right? [link]

TRAP Vincentinvestor1 26 Nov 2014

Parkmeads valuation for Athena just released a couple of days ago[link] on a Brent price of $85/bbl 30% of Athena remaining barrels are valued at 20 million poundsbased on that assumption Traps part of Athenas business should be worth 10 million pounds : 227.17 m = 4.5 pence in actual moneyI still believe that a 10p T/O should be feasible taking into account remaining cash!imo

AGR pmrleahy 26 Nov 2014

NHS England to invest in GP premises See [link]

PCF Krayl 26 Nov 2014

Half Yearly Report "The anticipated timetable for obtaining a Banking Licence has been affected by our recent office move, but we are confident that our proposition remains a compelling one."That sounds a lame excuse. It's plain bad management to let a move interfere with your plans. The prospects without a banking licence look OK, but gaining a banking licence is THE thing for a good rise in the share price. It doesn't sound like a Banking Licence is coming soon - what do others think?

STG luckynumber7 26 Nov 2014

I used to love advent calendars - but now I think their days are numbered

MGNS Rhigos 26 Nov 2014

Reason for sharp SP rise? Not that I am complaining, but does anyone know why SP rose nearly 5% yesterday and 4.7% today?

UEN Vincentinvestor1 26 Nov 2014

valuation at 5p UEN is worth today 30 cents a barrel as the value of a barrel of oil in the ground depends onthe time taken to get it above ground. UENl's reserves are being depleted at 2.36% ayear; a barrel of UEN is being sold in 29.0 years. If one discounts the receipts at 10%, the present value of UEN's production is about 5% of the well-head value. If onediscounts UENl receipts by 15%, which may not be an excessive allowance for capitalscarcity, the present value is a little under 1%.This explains why there is a huge gain in applying money and know-how to deplete the UENreserves more quickly. One can only hope that UEN will accept that time is money, and that they are better off with a less-than-perfect share of the gains than with holding on to a sterile ownership.THerefore this company will be delisted imo

GEM walrog 26 Nov 2014

Re: *Big* ruby find The story is covered in the Times today.

CLDN cimbom 26 Nov 2014

Re: Results More likely correction would be a positive one not negative. A good performing trust does not deserve to be at 15% discount.

HVN biker1 26 Nov 2014

Disappointed ‘Good trading statement – numerous tips – 160 target price – all good news’All of this was said of HN in the last 5 months – so what went wrong ‘AGAIN’Just as it was looking like HN was finally being recognised as a worthwhile bet to investors this happens, there’s always something with this company even when conditions are on the up.I’ve held these shares for many - many years (most of them poor) and heard all the ‘good news’ stories before (many times) I’m afraid they now fall on deaf ears with me regarding this company and as soon as a bit of improvement takes place I’m selling the lot unless anyone can give me some encouragement not to?IMO these shares are fine for a quick ‘in & out’ in short term and probably now is as good as any to get some bought (not for me though) but if you are looking for long term investment – forget it – I’m very disappointed and the long long wait begins again.

KLG Shipright 26 Nov 2014

Sexy sleuth Are you in this again?