Unlocking the master plan TGL's recent acquisition of GOS Systems is the key to unlocking the rest of the 'master plan' here, as indicated in TGL's recent acquisition announcement:GOS can help to attract complementary businesses who see something that they really want to be a part of.And GOS also helps to underpin TGL's current value, giving TGL's shares more weight in acquisitions.It's no coincidence that Professor Arthur Gibson has come on board here at about the same time (31st. October) that TGL was finalising the acquisition of GOS.His role is to lead in advanced technical assessment of potential acquisitions, to enable TGL to choose the best options.I would imagine that TGL has a short-list of competing candidates, as in the case of ADA:17/09/2014 09:31 UKREG Adams PLC Final Results"...During the year the Board, in cooperation with shareholders and external advisers, reviewed a range of investment opportunities and I am pleased to inform you that a short list has been decided upon and is being advanced. We hope that the final choice will deliver substantial value to shareholders...."The TGL s.p. (0.43p) is artificially depressed at the moment, for two related reasons:1. Open short positions.2. Campaign of smears and disinformation.Therefore TGL's move from being a shell to being an operational company, in a high growth, high tech area, is not yet reflected in the s.p.And that's a clear buy opportunity.As the truth comes out more fully, buyers should start piling in.And when the shorters start getting margins calls things will get really interesting ...TGL's main potential share price catalysts over the coming weeks and months are:1. RTO (reverse takeover).2. GOS Systems contract wins, and trading update.3. Tie-up with Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.4. Name change.(TGL is currently seen by some as a gold mining explo. minnow - a sector so out of favour that many investors won't even look at it.)5. Investment presentations and tips, e.g. by Small Company Share Watch (which tipped TRL), Techinvest, etc.Potentially the Concha of 2015 in my opinion.A very realistic scenario a year from now is this: multi-million pound turnover, hundreds of K. of earnings, quantum computing exposure, sky-high tech rating ... and a market cap. of £ tens of millions.
Tomorrow After the run over the last month, let's hope tomorrow's results do not disappoint.
Re: Results The other factor holding back the narrowing of the discount is the 'Cayzer effect'. With this large grouping controlling the company we'll struggle to see the discount ever approaching the levels of its comparators - RIT capital etc. Good performance anyway although helped a lot by the JD.com holding in one of the funds. I do think the strategy of managing by different 'pools' has been a success.
Re: Reason for sharp SP rise? T1ps 2007,I was exaggerating a little. They did make a pre-tax profit of £13.9m in 2013, 59% down on 2012. The current Return On Equity (ROE) is 1.8% pa which is positive but only just. This is waht I was thinking of when I did my previous post. Compare this with Kier in same sector that has a ROE of 13.2%. In other sectors a ROE of more than 40% is not unusual. MGNS EPS growth is -83%.It could be argued that MGNS has been oversold which probably goes towards explaining extraordinary 15% rise in the last 2 days. Perhaps from now on they will recover. I feel that risk is too high and am happy to park cash in a different company that is growing strongly. Time will tell if I have made a wise choice. I was very disappointed with MGNS last results that showed that on several big projects they were making a loss. Then up to last Fri there was the resultant 25.5% fall in SP. Not good at all.
annual report Why does it take seven non executive directors to oversee the ( very successful ) managers of this trust costing a cool £171,000 per annum? Also the chairman has been around for 19 years and holds no shares in the company, the CEO of the managers has been around for 19 years with the actual manager of the trust as his alternate and another director has been around for eleven years.I thought corporate governance dictated that non executive directors were not viewed as independent after nine years. How have the institutional shareholders let them get away with this cosy little arrangement?
YO Jaknife This was a multibagger today. you could have made some money back had you listened to me :-P
well done if you bought when i said buy ... you are up %100
Re: Gutted Well done all, it is good to realise a profit at some point and Vin has decided that this is the point - and she is the best one to judge.This is like Quindell in reverse - Vin has built two great business with solid cashflow and growth and sold them. I suspect she thinks target company valuations are too high and is taking advantage by selling at a premium.I am sure she will do it a third time.JTT
Re: BBY long entered Good call OJ1,Luck in timing earlier this year took me out at 290 to give me a good plus but I haven't had the knuts yet to put it back in. Your price indications and ideas look pretty sound but I would be nervous by the hour on this share because of the see-saw. Have backed CLLN as an alternative and am well afloat, but unspectacular.I think above 200 on BBY will tug at my braver side for another shot.Thanks.Dar
Re: Big Rise today KCM,Thanks for that. I agree with your analysis - that's why I bought; but this share normally moves by around 1p per day at the most (unless there is a general election in India, or some terrorist activity at the Mumbai Hilton or wherever it was) and the day I posted the message it rose by 13p, which is exceptional, but there seemed no specific reason for such a large jump that day, nor last Friday when we saw a jump of 8p. I have no complaints, and the Indian Stock market is hardly overvalued by PE terms even after the recent bullish run. It is just around the median of PE levels over the last 20 years. [link]
Nice new name Acacia mining just need POG to rocket now as promised
an up day again Afte a week of reds nice to see a blue....but remember still half the price it was last Tuesday. Let's hope today wasn't just a blip in downward momentum. All hinging on RNS for contract with Kartina. Cannot for the life of me understand why that hasn't been signed and sealed. If it is I reckon Daniel Stewart target will be hit within days.GLA
Re: Half Yearly Report Krayl: I agree the excuse looks a little lame and that it doesn't look like PCF will be granted a licence anytime soon. I was struck by the words "We are currently selecting suitable IT systems and completing the regulatory business plan, and whilst this project is approximately three months behind plan, we remain confident it will progress in the first half of 2015". 'Progress' is one thing but the words suggest that there is months of work to be done. If a licence comes next year that would be great but don't hold your breath. The business is tiny and the FCA will want to be sure that the BP is robust.The business does appear to be OK although I would say better than that.I have a modest holding showing a modest profit but I would like to see further progress before adding more.
Another 2 million for Henderson At least that's what it looks like.Not just us little PIs that think Rambler is a bit cheap then..
Re: RNS Can someone let me know how Tom Winnifrith knew about the detail of this RNS last night?Placing at 0.13??
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