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RRL womble 27 Nov 2014

14% : blimey leakey leakey!

3LEG BuyBAO 27 Nov 2014

3LEG off and running

3LEG BuyBAO 27 Nov 2014

see what happens here today

NEW More4us 27 Nov 2014

I just gave NEW a BUY rating: farm out agreed with major for Denmark.. Will I be right? [link]

AVG Lion Rock 27 Nov 2014

LTA - Airbus Hi Tejo[link] for your thoughts there, I can see where you are coming from understandably. In terms of your thoughts that it is being run for a sell off, I would have agreed with you but for the fact the Board is predominently engineers not accountants which in my mind makes a pleasant change in this day and ageOn re-reading the annual report much of the content of the Interim statement was mentioned there; albeit not in the same detail. Therefore to my mind a lot of the Interim statement was programmed before the Rolls Royce/Petrofac issues came to the surface, perhaps further actions seen to be advantageous as integration has progressed. This reaffirms my thoughts the Board is just being prudent in case issues get prolonged, this was exactly the issue at Crown and they managed that very well.I am waiting for the dust to settle, many companies are issuing profit warnings at the moment , but I do think the sp fall is overdone and ultimately hope to increase my stake at a good value price. Having met the Board on many occasions they to my mind are both committed and careful!

PLND onedb1 27 Nov 2014

Interims are out Nm

LTHM lew mannheim 27 Nov 2014

Interim figures Splendid results from Latham this morning; net cash up to £12m, a substantial result on curbing the pension deficit and current trading marching ahead. Could expect to see 50p+ of earnings this year, so even on an unambitious rating of x12, cheap to the market and similar businesses, can envisage £6+. Notoriously hard to deal in, but well worth it!

VP valuemanbuyer 27 Nov 2014

Interims V. Good results. All metrics up especially Roce which has been lower since the recession but is creeping back up now to 14.9% . The growth drivers of the uk economy and building sector should bode well. Since it is under - valued at 13x compared to over 16x for the industry we should get price growth from both the profits increase and a re- rating .Happy long term holder (135p entry point )

ESTL Ru 8746 27 Nov 2014

Re: Unable to take rights through Barcla... ...but can you buy ASX-listed stuff through Barclays? While AJBell (YouInvest) let me take up my rights (and subscribe for some additional shares), I think I'll struggle to sell (or buy any more) unless they re-list on AIM...Good luck all,

RRL womble 27 Nov 2014

VOTES : thats Range im talking about

SHG Rogen83 27 Nov 2014

Positive update Saying FY production at upper end of range.Guiding for reduced cost per oz of $830m-$850m in 2015 and up to 85k of productionMore drilling on underground mine plan which will be completed in April.I like this bit: "The Company is committed to maintaining financial and growth flexibility, remain as a high grade, low cost producer, and deliver value to shareholders through balancing capital growth and potential for dividends. "

RRL womble 27 Nov 2014

VOTES : Not good, received this back from best invest re my holding (5m) quote'According to our Corporate actions department SEI are not able to execute proxy votes due to the funds being held in nominee accounts, we can only process voluntary corporate actions for you' HELP anyone explain please

MTVW catsick 27 Nov 2014

350 mio gbp of hidden value ! So they finally came clean and revealed that 660 mio value of property is in the books at 316 mio , so they have the whole market cap of the company hidden away !

MMO More4us 27 Nov 2014

I just gave MMO a BUY rating: plenty news due.. Will I be right? [link]

TPOG Rusty Jock 27 Nov 2014

Re: Chip_Scashtin or anyone else... Last year the dividend was announced mid Nov , a few days before the IMS.This year's IMS was released 10 days ago , but there was no mention of any dividend for 2014.Does anyone have more information on dividend payments ?