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HTIG BeerMonkey 27 Nov 2014

next stop 0.25p ?

HTIG BeerMonkey 27 Nov 2014

why the rise ?

UEN woodcroft53 27 Nov 2014

Re: shareholders I would hope it will be the ex KGB toe rag giving Urals money - not the other way about

BLUR djark 27 Nov 2014

P Mac Dear P MacColleagues at work think you are me.I wouldn't change a word.To be fair I think that you and I are now about the only ones still interested in this case study of stupidity and I'm only interested so that I can tell my mates 'I told you so' when everyone works out this is three cups and no pea.....DJark

AMI forwardloop 27 Nov 2014

Re: hunch is SL govt... I do so hope that you are right.But experience tells me in investing in small caps that everyone is in it for themselves, and PIs are bottom of the heap.why do they need us now (& most institutions for that matter) if they can sort out funding somehow themselves, become de listed then reap all the benefits for years to come.A very glum FWD

HTIG SalopTractor 27 Nov 2014

need news to back up the rise

SMDR one4all 27 Nov 2014

Re: explain if you don't understand this , you really shouldn't be anywhere near share trading/gambling

HTIG SalopTractor 27 Nov 2014

I just gave HTIG a BUY rating: Contract news very soon and re-arrangement of loan will see this re-rate.. Will I be right? [link]

SGC swarfega man 27 Nov 2014

Re: NEW ARTICLE: Stagecoach rockets on East ... should see this push through £4. One of my rarer good shares these days.....

AMI rickyroman 27 Nov 2014 hunch is SL govt... ....I think that press release yesterday from the Ministry of Mines & Minerals was a warning shot across the bows of any 'would be pirates' hoping to nick AMI on the cheap.The combined mines of Tonk and Marampa must have a total workforce of more than three thousand + all the port and infrastructure jobs dependent on the project. The President and his ministers are going to look closely at this, the excellent track record of Frank Timis and all the other Chinese investors and with a little luck, commonsense will prevail.Don't forget we are going to be a very Low Cost producer and six to twelve months is nothing in a 60 year mine life.Its tough and I have virtually everything in this, but we need to keep optimistic and focused when all around are negative and writing us off......

SGC II Editor 27 Nov 2014

NEW ARTICLE: Stagecoach rockets on East Coast boost "LSE:SGC:Stagecoach and Virgin's joint venture InterCity Railways has been awarded the new eight-year InterCity East Coast rail franchise by the Department for Transport. This win could be worth as much as 30p to Stagecoach's share price. But with ..."[link]

CAMK Frankers70 27 Nov 2014

Scrip dividend payment Can someone tell me how much scrip dividend I can expect on 10,000 shares?.Many thanks.

PMR casabanker 27 Nov 2014

Re: BARGAIN OF THE CENTURY The message looks as though it has been received and understood. I take full responsibility for PMR's sp rise this week, lol!Casa.

MWA DEREK 1968 27 Nov 2014

Re: Randgold I suspect they would rather JV than sell. The feasibility study is approaching completion however it will be focused towards low capex quick start scenarios which may not interest Randgold. They do already operate in DRC which is possibly more risky than Zimbabwe so I see no sense in thinking MWA should be at some mythical discount. The biggest risk is commodity prices and profit margins; the company are working hard on the costs and winning that battle

HTIG SalopTractor 27 Nov 2014

small buys thou Barney