Re: NOW THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL AN RNS!! Agree 0.36 was good enough for me!
Winterflood tips SLI "The prospective 6 per cent dividend yield of Jason Baggaleys Standard Life Investments Property Income trust more than makes up for the fact it is trading at 6.88 per cent above its NAV, according to analysts at Winterflood........ "[link]
Re: Potential Risks ClaudeThank you for your excellent perspective, and you have more or less convinced me that this is a share to be added to ones portfolio. The critical question is when?One of the things putting me off adding further shares to my portfolio at the moment and even to the extent I'm seriously thinking of substantially reducing my equity portfolio exposure, is the political uncertainty we face up to and after the general election. We appear to be increasingly faced with bizarre coalition government options after the general election which will scare the living daylights out of businesses and investors. This will surely impact on SPRP as well as other companies and the most likely result I suggest is a drop in its share price, perhaps of double percentage digit proportions?Even if one takes the view that after several years or so things will settle down and SPRP's sp will recover handsomely, would you not agree there is a strong argument for waiting so as to pick up at a lower price in the light of political uncertainty? Even if one is currently holding like yourself one has the tantalising option of selling and buying back in later at a reduced share price? Is that not an option you would consider?imho etcBest wishesHarol
Re: BIG BIG BIG! Perhaps we will need to wait a coiple of weeks, but it will come as intimated in todays RNS
Re: Won bid Wikkid 22he reason you are stalking me on this BB is the fact not many poster come on here if it were on say on xcite your accusations would be met with a torrent of either abuse or Oh NO not another ONE. YOU STALK ME PURELY FOR CONFRONTATION..YO NEED TO GIVE YOURSELF A GOOD TALKING TO. AND REPEAT AFTER ME, i MUST NOT STALK EARTHLY AND TELL LIES ABOUT HIM.AFTER 4 YEARS ITS WEARING A BIT THIN AND IN CASE OTHER POSTERS THINK THAT I WIKKID 22 IS A BIT OF A FRUITCAKEEARTHLY
Re: shareholders So if you are so sure this will be delisted, why did you put a strong buy yesterday?
13.44% Anyone notice the divy yield is now 13.44% and could rise in futureIt might be AIM and it might be textiles clothing manufacture......but it may continue expanding ..and it has no borrowing and cash. Even if it doubles the yield would exceed 6.5%Bottom draweredMel
My Prediction Here is what I see.....Shares issued to raise capital.....People panic selling as they are worried about delisting. Price falls in line with issue .013pNext month, aquisition complete, good news announced, share price rises to .025p - .055pMy opinion. DYOR!
Re: true value £50-£75 million m... 9.75...yes, so far it has been re-rated from 25p down to 10p....
Re: Sell off!! "Is it the crude price doing this?"Partially but it is also XD today.Gatherer
late action
OK I've emailed [email protected] and asked them to confirm that my No vote for over 800000 was included. I think everyone should do the same.
LRE value It seems to me that you have to look at LRE like this:LRE is expected to earn 58p this year, and is distributing about 84p. So 26p is giving us back our own capital. Ideally we should reinvest the 26p in LRE shares, so this would add about one share for each twenty that we already own.Next year LRE is projected to earn about 55p, and to distribute about 55p. It is this that sets the benchmark for future value. The slightly scary thing is that EPS has fallen strongly over the last few years, and could fall further with falling insurance rates. I think that 50p of earnings is not unreasonable, and this sets a benchmark of about £5 for the value. However I don't believe that LRE is a screaming sell. LRE could bring in 55p, or even a little more, as a result of recent acquisition activity. This would suggest that the current share price is about right.I do find myself wondering how we gain from the distribution of capital. I'm not sure that anything has been achieved, in shareholder terms.
I just gave 3LEG a BUY rating: potential winner at this level.. Will I be right? [link]
Sell off!! Is it the crude price doing this?
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