Re: Lspoon1 you also like going back through post . go back in yell posts the last time the price was 92p .you will see i forcast the demise of yell . because young people could get the phone numbers they wanted much quicker on their mobile phones... everybody shot me down ... yell now ????? i have been torn apart because i cant spell or my gramer is bad >>>>> but i wasnt in yell !!!!!!!. simple lodgic is SOMETIMES the best but in 6months we will im sure see who is right .... i might add shoty and delta delter papa have if you check back which you like to do, will see have over the last 7 years not been far of the mark .. all the best fish
It's a crappy day for all the goldies on the TSX. Most are down between 5-10%.
Re: Director Buys hi percentagegain, I've been impressed with Barnett this year, Edinburgh has done very nicely. I noticed your comment about keystone. To me it looks more or less the same as Edin, give or take 10% invested overseas. Have the two funds tended towards the same holdings in the past?
Re: Lspoon1 no bounce by the way was quoted in point ( 1 )
Nice Candlestick chart Come back and say that this time tomorrow. Think you'll sharp change your mind about the nice chart before 100 am in the morning . Those pulling the strings here will make sure this goes in the direction they want it to for now.
i feel when solo oil get back on their feet properly, they should start buying back some shares, making the ones we own more valuable
Re: Lspoon1 OVER ANALYSING ?????? maybe !!!!!!!!!! most investers go with the flow { trend is your friend } always holds good if you check the %%%% but hey how you could be right ..... and very good posts i might add..... lets talk in say 6 months ok with you ???????????
Re: Lspoon1 massive volume i might add !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Ukraine a 'weak' trading bounce due(xmas)..use as opp to get back in late 2016..
Re: Lspoon1 all the EXPERTS eeerrrmmmrm seem to dissagree with you Lspoon 1 ???????????
Re: Lspoon1 eeerrrrrrrrrmmmmmm that non bounce ??????????????? 20% claw back ... would you agree lspoon 1 ????????????????
Re: £130M. new sector funding "We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful."[link]
Re: £130M. new sector funding "... in the short term, the stock market behaves like a voting machine, but in the long term it acts like a weighing machine (i.e. its true value will in the long run be reflected in its stock price)." [link]
MHCP Milestones I enquired about te progress on the MHCP for the UK and have been informed of this schedule. I have an old boiler (30 years plus) which has proved very reliable but I recognise that it needs updating at some stage. I do feel more positive about the CFU MHCP becoming a commercial reality now that I have seen the schedule. As for the CFU share price - please don't wind me up.These are the deliverables and milestones for the project and their status (Sorry, it is in a table but the copy and paste does not accept it in that way). Looks encouraging, don't you think? Work Package Lead Deliverable / Milestone Status 1 E.ON New Build & Technology EU Market Analysis & Outline Integrated Fuel Cell Specification Complete 2 Ideal Boilers Thermal Testing Facility for Prototype Systems Complete 3 E.ON New Build & Technology 40 BlueGen Pathfinder Systems field trial Underway 4 Ideal Boilers Integrated Fuel Cell System Specification Complete 5 Ceramic Fuel Cells Reduced Component Count and Cost Life Cycle Analysis Achieved Complete 6 Ideal Boilers Design and Build of integrated Fuel Cell System for Field Trial Complete 7 Ideal Boilers Codes for Certification Complete 8 E.ON New Build & Technology Training and re-skilling installers Complete 9 E.ON New Build & Technology Integrated Fuel Cell System Field Trial Underway 10 E.ON New Build & Technology Work Package Reporting Underway 11 E.ON New Build & Technology Dissemination, promotion, exhibitions and benefit analysis Underway
£130M. new sector funding Our Prime Minister has just announced £130M. of additional funding for GOS's sector: "Lee Rigby murder: MI5 did not see Adebowale social media page saying 'Let's kill a soldier' Joe Murphy, Political Editor Nicholas Cecil Published: 25 November 2014 Updated: 08:37, 26 November 2014 ... The Prime Minister reviewed areas of the report including dealing with foreign fighters, tackling internet use by terror suspects and boosting the ability of security services to investigate them. He announced the government would make an extra £130 million available to security services to monitor and disrupt so-called self-starter terrorists. ..."[link] Well done to the Government for committing such large additional resources to homeland security. In this era of government cutbacks, it highlights just how essential this work is. Other countries are also likely to increase their provision. And I would fully expect GOS Systems to be a major beneficiary. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. GOS's revenues are almost certain to soar in my opinion, and major new contract wins may be expected in the short-term, especially as GOS is now listed. GOS's track record of trust and reliability, allied to their impressive technology (13 families of patents), means that security agencies may have few, if any, other companies to turn for their work. The market hasn't yet picked up upon this quite explosive opportunity with TGL, but it will in due course, and the share price should explode upwards accordingly. Fair value must surely be upwards of a penny plus even before further developments. Anything less just looks so ludicrously undervalued. For GOS Systems alone, now it's debt-free, listed, and with cash backing, how can you possibly justify a valuation of less than two times revenues, minimum?
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