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MIRL Andy234 27 Nov 2014

Maxoscar, you are a joke.

GAL Tatty 27 Nov 2014

Re: Third quarter results out cash position well below current payables implies insolvency if no additional working capital can be raised. If no planning consent is forthcoming - curtains.

TGL Hedgehog100 27 Nov 2014

GOS administrator document A very useful post from ADVFN yesterday:godolphin 26 Nov'14 - 11:49 - 2595 of 2650 2 0"There's a "statement of administrators proposals" at companies house for Gos. Quite a lot in it. The business was valued and it seems they had two offers, one from an employee. The failed IPO costs are unimaginable (£1.8m)! lol.Only costs a quid."[link] work there by Godolphin.GOS Systems had to pay £400K. to the broker for their aborted 2013 IPO, but there must have been other costs as well.Then in 2014 they tried to come back again, but were scuppered again in bad market conditions, not helped by the level of the accumulated debt.Total debt must have been well over £2M. I would think, and possibly as high as £3M., with some probably stemming from prior acquisitions and investment.That's a relative mountain for a company that size, and would have become increasingly difficult to service and refinance as the debt grew.So it's no surprise that GOS went into administration, and that was no reflection upon the quality of its business.But the good news is that with all that debt now stripped away by the administration, and the company instead benefiting from TGL's cash and public listing, GOS is now an ENTIRELY different prospect: the situation is a different as chalk and cheese.And not just financially: because management and staff time and stress in dealing with all that debt, and trying to float, is now removed, so GOS's people can concentrate on what they do best: which is growing the company.We probably know more about GOS's current financial situation at the moment than with most listed companies: because we know that as at 4th. November it was entirely debt-free, and also has the £500K. of cash provided by TGL for GOS.And that GOS has recently been profitable but for its debt and increased investment ... debt which has now gone.In summary, TGL is cash-rich, it's new acquisition GOS Systems is profitable, and the acquisition RNS makes it very clear that finances are great.The administration has been no impact upon GOS's clients, and the period of administration was negligible.GOS's customers will actually feel more confident about it now, because of it now being publicly listed, and being on a much firmer financial footing.

PLND Einstein the Second 27 Nov 2014

Re: Interims are out And very sol

FDL Lspoon1 27 Nov 2014

Re: Lspoon1 Hi FishEverybody is entitled to their opinion and some will be right and some will inevitably be wrong.I fully accept mine may be wrong which is why I always explain the thinking behind my view. If someone wants to explain how Kleeneze can pull itself around or why it is okay to see the Education business go backward I am open to being persuaded.What frustrates me is when a post talks about prices 50% above the current level with no substance behind it.Let's revisit in 6 months as you suggest

FUL Willow67 27 Nov 2014

30% I am +30% in 3 weeks. I thought about adding today but decided to hold off. Will add if they get back down to 10p.

ARMS LK Hyman 27 Nov 2014

Re: could see a rise if they sort out financ... One4,"waiting for NR to deliver some news"Asked to deliver some news, NR had only one word to say ... a la Darling in Blackadder Goes Forth:"B*gger!"LKH on the flybridge it has been crystal clear for God knows how long that this is a munter

INTQ Golden Raider 27 Nov 2014

Spotify article Interesting article re Spotify in the FT including valiation metrics[link]

THT eltelex 27 Nov 2014

Yes-agree. Good festive share Trend analysis shows break out. Expecting good 4 weeks ahead.

MWA Hodgefund 27 Nov 2014

MMs For those who have first-hand knowledge of MMs and how they operate, especially in relation to AIM shares such as MWA, could you please enlighten the rest of us. There are so many conflicting opinions it's hard to know who to believe what is their full impact. For example, to what degree are they responsible for dragging MWA from 3.8p to 1.8p since August and how can one tell? How much of this is down to 'real' selling and how much is it because of MMs?HF

RGM OmarInvestor 27 Nov 2014

Re: Financials Out.. Agree.AB also said in his Chairman's statement that he expected that the oil that the drilling at HH had found would prove to be in commercial quantities. He has sat on the fence on that one up to now.Omar

BQE sage in the hills 27 Nov 2014

Impacting on sp today .... 7.77 % up developments, rather than business sales etc ?SAGE

AGM sage in the hills 27 Nov 2014

Re: Too ..... something .... Thanks Andy, nice one .... will read and research links later this evening.SAGE

TPET wikkid22 27 Nov 2014

Re: Won bid Answer this if you can eARTHLy. Why do you do EXACTLY what you abuse others for doing on other boards on here? Everyone who ever posted ANYTHING negative on PMG board is 'obviously a shorter up to no good, it's sooooo obvious' yet look at what you post here.You started posting abuse remember but you don't like getting it back. You made up lies and don't like to be reminded of the fact.You may think you've got some people BEAT but you won't BEAT me I'm afraid.

MGNS Rhigos 27 Nov 2014

Re: Reason for sharp SP rise? GPedro,I bought them as they were one of about ten companies that a ShareScope data mining filter written by a professional investor (Alpesh Patel) threw up in Jul 2014. In Apr 2014 the filter came up with top one of 8 that was GVC Holding. Up about 20% on what I bought at and has a yield of over 7%. This gave me some faith in filter however I have lost faith in Alpesh's filter, the criteria of which cannot be viewed. I have done my own filter which threw up 10 companies including HLMA and HWDN the two of which I have bought.