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FDL shorty3 27 Nov 2014

Re: Lspoon1 fishxx, deltadon't bother with a response -You should just place Large Spoon on ignore - as I did - it is plain for all to see that he obviously has an agenda and any credibility he may have had a year or so ago was shot to pieces after his post 04/11/2014 - end of.PS "I am big enough to accept that I made a mistake in a previous email about the timing of my first post. It was a hasty response to a typical cheap Shorty email. I should have been more considered."Lspoon1 - a hasty response - your post of 04/11/2014 was in a hasty response to my post of 30/10/2014 - 5 days later - I would hardly call that a hasty response - it beggars belief how long a slow considered response would take you.GLAG holdersShorty

EDG forwardloop 27 Nov 2014

info [link] City broker repeated a 'buy' recommendation, but reduced the target price to 16p from 19p - current price: 6.2p.

AMI Rock on warringah 27 Nov 2014

Re: hunch is SL govt... Show me the last IO company suspended this long that came back with the equity being worth anything.Not going to happen I'm afraid.

FITB 3Dimensional 27 Nov 2014

Naughty Market Makers nmSee yall next week in the mid single digits.3D (dont let me down now Mr MM)

BSD forwardloop 27 Nov 2014

Management statement The Company notes: in light of a significant decrease in the market value ofthe shares of WFI since the date of the Company's investment therein (May2014), coupled with the current state of the Israeli food industry in general,may be considered to indicate an impairment of goodwill in relation to theCompany's investment in Willi-Food. As a result of these developments, theCompany appointed an independent appraiser to determine the value of theCompany's investment in Willi-Food on a discounted cash-flow basis as ofSeptember 30, 2014. On the basis of such appraiser's conclusion that therecoverable value of said investment significantly exceeds its carrying value,the Company does not believe there is a need to recognise an impairment lossin the financial accounts of the Company.Apple : The court has scheduled a hearing regarding BSD's and Apple's respectivemotions for judgements as a matter of law for 9 December, 2014.Microsoft : In October 2012, the Company filed a complaint for patent infringement againstMicrosoft Corporation ("Microsoft". The complaint asserts that Microsoft'sIIS Smooth Streaming system infringes BSD's U.S. patent No. 6,389,473 formedia streaming technology. Legal proceedings in these cases are ongoing.Jossef Schneorson, CEO, commented: "The Company's consolidated financialstatements as of 30 September 2014 demonstrate significant cash and cashequivalent resources and a total owners' equity to total assets ratio of 86%.These parameters are clear indicators of the Company's financial stability. Inlight of its actual results, the directors and management consider that theCompany's current share price does not duly reflect its performance and thereal value of its assets. We believe that the company will have positiveresults in the following years due to its solid investment in WFI and itsstrong cash and cash equivalent resources which enable it to continue itsstrategy of acquisitions and growth through active participation in themanagement of its subsidiaries."

LRE foolish learner 27 Nov 2014

Re: LRE value Figures on Digital Look give EPS 63.5 and dividend of 54.7 even at £6 thats a 9% which if right i would happily sett

HWDN white_van_man 27 Nov 2014

Re: One to buy from data mining Hi Rhigos,First of all, hope your 485p was a typo mistake!Being a builder when I wanted windows or doors most merchants held only a very limitedRange in stock, I would have to order and wait 10,20, even 30 days depending on the productI wanted and demand at the time. Other direct selling joinery companies had disappeared in theearly 90's recession, then along came Howden's with an extensive stock range where I could just roll up and get what I wanted when I wanted it, at good prices too. The staff were very enthusiastic and helpful, which is not always the case with builders merchants, and as I used them more I noticed they were getting more busier and I always asked the staff how things were going and always got a good response.So I initially took the plunge at 60p, adding more at 110 and 120.I bought some for the wife on the dip a few months ago (her money) at 314 as I thought they were oversold.I do not tend to use them much nowadays, they ceased doing windows some years ago and IThink mainly they concentrate on kitchens which I do not do very often. I am not altogetherHappy with the quality of their doors nowadays but when I do go in they are always busyAnd most people in the trade use them.I am happy holding at the moment, but the time will come when they will turn down, A competitor, over expansion, construction downturn, whatever. 450p would start me thinkingAbout selling, I think its achievable in the next 6 months or so.Anyway, they have served me well, and I hope they do the same for you.WVM (above explains the name).

AEY moneyman59 27 Nov 2014

HARD FACTS At current cash burn rates Antrims £10m will disappear in expensive offices and fat salaries and there will be nothing left in 2016 to drill Skellig. Do the maths, Sound will be 50p in 12-18 months if not taken over by ENI first, for a similar price.DYORMM

RGM dwiggy 27 Nov 2014

Re: Financials Out.. We have a very good management team here also (not to mention the revenue they themselves generate on the side), today's equity raise was practically at current price which means no dilution and always good to pay off debt. I like the communication also here, see below for those that may not have read there recent newsletter on HH (I particularly like there cheeky sell in Alba for a tidy profit). This is definitely going to be a well informed, eventful share to be in...The Kimmeridge clay formation is the main source rock for the petroleum of the North Sea and is globally important. To find these thick sequences hydrocarbon-bearing, with hydrocarbons and gas present in the Kimmeridge limestone sections, and a measured Total Organic Carbon content (TOC) of over 5%, is quite positive. It is far too early to arrive at conclusions about the total economic benefit that can be derived from Horse Hill. The market perhaps expected something more like the scenes depicted with Daniel Day Lewis in ‘There Will Be Blood’, but equally, expectations may have been too high. This remains a successful well, with a.) a discovery and b.) quite unexpected additional potential in the thickest sequence of rocks that continues to be analysed and from which quick results may not be expected. We sold part of our holding in Alba Mineral Resources for over £160k recently at an extremely favourable price influenced by speculation on Horse Hill drilling, and may therefore say that our cost of participation has been significantly reduced. The Horse Hill well had good risk/reward characteristics, that means that even a partial success can turn out to be a good one. Our exploration activities planned for West have a different profile, with potentially lower maximum potential from the initial drilling, but also with lower risk, and where the build-up will occur over time based on success at each stage. We will continue to focus any efforts in this sector on on-shore low-cost production, since we share the general view that oil prices may remain weak, or become weaker. Onshore production tends to be so cheap that it is practically unaffected by this until you get into some of the unconventional production techniques such as fracking at depth.see full newsletter here: [link]

MTV SugaToyBoyDaddy 27 Nov 2014

Re: My Prediction It sure would be nice to see this take off soon,its been a long time coming.I have also been collecting these on my LSE shares game over the passed couple of years.and now have 5.5 trillion shares.if only it were real

BQE biguglybear 27 Nov 2014

Re: Impacting on sp today .... 7.77 % up Yes, Harwood Capital have bought an extra 950,000 shares taking their stake to just short of the critical 30% level beyond which I think they would have to make a bid. Clearly they have some sort of agenda and the rest of us should 'follow the money'.

MIRL Andy234 27 Nov 2014

Maxoscar, you are a joke.

GAL Tatty 27 Nov 2014

Re: Third quarter results out cash position well below current payables implies insolvency if no additional working capital can be raised. If no planning consent is forthcoming - curtains.

TGL Hedgehog100 27 Nov 2014

GOS administrator document A very useful post from ADVFN yesterday:godolphin 26 Nov'14 - 11:49 - 2595 of 2650 2 0"There's a "statement of administrators proposals" at companies house for Gos. Quite a lot in it. The business was valued and it seems they had two offers, one from an employee. The failed IPO costs are unimaginable (£1.8m)! lol.Only costs a quid."[link] work there by Godolphin.GOS Systems had to pay £400K. to the broker for their aborted 2013 IPO, but there must have been other costs as well.Then in 2014 they tried to come back again, but were scuppered again in bad market conditions, not helped by the level of the accumulated debt.Total debt must have been well over £2M. I would think, and possibly as high as £3M., with some probably stemming from prior acquisitions and investment.That's a relative mountain for a company that size, and would have become increasingly difficult to service and refinance as the debt grew.So it's no surprise that GOS went into administration, and that was no reflection upon the quality of its business.But the good news is that with all that debt now stripped away by the administration, and the company instead benefiting from TGL's cash and public listing, GOS is now an ENTIRELY different prospect: the situation is a different as chalk and cheese.And not just financially: because management and staff time and stress in dealing with all that debt, and trying to float, is now removed, so GOS's people can concentrate on what they do best: which is growing the company.We probably know more about GOS's current financial situation at the moment than with most listed companies: because we know that as at 4th. November it was entirely debt-free, and also has the £500K. of cash provided by TGL for GOS.And that GOS has recently been profitable but for its debt and increased investment ... debt which has now gone.In summary, TGL is cash-rich, it's new acquisition GOS Systems is profitable, and the acquisition RNS makes it very clear that finances are great.The administration has been no impact upon GOS's clients, and the period of administration was negligible.GOS's customers will actually feel more confident about it now, because of it now being publicly listed, and being on a much firmer financial footing.

PLND Einstein the Second 27 Nov 2014

Re: Interims are out And very sol