Is there one main buyer today?
I just gave RRL a PANIC rating: uh oh pity those still left in here.. Will I be right? [link]
Re: 1p+ TODAY? Racing towards 1p+
Re: AGM Sorry but we have waited years for a big contract.Lost faith it will come in the next six months.
look at im
slow upwards move... on little volume...something positive to be announced???
BBY Bullish Technical Set Up....... BBY Balfour Beatty on verge of breaking into a gap and proceeding up to 220p in quick order. Rec stock and TO Target.[link]
New major VC investor. Hence the drop in share price over the last few days.
Don't be too hasty to buy just yett. Further to drop over December because they're not going back to work until January at the earliest. Wont drop below 6, but at below 6.25 buy,buy,buy!!!! GLA.
Counter terrorism service Accumuli's DDAM 'can address new counter-terror Bill'StockMarketWire | Fri, 28th November 2014 - 09:50 Accumuli, the independent specialist in IT security and risk management, says that its DDAM service can address the increased legal requirements announced as part of the updated counter-terrorism Bill.The aim of the Bill is to ensure that ISPs are able to provide, when requested, information to national security and law enforcement agencies' datasets that can be used to identify device usage against associated IP addresses. This requirement has the potential to place significant technical and financial challenges on organisations that need to comply. DDAM is a modular enterprise solution for the monitoring and recording of DNS, DHCP and IP Address association in a rapid and cost efficient way. It is the result of many years of development, designed for massive scale and is an already proven solution with successful deployments in many of the world's largest organisations. The technical challenges associated with the Bill are mostly around scale. The volumes of data generated on a daily basis within an ISP or Telco provider are massive. Potentially billions of devices are connecting and disconnecting with the providers constantly, and the IP addresses associated with these devices are dynamic, meaning they are constantly changing. This makes linking a device to an activity very difficult and the only way for law enforcement agencies to make this association is by searching through billions of records to make the connections. It is the collection and retention of these records that the Bill is looking to introduce, and which will prove a challenge for the providers. Accumuli says the financial impact of these measures can also be significant. Modern commercial tools that are designed to collect and store data typically charge by volume, so the costs of implementing a suitable system will require significant investment in either development time by the ISPs or a large investment in commercial licences. Director of product management Jon Inns said: "The announcement by the Home Secretary on Wednesday is not a surprise for us, or for the ISPs. Criminals and terrorists are making use of the internet for its speed of communication, its global reach and its ability to hide them in the noise. It was only a matter of time before the Government was going to start asking ISPs to play a more active role in dealing with the threat. "The challenge is how to minimise the impact this ruling will have on the ISPs. This will be a potentially expensive and complex requirement for them to fulfil so we have developed a solution that can deliver on the requirement with minimal overhead to address both of these concerns. DDAM is proven to be able to handle vast amounts of data, is quick to deploy and it's not going to break the bank."
Re: Some recovery lambrini girl: what evidence are you using for your call please?On some of my favourite indicators, Intermediate KST is still looking fine, and Short KST isn't giving any clear steer. Fast stochastic, RSI and CCI are a bit high, but they have been for some time. The price is close to the top of its Bollinger bands, but again, this has been for some time. What prompts your Sell warning now?
Re: AGM cash until June 2015? sounds positive - this means 5-6 months for 2-3 big contracts potentially...worst case scenario a 10-15% dilution next year, assuming no success in sales efforts...price is picking panic sales!
Share price defying gravity ? I am surprised that there have been no recent posts about the performance of WWH - not that I am unhappy !Any views from anyone on the sustainability of current price levels ?I also hold Biotech Growth but am wondering about switching some funds from WWH into International Biotechnology which still trades at a significant discount, approx -12%
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