Re: Why the rise? Also, Goldman Sachs have just added it to their conviction buy list with a target price of 645p.Probably just means they've got a big line to unload, mind.
Re: 28.11.14 CQCL RNS So, a CQCL RTO into TGL?Don't rule it out!!What about the 31st. October denial from TGL? -31/10/2014 17:41 UKREG Touchstone Gold Limited Directorate change and Placing"...The Company would like to clarify it has no intention of a transaction involving Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited for which company Arthur Gibson is Special Advisor to the Board. The Company continues to evaluate opportunities in a number of sectors including the applications of quantum computing technologies...."[link] think that was a time-limited reference: i.e. at that point they had no intention of such a transaction immediately.Other communications from TGL have been more equivocal regarding CQCL's intentions, indicating that CQCL needed to advance a bit more first, and then decide upon its route to market.Bearing in mind GOS's very unfortunate experience with the IPO route, then the RTO route for CQCL will surely make sense to Stanhill, especially with TGL available as such a natural home.And this would also help to explain why Ilyas Khan wanted to keep a bit of a lid on the TGL share price earlier this year, but has more recently bought 10.7 million TGL shares.I.e. TGL needs to be just the right size for an anticipated RTO.
28.11.14 CQCL RNS "RNS Number : 3277YCambridge Quantum Computing Ltd28 November 2014 ...Cambridge, 28 November 2014 - CQCL is pleased to confirm that Sir Nigel Broomfield KCMG has taken up the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors.Sir Nigel Broomfield commented: "The emergence of quantum computing as a reality in the coming years cannot be underestimated in terms of its impact on areas such as national security, secure communications, financial services and bio-technology. The contribution of new and innovative companies towards this important technology will be critical. I, and my colleagues at CQCL, think it is essential that British companies be at the forefront of these developments. I am therefore very pleased to take up this non-executive position at an important stage in the work of CQCL." ... "[link] that the first two quantum computing areas mentioned by Sir Nigel are national security and secure communications: i.e. two areas that are absolutely key to the work of TGL's new acquisition GOS Systems.It's also interesting that CQCL is using the London Stock Exchange's RNS system to make this announcement, even though it is unlisted ... though perhaps for not much longer."...RNS is both a regulatory and financial communications channel for companies to communicate with the professional investor...."[link] Systems remember was using RNS ahead of its planned floatation last year.From the GOS Systems intention to float RNS July 2013:"GOS has the following key strengths:· Strength and depth of management team ...· Differentiated high margin products and services· IPR and know-how GOS has 13 patent families across the Group ...· Existing commercial relationships built on trust ...· Significant growth market opportunity with high barriers to entry ... "[link] then there's the recent appointment of CQCL's Professor Arthur Gibson as a new TGL director.
surely a no brainer There making money....?Got the supplier set up now.. surely just a matter of time before coining it.why has it fallen so badly
Happy Days There off.... should be getting some gooood news sooon.Started taking orders now:[link]
very painful
I bough a few more so FTO will probably tank down.
miserable week for small oil companies.
From Citywire From Citywire (included in "dividend kings":"Investors price in Menzies cut, but it could still deliverInvestors are pricing a dividend cut by John Menzies (MNZS), but analyst William Shirley thinks the airport services and newspaper distributors payout is sustainable.With the shares down 52.4% this year, John Menzies is yielding a high but risky 8%.The market is pricing in a cut: price/earnings of 7x and dividend yield of 8.4%, although [there are] no analysts yet forecasting a cut, said Shirley.The new chief executive may use a strategic review in February to signal a transition our view is that the dividend is sustainable barring a further deterioration in trading.Shirley has a buy recommendation on the stock, with a 600p target price. The shares were trading at 335p yesterday."
Re: Telegraph- Questor Looks like that advice was very poor then.
Celtic, at ut again trying to falsify the facts...US imports is less than 2.5% ....Think it is time for Celtic to have his account permanently suspended for trying to mislead the unsuspecting PI's or newbies. Best Doji
Re: shareholders Thu 13:59Re: shareholders woodcroft53 Thu 11:22shareholders Vincentinvestor1 Adler at 45% - Latvia P Bank at 19% - Sberbank at 7.5% - JP morgan 5% - Petraco 3.5% - Management 5.5% - BNP paribas 2.5% Private investors have been flushed out of this share with less than 13% holding take off balance sheets out of this game ( solve Roveikno ) and this will be delisted ...............................Complete nonsense! The majors are investors also and want a good return for their funds. They do NOT run E&P companies they INVEST in them!The drop in crude prices has little or no effect on the share prices of E&P companies check them if you want proof. How many have crashed solely as a result of low oil prices?Crude has always been volatile it is the nature of the oil market. Multinational oil companies stop production as soon as it starts to cost more to extract the crude than they can sell it for and that is when the tiddlers who have been beavering away exploring etc., come in to their own as the price shoots back up over $100. It has always been the case and it will remain so in the future.
Re: Google Play Still showing between only 5000-10000 installs on google play[link]
Re: NEW ARTICLE: The Insider: City deals... I'd be tempted to top slice at around 600 and maybe sell at 700 but am happy to collect the 5% yield for as long as it takes to get there. This is a boring non glamorous company but I see it as a play on the growth of online shopping and with Christmas next hopefully we'll see some more upside into the new year.
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