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TCM II Editor 01 Dec 2014

NEW ARTICLE: Upgrade for Solid State may not be the last "LSE:SOLI:Solid State's share price is 20 times higher than it was five years ago. A knack for well-timed acquisitions and highly geared to economic recovery, the maker of hardwearing computers and electronic kit shows few signs of slowing down. ..."[link]

GDL toofoo 01 Dec 2014

On the plus side, way over mid !

MSMN Bazil_Brush 01 Dec 2014

Re: MSMN AGM fun and games Hi M33, Only just read your comments on here.. been laid up in the orthopedics ward since Thursday last.The reason for abstention on this topic I suspect is that investors are only checking the daily prices and not what is happening behind the scenes. This now appears to be the trend. "Chasing the quick buck" and not taking notice of what is occurring between races and retraces. Bit more reading required by me too I think.... Keep up the good work M.. (Hows Jan? not seen her posting for a wee whily now.B_B

STOB oldjoe1 01 Dec 2014

STOB, Chart breakout From Base..... STOB Stobart Group ...recovery stock managed to get debt right down, Oil price will certainly help profits going FWD ...... bought a modest amount this morning. [link]

TPL pudster60 01 Dec 2014

New board So has anything changed or do we have some new people who are going to give themselves some tasty share options but say cut costs, we shall see.We all know how big this share could be but if the Kazakh gov do not want us to progress for some self interest by just sitting on this deal and the gas negotiations what can we do.Maybe someone knows its good to put the squeeze on us what with our Tajik assets and all.

PRV Hardboy 01 Dec 2014

Re: Update "The major contract may distort comparisons in the near term and we need some "base case" figures in order to make a sensible valuation"I am sure we will get this at the results stage. They have done so on previous announcements. At the 9 month stage underlying (i.e. excluding special projects) sales were up 9%. Bear in mind the special projects may be one offs, but they are using resources which, when the projects have finished, will be spare capacity to grow the underlying figures too. This is just a quick snap shot 7 hours after the period end. They can give accurate turn over figures, but profit figures take a bit more working out.

FITB roepy 01 Dec 2014

Re: Google Play Fitbit showing 1-5M on Google Play and have 70% market share in US.Fitbug taking on Fitbit in marketing and branding dispute. Seems like its all too late to me. I am OUTShould have DMOR !

PTV CPH1 01 Dec 2014

no RNS????

BZT bhptuner 01 Dec 2014

chairman buys 500k shares about time as well .well theres obviously a closed period but hey this is the first director buy if im not mistaken,perhaps theres a sale in the pipeline?

FDL Lspoon1 01 Dec 2014

Re: Lspoon1 ShortyI had tried not to make any ‘assumptions’ about your trades. My post was based on what you had set out yourself. The only assumption I thought I made was about the value of your initial investment in Findel. You stated you were sat on a paper loss of £120,000 and I used the c80% fall in Findel to derive a £150,000 investment. If the figure was higher then it lowers your return even further, I thought I was being kind to you!!You go on to say:‘I normally always place a short / CFD to hedge my larger investments and therefore have some experience in shorting stocks.’What do you mean by this? Hedging is something you do to reduce future risk and for which you pay a premium at the time. As an example, if I want to fix my mortgage rate for 5 years I pay a higher rate but have protection in the event of something happening which makes interest rates rocket.What is the point in hedging a share investment? If you own 100,000 shares and short sell 50,000 it would be more cost effective to just sell 50,000 of the shares you own. How does your approach work?In terms of my short on Findel, I used two CFD and spread bet accounts. I don’t understand why you think £500 per point is ‘rather large’, the margin requirement was £24,000 in total. This is substantially less than the amount you must have invested in Findel to buy shares. Investing is my primary source of income so I have substantial funds on deposit with several SB / CFD providers and a trading history which makes them comfortable at that level.Please also remember that there has been strong buying support for FDL for quite a while now so a sell order for 50,000 shares does not generate massive interest.

SER Nunquam 01 Dec 2014

most expensive movie that I have ever watched.

SER Nunquam 01 Dec 2014

I have paid for my shares, I will watch the end of this horrid saga. i think there is a film to be made. I am not sure if it is a comedy or a horror story.

PRV tejo 01 Dec 2014

Update Excellent results but wish they did not have a defined benefit pension scheme. The sp got way, way ahead of itself which I think we all agreed on and it is now slowly recovering from the inevitable adjustment which took place. The major contract may distort comparisons in the near term and we need some "base case" figures in order to make a sensible valuation. Hard to see in excess of 300p in short term

BA gamesinvestor 01 Dec 2014

Cyber [link] new graduates in cyber division.Games

FDL Lspoon1 01 Dec 2014

Re: Lspoon1 DPPA couple of points on your post.First of all you refer to my ‘deception’. It do not understand why you believe I have deceived anyone.Please look at the timeline of my posts. I went short on Findel in June 2014. I did not make any posts between July 2013 and October 2014 and, in the very first post I made after I went short, I clearly showed my position with a ‘Sell’ recommendation. You own shares and your posts are generally positive. I am short and have been negative. If I am trying to deceive anyone then surely you must be as well? The point of a board like this is that there will be some who are positive and some who are negative. Both are trying to present their arguments and as long as each clearly states their position there is no deception.Finally, I do have a general principle that I do not short shares as my investment approach is to find shares which are undervalued. Sometimes though you find a share which you think is obviously too expensive and there is better value in it than anything else you are looking at.