RNS CIC CAPITAL!FUND!LTD("CIC Fund"!or!the!"Company"Formerly!CIC!Capital!Limited (Canada)CHANGE!OF!NAMECORPORATE!UPDATE!The$Company$has$recently$changed$its$name$from$CIC$Capital$Ltd$to$CIC$Capital$Fund$Limited$to$better$reflect$the$core investment$activity$of$the$Company.CIC$Fund was$previously$quoted$on$the$AIM$Market$of$the$London$Stock$Exchange$before$delisting on$2$May$2014.$$CIC$Fund$terminated$its$advisory$activities$and$contracts,$which$in$future$is undertaken$by$CIC$Capital$Limited$(Seychelles). CIC$Fund$is$not$listed$on$any$exchange$but$is$a$Canadian$Public$Issuer$(Public$Company).Board!of!ManagementCIC$Fund$is$seeking$ to$add new$Board$members$with$ strong$background$in$investment$banking$and$public$company$regulatory$experience.$ Following$the$establishment$of$new$Board$members,$CIC Fund will$seek$to$reMlist$on$a$prescribed$stock$exchange. CIC$Fund$will$announce$in$the$near$future$the$new$Board$members.CIC$ Fund$ directors Li$ Hongguang$ and$ Rob$ Rhodes$will$ retire$ from$ the$ Board$ effective$ 1st December$ 2014.$Both$Directors$are$Board$members$of$CIC$Capital$Ltd$(Seychelles)$$www.CICCapital.com.CIC!Fund!share!Distribution!updateShare$ Distribution$ Information$ Circular$ has$ been$ mailed$ out$ this$ past$ week$ to$ all$ shareholders$ byway$ of$Computershare$(Share$Registrar).$The$Circular$is$also$available$on$the$Company$web$site$under$Circulars.SHAREHOLDERS!ARE!ADVISED!THAT!THE!SHARE!DISTRIBUTIONS!ARE!OF!CONSIDERABLE VALUEAND MAY!HAVE!SIGNIFICANT!TAX!EXPOSURE TO!THE!SHAREHOLDER.Shareholders whom$wish$ to$receive$a detailed$ calculation$ of$ shares$ they$are$ to$ receive$ through$ the$share$distribution, please$email$David$Li$with your$share$total$and$average$price$paid:[email protected]$Capital Fund Ltd.Stuart$J.$Bromley$$CEOTel:[email protected]!Capital!Fund!Ltd. (Canada)$$$www.CICCapitalF
Re: Worrying decline in SP over spoke too soon !
Re: IMS today Hi Grey, I always read and value your posts on several boards (HSTN, BEZ, ET AL), I have FLG and am looking for an alternative replacement, another high divI payer.I have looked at CGL but must confess to being nervous due to the stock being listed in dollars, I have also looked at Chesnara and wondered if you have any thoughts regarding this stock.Regards.
I would be surprised if GO does not do anything for the oil producers. The ability of a major economy like the UK to withstand global economic shocks and therefore support the oil industry was one of the main arguments used against Scottish Independence. If he does nothing he sends a message to the Scottish people that all the assurances were pure bluff, so there should be some political pressure to step in and help.
Re: BBY Have Assets Bid For.... BRIEF Balfour Beatty to review John Laing Fund's proposal once received01 Dec 2014 - 122Dec 1 (Reuters) Balfour Beatty PlcResponse to jlif announcementNotes announcement by john laing infrastructure fund ltd ("jlif"
that it intends to make a non-binding proposal for balfour beatty's ppp portfolioWill review proposal once received from jlif. A further announcement will be made in due course, as appropriateSource text for Eikon: ... Further company coverage: BALF.L
Re: STOB, Chart breakout From Base..... IC this week.....This w/end's Chronic Investor says buy with a NAV of 126p and a good yield, although short term risk to the dividend.
NEW ARTICLE: Trakm8 surge may be just the start "LSE:TRAK:Trakm8's acquisition of BOX Telematics last year was a smart move. It helped the telematics and data provider consolidate its existing technical and software expertise with BOX's manufacturing operation. And these half-year results, the ..."[link]
Re: STOB, Chart breakout From Base..... Oil price crashing through floor will certainly help with significant savings. Let's hope momentum buying will take SP back to where it deserves to be by year end. Significant contracts being won right across the business from Biomass, Air, Rail infrastructure and Logistics all doing well. GLA
from the looks of macd and rsi we are at the bottom, just need abit of volume and it will start flying
Re: Possible reason ? Thank you for the explanation LS1.DDP
a sh*t company with an incompetent board who have nothing but contempt for their shareholders.....rest assured the BoD will be held responsible. Kibo will be the winners in the battle. The BoD should hang their heads in shame
...okay, I can live with that... ....all these guys are doing a great job in the most arduous of circumstances with everything possible being stacked against them to make life even tougher....As for all the 'boneheads' on here saying THE END ....ADMIN....ITS ALL OVER.....and I include you John Henry in this lot.....you were like the witches in Macbeth....shame on you.We are down....but not out yet...bravo to the Board and all the staff at Tonkolili and Pepel.
AGM statement Very positive AGM statement - happy to continue holding even given recent gainsFD
Re: Publication of Bond Prospectus I feel certain that "in country benefication" will have a dramatic effect on the share price!! Can't wait for more good news!
SUMI AGRO France SAS www.sumiagro.frThe notes at the end of the RNS are well worth studying. Exclusive Licence Agreement with SUMIAGRO France SAS for grape protection products Eden Research plc (AIM: EDEN), the AIM listed natural micro-encapsulation company, announces that it has signed an exclusive Licence Agreement with Sumi Agro France SAS ("Sumi Agro" to sell 3AEY, an Eden-developed plant protection product in France. In addition, Sumi Agro will have the right to trial, register, develop and sell certain other plant protection products for use in France using Eden's natural encapsulation technology, GO-E Inside. The Licence Agreement, which lasts for 20 years, covers the use of 3AEY in a number of agricultural applications and the initial targeted use will be on grapes for control of Botrytis, a fungus that affects many plants and is a major concern across Europe. This follows the news announced on 21 November 2014 that Eden signed an exclusive Licence Agreement with Sipcam Italia Spa and Sipcam Iberia to sell 3AEY in Italy and Spain, respectively. Under the terms of the agreement, Eden will receive an upfront payment followed by a number of milestone payments relating to the approval of the product by the EU, which is expected in spring 2015, and sales targets. Eden will also receive ongoing royalty payments based on product sales. Sean Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Eden, said: "France is a well-known grape growing country where the market for Botryticides is, historically, the largest in the world. Ensuring that we have the right partner which is able to fully exploit the opportunities for effective products such as 3AEY in this market is, therefore, critical. We strongly believe that SUMIAGRO France is that partner and expect that Eden will benefit greatly from the weight that their name and expertise carries in France. Beyond this agreement and 3AEY, we look forward to developing other product opportunities with Sumi Agro France as well as with affiliated Sumitomo Corporation companies. " Antoine Meyer, President of Sumi Agro, said: "We fully recognize that, with 3AEY, Eden's technology is clearly an innovative BioControl answer to vineyard growers looking to satisfy their workers' concerns and consumers' demand: 3AEY botryticide provides distributors and growers with a new tool adapted to modern and increasingly sustainable farming. This agreement expresses our Sumi Agro commitment to invest in modern crop protection solutions based on conventional as well as BioControl tools." Eden Research plc www.edenresearch.comSean Smith, Chief Executive OfficerTel: 01993 862 761Alex Abrey, Chief Financial OfficerW H Ireland Limited Tel: 0117 945 3471John Wakefield / Ed AllsoppWalbrook PR LtdTel: 020 7933 8780 or [email protected] McManusMob: 07980 541 893Lianne CawthorneMob: 07584 391 303 Notes: Eden is an early stage revenue company with intellectual property and expertise in encapsulation, terpenes and environmentally friendly technologies to provide naturally occurring solutions to the global agrochemicals industry, the animal health industry, and consumer products. Eden's encapsulation technology harnesses the biocidal efficacy of naturally occurring chemicals produced by plants (terpenes) and can also be used with both natural and synthetic hydrophobic compounds. The technology uses yeast cells that are a by-product of numerous commercial production processes to deliver a slow release of natural compounds for agricultural and non-agricultural uses. Terpenes are already widely used in the food flavouring, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Historically, terpenes have had limited commercial use in the agrochemical sector due to their volatility, phytotoxicity and poor solubility. Eden's platform encapsulation technology provides a unique, environmentally friendly solution to these problems and enables terpenes to be
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