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BBY Didledum 01 Dec 2014

JLIF BID The bid by JLIF for BBY's PFI holdings is obviously opportunistic and makes no sense to me as a BBY shareholder.. As far as I can see, current JLIF holdings are less than £1bn (mostly acquired from John Laing) and their shares stand at a substantial premium to their asset value..No doubt Leo Quinn will deal with this digression and give his attention to the important issues at BBY.

DOTD skytrainbkk 01 Dec 2014

Slater Investment increase holding nm good news

TRAP eagle51 01 Dec 2014

Athena Heard a whisper the repair rig's gone. Now await news the workover was successful.Will probably take a while to ramp up to full production but if everything's ok looks like we may soon be back to 11k bpd (1650 Trap) which even at $70pb should comfortably mean break-even or better. Keeping the cash pile intact is important - makes the company that much more attractive.Pity about the oil price at this critical time but T/O still looks a possibility to me. Glasses seem to be more than half empty in this sector and have been for a while now. Nothing lasts forever - people aren't going to stop using oil. As I read the situation the vast majority of trades aren't about oil per se - they're about the commodity as a means of trading. More big money driving prices down before closing?? WDIK?

CICC in-vester 01 Dec 2014

RNS Sorry about that.It did not copy well.

EDEN AttyG 01 Dec 2014

Re: SUMI AGRO France SAS No doubt you spotted what I hope is a typo"...Thanks to its closed relationship with ..."Pedant I know.I'll get my coat....

RRL Doji 01 Dec 2014

II's will have there own interest at heart, make no mistake about that. PI's be very careful and stand back and give the situation a few coats of looking at. Best Doji

CICC in-vester 01 Dec 2014

RNS CIC CAPITAL!FUND!LTD("CIC Fund"!or!the!"Company"Formerly!CIC!Capital!Limited (Canada)CHANGE!OF!NAMECORPORATE!UPDATE!The$Company$has$recently$changed$its$name$from$CIC$Capital$Ltd$to$CIC$Capital$Fund$Limited$to$better$reflect$the$core investment$activity$of$the$Company.CIC$Fund was$previously$quoted$on$the$AIM$Market$of$the$London$Stock$Exchange$before$delisting on$2$May$2014.$$CIC$Fund$terminated$its$advisory$activities$and$contracts,$which$in$future$is undertaken$by$CIC$Capital$Limited$(Seychelles). CIC$Fund$is$not$listed$on$any$exchange$but$is$a$Canadian$Public$Issuer$(Public$Company).Board!of!ManagementCIC$Fund$is$seeking$ to$add new$Board$members$with$ strong$background$in$investment$banking$and$public$company$regulatory$experience.$ Following$the$establishment$of$new$Board$members,$CIC Fund will$seek$to$reMlist$on$a$prescribed$stock$exchange. CIC$Fund$will$announce$in$the$near$future$the$new$Board$members.CIC$ Fund$ directors Li$ Hongguang$ and$ Rob$ Rhodes$will$ retire$ from$ the$ Board$ effective$ 1st December$ 2014.$Both$Directors$are$Board$members$of$CIC$Capital$Ltd$(Seychelles)$$!Fund!share!Distribution!updateShare$ Distribution$ Information$ Circular$ has$ been$ mailed$ out$ this$ past$ week$ to$ all$ shareholders$ byway$ of$Computershare$(Share$Registrar).$The$Circular$is$also$available$on$the$Company$web$site$under$“Circulars”.SHAREHOLDERS!ARE!ADVISED!THAT!THE!SHARE!DISTRIBUTIONS!ARE!OF!CONSIDERABLE VALUEAND MAY!HAVE!SIGNIFICANT!TAX!EXPOSURE TO!THE!SHAREHOLDER.Shareholders whom$wish$ to$receive$a detailed$ calculation$ of$ shares$ they$are$ to$ receive$ through$ the$share$distribution, please$email$David$Li$with your$share$total$and$average$price$paid:[email protected]$Capital Fund Ltd.Stuart$J.$Bromley$$CEOTel:[email protected]!Capital!Fund!Ltd. (Canada)$$$www.CICCapitalF

SPL Twistednik 01 Dec 2014

Re: Worrying decline in SP over spoke too soon !

CGL km1 01 Dec 2014

Re: IMS today Hi Grey, I always read and value your posts on several boards (HSTN, BEZ, ET AL), I have FLG and am looking for an alternative replacement, another high divI payer.I have looked at CGL but must confess to being nervous due to the stock being listed in dollars, I have also looked at Chesnara and wondered if you have any thoughts regarding this stock.Regards.

HUR Maxkolb 01 Dec 2014

I would be surprised if GO does not do anything for the oil producers. The ability of a major economy like the UK to withstand global economic shocks and therefore support the oil industry was one of the main arguments used against Scottish Independence. If he does nothing he sends a message to the Scottish people that all the assurances were pure bluff, so there should be some political pressure to step in and help.

BBY oldjoe1 01 Dec 2014

Re: BBY Have Assets Bid For.... BRIEF – Balfour Beatty to review John Laing Fund's proposal once received01 Dec 2014 - 122Dec 1 (Reuters) – Balfour Beatty PlcResponse to jlif announcementNotes announcement by john laing infrastructure fund ltd ("jlif" that it intends to make a non-binding proposal for balfour beatty's ppp portfolioWill review proposal once received from jlif. A further announcement will be made in due course, as appropriateSource text for Eikon: ... Further company coverage: BALF.L

STOB oldjoe1 01 Dec 2014

Re: STOB, Chart breakout From Base..... IC this week.....This w/end's Chronic Investor says buy with a NAV of 126p and a good yield, although short term risk to the dividend.

TRAK II Editor 01 Dec 2014

NEW ARTICLE: Trakm8 surge may be just the start "LSE:TRAK:Trakm8's acquisition of BOX Telematics last year was a smart move. It helped the telematics and data provider consolidate its existing technical and software expertise with BOX's manufacturing operation. And these half-year results, the ..."[link]

STOB InvestorBot 01 Dec 2014

Re: STOB, Chart breakout From Base..... Oil price crashing through floor will certainly help with significant savings. Let's hope momentum buying will take SP back to where it deserves to be by year end. Significant contracts being won right across the business from Biomass, Air, Rail infrastructure and Logistics all doing well. GLA

RGM dotlink 01 Dec 2014

from the looks of macd and rsi we are at the bottom, just need abit of volume and it will start flying