Re: IN FOR A PENNY IN FOR A POUND!! I hate to say it but fools are easily parted with their money. Large numbers does not mean big money! I would suggest that you invest your money in buying a very large wheelbarrow to take your pre-dilution shares down to the bonfire!Bantam..sad but not much chance of coming back from this! 2015 I'll be using this as a loss against my CGT!
Intel buys PasswordBox I wonder if there could be a bid for GB Group soon? They are working with the likes of Microsoft so there could be a potential bid there?Purley speculative, otherwise GBG looks fully valued.
Re: PT 7p Well, we're watching 3D and I must say, you're not often right - but you're wrong this time....
Can't continue There is clearly some punchy buying going on as the shares continue their near vertical ascent (I now have a paper profit of 70% in a couple of months). This can't continue and the shares are now on a 45-55 PER for this year. Clearly the sector is very much in vogue and investors are chasing all casual dining operators higher.
Results out Great set of results with profits and NAV up and dividend payments reinstated.
Re: IN FOR A PENNY IN FOR A POUND!! If you have HSD geordiemids, then I'm certifiable then with a few others at £10k
Results These results demonstrate that ITE has a risky year ahead. Cash reserves depleted, any new acquisitions in the forthcoming year will need to be funded by the market, thus a possible rights or dilution of the share price. Dividend cover weakened and with little guidance to how they might wish to diversify away from Eastern European markets. But EPS and profit has been upheld, but as I said - I doubt this'll be the case in next year's results. As this will be heavily reliant on revenues with little protection from volatility. As which as we can see, fell heavily. Despite it's low PE and price, far too risky for me to invest in!
Re: New board I know what you are saying but I am just a bit weary with a change to the board and new people come to the trough.Lets hope the Kazakh gov will let us move forward soon and they have to be care full as companies will not want to invest because of beaurocracy or corruption butwe are a small company and do not have the clout of cnooc for instance.
Re: Why the rise? EG,And I like any business where the directors have a lot of skin in the game, as they do here, albeit not as much as in another of my top of the pops, Renishaw (RSW), where I have a bigger chunk of my shrunken wad invested than I do with Abcam.I'd like to see Abcam move to the main market ... I don't trust AIM companies as a general rule. The mere existence of a company on the AIM register is usually enough for me to put my cheque book back in its unborn baby crocodile skin wallet. Abcam is the one exception in my tiny portfolio.LKH on the flybridge
Interims I ploughed through the original release, then see a replacement has been issued. I do not see on the replacement an explanation of what has changed. This is exceptionally poor. To make a mistake in the official release is bad enough, to correct it without explaining the change is compounding things.The results are poor - we knew they were going to be, but partly that is because previous results had been over stated. However they are still profitable, have a good geographic spread, and a good order book. They also seem to have a management team intent on increasing shareholder returns ethically. There can still be a good turn round story here and a good, profitable future.
negative enterprise value Market cap (£m) 100£mNet cash (£m) 187£mNegative Enterprise value 87£m
Sale process complete and MAX no longer under offer. Maybe we can see some money being thrown at exploration now...
OPHR offer just posted this on the OPHR BoardThe recommended offer placed a notional value on SMDR of £314mYesterday the shares were trading at 138p effectively valuing the deal at market capitalisation of £205m.SMDR sold in the past 40% Stake in Greater Bualuang Area, SONA wouldl pay a consideration of US$280 million in cash plus working capital adjustments based on the effective date of 1 January 2014.T/O would include a cancellation of that deal but rougly OPHR would be able to acquire SMDR on the very very very cheap ( just at cost of a 40% Stake in Greater Bualuang Area )Low SP hurts OPHR for the moment but closing of this SMDR deal at current conditions will be considered in the years to come as the best acquisition ever!IMO ( btw long on OPHR at 145p no short/long intrest SMDR )
Re: Why the rise? I agree with Moonowl.Patience pays when looking at a pale grey box with scrolling news.We are informed the catalogue has 137,038 reagents and antibodies and also sales are over 140,000 items shipped.I am not sure what shipped means - maybe just stocking the shelves of the new warehouse in China !However I have confidence in Abcam who have shown great determination in achieving long term growth.This is an exiting business on the frontiers of biological science and not a boring mature enterprise as iii previously suggested. I personally like any business where management usually under promises and over delivers.
start of december and ebola deaths is still rising and not under control
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