Re: Todays RNS - Highlights . . . this is being set up for a T/O or I am a one legged Dutchman called Ernest
Re: Sanctions to hit JKX? / Lambrinigirl Lambrinigirl - Of all the many guesses you make (all over the place), you are bound to get one or two right. But also here at JXK your guess of 'down to 26p', which looked pretty near the mark,has proved to be wrong, as the price has gone down to 16p! So even the rare ones you appear to get right you get wrong. Need to be a woman to be able to do that.Love,ws
Re: Today's drop ???? is it just adjusting following Daily Mail MIDUS hype....k9
Divis and growth Being retired, I've got 12000 FLG shares for the divi. These were bought for £36615.39 and I am currently sitting on a profit of £9000 which I don't need to crystallise, and together with divis of £2500 this has proven to be a nice little earner.If I accept the Aviva shares I get 8880. These will have effectively cost me £36615.39. If I wish to make my £9000 profit Aviva shares need to be at 514 before I sell them. However, the new interim 24.1p divi announced yesterday gives me £2892 but I would have got £1690 from FLG anyway. If I continue to hold the 8880 Aviva shares, I get an annual divi (using last 2 divi payout figures: 15p) of £1332. So to match current FLG divis this needs to increase to around 30p or to put it another way, the £2892 is an extra £1200 which gives me the £2500 for next year plus any increase in the Aviva divi. But after that Aviva divis have got to grow some to match FLG.So, assuming my calculations are about right, in the short term it doesn't matter if I hold or sell unless I move the money to another high divi payer (GLIF, CLIG, JIL .. even GSK) or I need the cash. On balance it looks to me as though long term, Aviva will grow as will the divis. However, for those looking for better income (never guaranteed of course), my guess is that it would be better to sell and reinvest elsewhere.Any sound, sensible comments, thoughts would be welcome.As always DYOR and GLA.
Re: Nice Candlestick chart swooped sure you have that chart the right way up. Only joking in a light hearted way mate. Only it's no joke is it. Fortunately I got out a good while ago. But this is getting the R's shorted out of it, and seriously, I believe this will be in the 20's before the year end.Those responsible don't give a toss for the small PI's. They are also pounding the she it out of Lek, Afr, Hur, and a few others, of that there is no doubt, and possibly the same mob working the lot. These guys know where the quality is and know the stocks where the small Pi's are heavily into and won't give up on, so they know on these stocks they can use and abuse the greedy and the weak. They are also using a SOPHISTICATED computer program to carry this out, and without doubt some inside information as well. They are working it both ways ( down and up ) so it's a win, win situation for them. As the program tells them exactly what to do at every stage of the game. Sad mate but unless we can stamp shorting out for good, nothing we can do. Possibly also a lot of underhand illegal moves involved as well, but it's proving it.
Re: Dividend I'm with iii - have been for years.I had three dividend payments due on Friday:Games Workshop - Credited @ 15:11 on FridayStandard Life Income Property - Credited @ 17:51 on FridayBAE Systems - still waitingMy experience is that most dividends come the day they are due - with a significant percentage a day late. Two days late is unusual.Cheers,
Long Time Has anyone been here as long as I have? Bought in March 2009 at £6.25 before the 5 for 1 split so equivalent to £1.25.
Peel Hunt is selling Peel at bid at 3.5 , behind them it's no man's land, expect them to go on the sell side soon, bringing sp down towards 3p levels imo
Under a penny within the month? Then watch the buying start AIMHO
Re: NEW ARTICLE: Smooth sailing at Clarkson This news seems fine in August, however here we are in December and the SP has dropped a fair bit. Is this due to the overall market sentiment at present or is there something fundamental that has changed in Clarksons outlook?
Re: oil gold and the dollar Your final comment about the AIM market is so true. One of my other holdings GBGR is moving up to the main market in a couple of weeks time in the hope of being taken more seriously. It will be interesting to see how this affects their share price. It would perhaps help credibility if MWA were to do the same.
Re: Benefication Vincent, the word "benefication" does not appear in the English dictionary. It is created by the writer to both impress and confuse! You have fallen into their trap!
Gold up, Shanta down Standard!....
Re: Dividend Received mine yesterday, within the employee scheme.
Re: Sale of Holdings Whoops,double posted ! Someone rang just as I was pressing send ! Wasn't sure if it had gone through.Moonsurfer.
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