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SEC percentagegain 03 Dec 2014

Re: Going like a rocket jsan22 - i put SEC on my watchlist almost a year ago and then sat back and watched it outperform every other fund in the UK Smaller Companies universe! I finally took the plunge and bought some for my SIPP yesterday. Perhaps I am too late to the party, but like you I am hugely impressed by the fund's track record.The narrowing of the discount is certainly a downer and it has obviously flattered share price performance over the past few months. But fund selection is all about finding the consistent long term outperformers. Past performance is no guide to the future - but few (if any) Smaller Company funds have consistently got it more right over the past 5 years.

BOR Blue Horseshoe loves chip fat 03 Dec 2014

Re: Hello Looks like a fantastic call to me clarky!8.3p close on the day to 6.25p bid (6.5p mid) as I type today!Very well called imoKR

OPM izzy bear 03 Dec 2014

Trading Statement There must be one due soon, last year they released one on 12th Dec, so I would expect one around the same time.

BOR rpoodle 03 Dec 2014

Re: Stressed Aye, they look in trouble. I took a risk and bought in at 8.5p and 7.5p, but not buying any more now. I spoke to the company's PR team a month or two back, and they indicated that Borders could yet still access the Eirik Raude even AFTER mobilisation, but they weren't 100% on it (and said it would probably be at a higher rate--though I doubt that a bit myself given the subsequent sharp drop in oil prices).Very risky bet this one (though no where near as risky as Argos I'd say, who, by my calculation, will be completely out of cash by end-2015). At least Borders has enough cash to keep going for years, decent acreage and a sizeable condensates find. But they're dead in the water without that farm-out (and so is the share price...)

SHG Rogen83 03 Dec 2014

Re: Gold up, Shanta down except the financial tax year ends in March

SPR Gold or Silver 03 Dec 2014

Interesting indeed It`s ben quite a wait , action at long last.Good luck all & Sundry

GWP tejassi 03 Dec 2014

[link] Just keeping an eye on GWPH

SPH Eggbaconandbubble 03 Dec 2014

Re: Old but important news in this context..... When did that little gem get mentioned Ambriorix?

SHG rajishere 03 Dec 2014

Re: Gold up, Shanta down Maybe related to end of year selling for tax losses to offset against profits?

FTE PitBull 03 Dec 2014

I just gave FTE a BUY rating: Clearly a buy now that Darwin are out of the picture. Huge upside to Forte, rerate imminent to 0.5p in the short term and 2/3p in 2015/16.. Will I be right? [link]

CCT II Editor 03 Dec 2014

NEW ARTICLE: Character celebrates Christmas early "Toy maker LSE:CCT:Character is back to its old self. An awful first half of 2013 plunged the firm deep into the red, but profits are back to pre-slump levels, and trading in the run-up to Christmas has been better than expected. That's why the ..."[link]

FITB RedOrBlack 03 Dec 2014

Motion Hearing "Motion Hearing set for 12/12/2014 100 AM in Courtroom 1, 17th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. Samuel Conti." (That's 180 GMT next Friday)December 12th is the most likely date for the Summary Judgement decision so if successful next Friday could be a very good day. Further entries have been made in support of Fitbug's reply to Fitbit's oppostion to the SJ. [link] also caught Fitbit's ad on TV last night, hopefully sales will go well for them and lead to the increase of potential damages payable to Fitbug. A nice cash injection, global recognition that Fitbug was infringed plus the KiQplan Samsung tie up should make for a happy new year.The damage to Fitbit's reputation might be worth paying to avoid... out of court settlement?Nice find on the US listing H86RoB

CRES TX2 03 Dec 2014

Re: Re: Essentially we have to find around £80m in cash to pay PPF;they are taking part in CRES shares.Quite a big sum in relation to present market cap.I suppose as borrowing at Haworth is very low part could be funded by loans against portfolio but on the face of it we could be looking at a one for one rights issue at least.However it gives us control and cash flow from the investment and the pension fund a sellable asset in terms of CRES shares.Obviously we may have to put our hands in our pockets...........

AMI rickyroman 03 Dec 2014

...4unme.....great post.. .....there seems to be a strong bond between the Sierra Leone government and AML with a 'can do attitude' which says 'we are all in this together and we will sort this together'. Good timing with a senior bod from the World Bank visiting SL too........

GAL redbalthazar 03 Dec 2014

Flying! Make that 32.74% up! Come on GAL!