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AXM Andy Reilly 03 Dec 2014

Re: "D" day. c6 - what a hellish time shareholders have had with AXM - it really does seem to be cursed with bad luck, and you do have my sympathy. It really is nothing more than a gamble that the latest deal will be confirmed - you certainly deserve a bit of relief, so lets hope the 15th is the turning point and the SP can start a recovery. Hope you are doing better with other stocks to mitigate the relentless slog that is AXM -

LRE sipco 03 Dec 2014

Re: Topped up I got more today I see the sell off over done

DOM onedb1 03 Dec 2014

Re: English spoken here.... I have a 710 target , buy on the 10sma i.e. the dips . I am quite interested in trend setting stocks and sense 710 is the target here short term . So a good 30p to still climb at todays' close .

ZIOC spotyplonka1 03 Dec 2014

Re: Couple of interesting Articles Another year, another wrinkle...gla..

FDL delta delta papa 03 Dec 2014

Re: Increased holding Every dog has its day as the saying goes and LS1 is certainly having his/her day. I find gloating a very unattractive human emotion so as advised by Shorty3 I am applying the 'ignore' button.Shorty3, Fishxx, Parkster etc, I am still receiving you, over and out !DDP

PRS osammyboy 03 Dec 2014

Long term investment......... ...........getting longer and longer with this share. Is there any light or is the tunnel never ending?

PLE intothefire2007 03 Dec 2014


BA PJ Foster 03 Dec 2014

Re: Dividend - now Paid At 17:34 Cheers,

ECWO Chard Nick 03 Dec 2014

Re: Lonestar BIG bounce back on ASX by Lonestar...

TRAK zulu principle2 03 Dec 2014

Re: Big rise this week Brown Bull one of us is looking at the wrong figures how do you have a PER of 42Based on Fincaps forecast at a price of 85p2015 EPS Forecast 5.70 EPS Growth 56.2% PER 14.9 PEG 0.27 2015 EPS Forecast 8.00 EPS Growth 40.4% PER 10.6 PEG 0.26 things I look for when buying a share, I tripled my holding today4 years of continual growth, can be a combination of historic & forecast growth – YesLow Forecast PER (<16) & PEG (<0.7) and good EPS Growth (>15%) – YesBelow are based on 2014 ResultsPositive 1 Year Relative Strength - YesPositive 1 Month Relative Strength - YesROCE of 20% - Yes 20%Profit Margin of over 7.5% - Yes 9.4%Cashflow Per Share greater than EPS around 1.3 - Yes 1.55Low Gearing – Yes -12% Director Share holding >10% - Yes 44%Quick ratio of > 1.0 but preferably >1.5 – Yes just at 1.12Dividend Yield (a nice to have) forecast – No

KIBO alltold9 03 Dec 2014

60p 'KNEES' A great prediction 'KNEES' Storming towards. Happy days ahead

GDP infra-penny 03 Dec 2014

Divi when, and how much?

GRG ignateus ignoramus 03 Dec 2014

Re-entering FTSE 250 Greggs has been confirmed as re-entering the FTSE 250 index with effect from Monday 22 December.Another positive boost for the share price as tracker funds will have to 'stock up' on Greggs shares. Anyone holding a short position in Greggs - few and far between though they are - will not being feeling to happy about their inclusion in the index within a short time frame.The strong buy is for the long term as ever.

CSN Rick Mave 03 Dec 2014

WILL CHESNARA EVER COME BACK? This used to be a trustworthy share that behaved well as well as delivering a great divi. What's gone wrong? I have lost all trust in them and on the verge of giving up. Someone please help me to see straight.Thanks

FITB Chris44 03 Dec 2014

INTRESTING UPDATE ON LAW SUIT [link] of attorney Michelle Schindler to withdraw as counsel 79 for Plaintiff Fitbit, Inc., Counter Defendant Fitbit, Inc. is granted

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