Re: "D" day. c6 - what a hellish time shareholders have had with AXM - it really does seem to be cursed with bad luck, and you do have my sympathy. It really is nothing more than a gamble that the latest deal will be confirmed - you certainly deserve a bit of relief, so lets hope the 15th is the turning point and the SP can start a recovery. Hope you are doing better with other stocks to mitigate the relentless slog that is AXM -
Re: Topped up I got more today I see the sell off over done
Re: English spoken here.... I have a 710 target , buy on the 10sma i.e. the dips . I am quite interested in trend setting stocks and sense 710 is the target here short term . So a good 30p to still climb at todays' close .
Re: Couple of interesting Articles Another year, another wrinkle...gla..
Re: Increased holding Every dog has its day as the saying goes and LS1 is certainly having his/her day. I find gloating a very unattractive human emotion so as advised by Shorty3 I am applying the 'ignore' button.Shorty3, Fishxx, Parkster etc, I am still receiving you, over and out !DDP
Long term investment......... ...........getting longer and longer with this share. Is there any light or is the tunnel never ending?
Re: Dividend - now Paid At 17:34 Cheers,
Re: Lonestar BIG bounce back on ASX by Lonestar...
Re: Big rise this week Brown Bull one of us is looking at the wrong figures how do you have a PER of 42Based on Fincaps forecast at a price of 85p2015 EPS Forecast 5.70 EPS Growth 56.2% PER 14.9 PEG 0.27 2015 EPS Forecast 8.00 EPS Growth 40.4% PER 10.6 PEG 0.26 things I look for when buying a share, I tripled my holding today4 years of continual growth, can be a combination of historic & forecast growth YesLow Forecast PER (<16) & PEG (<0.7) and good EPS Growth (>15%) YesBelow are based on 2014 ResultsPositive 1 Year Relative Strength - YesPositive 1 Month Relative Strength - YesROCE of 20% - Yes 20%Profit Margin of over 7.5% - Yes 9.4%Cashflow Per Share greater than EPS around 1.3 - Yes 1.55Low Gearing Yes -12% Director Share holding >10% - Yes 44%Quick ratio of > 1.0 but preferably >1.5 Yes just at 1.12Dividend Yield (a nice to have) forecast No
60p 'KNEES' A great prediction 'KNEES' Storming towards. Happy days ahead
Divi when, and how much?
Re-entering FTSE 250 Greggs has been confirmed as re-entering the FTSE 250 index with effect from Monday 22 December.Another positive boost for the share price as tracker funds will have to 'stock up' on Greggs shares. Anyone holding a short position in Greggs - few and far between though they are - will not being feeling to happy about their inclusion in the index within a short time frame.The strong buy is for the long term as ever.
WILL CHESNARA EVER COME BACK? This used to be a trustworthy share that behaved well as well as delivering a great divi. What's gone wrong? I have lost all trust in them and on the verge of giving up. Someone please help me to see straight.Thanks
INTRESTING UPDATE ON LAW SUIT [link] of attorney Michelle Schindler to withdraw as counsel 79 for Plaintiff Fitbit, Inc., Counter Defendant Fitbit, Inc. is granted
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