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IGAS cashpharma 26 Aug 2015

given up Finally gave up on igas at big loss- can't bear the thought of losing all my investment like the Afren shareholders did. Shale could be the future but whether igas will survive to benefit is anyone's guess. Energy prices are just too low generally and AA's dealmaking at $90 brl now looks very foolish indeed.

SLI baylea 26 Aug 2015

Re: Dividend reduction So the latest SLI dividend has had 20% tax taken by ii !?!?! I've sent them an email.

MXP The Delboy 26 Aug 2015

Breathing space Well at least the company may survive. The PI's?

GED coldascheese 26 Aug 2015

Re: in the crazy world of GED Market value £11 million-yet has cash of £26 million. So cash more than twice market value at about 70p a share..Probably the wisest company out there who sold their oil assets at the right time.What will they do with the money ?All in all shares look a real bargain.

CPX jonmor 26 Aug 2015

Re: 9p+ to be tested! What's happened to the 9p+ ?

GED trader M 26 Aug 2015

in the crazy world of GED Up 9% today (2p) against the tide of the falling market - is there any good news on the horizon GED. Or is a just a teaser in the miserable decline of this share price?

AVN beachcomber 26 Aug 2015

Via Satellite article is significant and especially so the comments re the fill of H1 and H2. Williams does mention that H3 and H4 will BOTH be launched in 2017 which clarifies the situation re launches. It follows that Avanti would be unwilling perhaps to tie up large capacity with Facebook before H3 is launched and whilst present customers need the H1 and H2 capacity to fulfill their needs. Does anyone agree that Facebook is off the agenda for at least 12 months during which time they may wish to find other carriers? Overall I am a long-termer here and now more positive than ever.


Re: dont be fooled Will they give me 15p ?

MOS wkdmarty 26 Aug 2015

Re: Umm? Mantrova, of course there would be, they're their advisers lol

GENL LuxInvest 26 Aug 2015

Schlumberger buys Cameron in 15b deal, oil sector firms up since announcement!

MOS wkdmarty 26 Aug 2015

What did I tell you? Well done to all who bought on the back of people hamming up this share.I TOLD you explicitly this was going nowhere and the reasons why.I also told you to predict the pattern via a graph which shows massive negatives!So please tell me, why did you buy / why did you ramp this dog?Almost everyone has been against my reasoning, yet here we are with all my predictions proven to be true!Furthermore, "around breakeven" doesn't actually mean 0 or >0, with their creative (or slack) accounting, I would assume a loss, if not a big loss, then where does that leave your NAV vs Share Price!And did you notice, that was said for the period to June 2016! Thy're only 2 months into their financial year and yet they're issuing an expectation of BREAK EVEN at best for June 2016! And blamed on their new tech and expansion into other (poor subscriber rate) markets! OUCHStupid people got sucked into this share without doing their research (A little like me at the beginning) and now they have lost a fortune, congratulations to the shorters, you managed to make a tidy profit.Just remember, I warned you!

ADN sansione 26 Aug 2015

Re: Great opportunity to buy for the bra... Remember, however, that Aberdeen is a highly geared entity whose highest margin products - Far East equities - are the ones that are being decimated. Don`t assume that the dividend is secure should the current situation continue.

SKP Chicken Lips 26 Aug 2015

Re: Valuation My biggest holding for a long while but have sold down over last few months.I think with China all valuations are a finger in the air job to see which way the wind blows. Sentiment and pure blind panic are driving the markets, lots of down talk in the media and worst case scenarios.still I added a little yesterday, feeling that the results today were got got be positive and they are.a great story here. Hope it's holds in current volatile market

PDL bulltraderpt 26 Aug 2015

Re: Good Time to buy! Always good to read your thoughts AR. The question should now be will the market rally up when the Fed postpones IR rises or now implements QE4? However the rises ever since the start of QE programmes have become increasingly smaller, so it is possible Mr Market will do the opposite of what it's done in the past, or, at least initiallly.One thing is certain though, volatility will increase, fortune favours the fleet of foot in that environment.Cheers all !

PDL lambrini girl 26 Aug 2015

Re: Here we go Ideally ..wait for £1 (106)..