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PLND Clarence Beaks 27 Aug 2015

Re: 99P surprised the sp hasnt gone more on this news.

LAM II Editor 27 Aug 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Lamprell poised for sector outperformance "With the oil industry even more battered and bruised than a week ago, LSE:LAM:Lamprell isn't going to find the next couple of years easy. But the oil services group has gone "back to basics" and new strategic opportunities may have paved the way ..."[link]

GAH winningstreak 27 Aug 2015

Surprised... I am a little surprised at the directors not buying at current

ADN sansione 27 Aug 2015

Re: Great opportunity to buy for the bra... I was referring to operational gearing rather than balance sheet gearing.

XPP madmogul 27 Aug 2015

currency with the recent devaluation of the RMB and the Vietnamese following suit margins should increase as long as the order book stays as strong, customers pay in $ £s and eurosmm

CHRT r21442 27 Aug 2015

Another IC update Aim-traded shares in small-cap UK defence company Cohort (CHRT:375p) have now hit my upgrade target price of 375p, hitting a high of 390p on 10 August, so it's decision time. I first advised buying the shares at 215p ('Blue-sky buy', 6 October 2014), so the price is now 74 per cent ahead in the past 10 months or so. I last recommended running profits three weeks ago at 357p ('Acquisitive growth drives re-ratings', 6 August 2015), since when the company has announced a contract worth £11.2m with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to provide the armed forces with tactical hearing protection systems for the dismounted close combat user.The contract has been awarded for four years, with an option to extend it for a further three years. The win follows on from a previous UK MoD contract earlier in the year, supplying Cohort's Tactical In-Ear Protection Plugs as part of the tactical hearing protection system for the basic user soldier.Factoring in the contract award, analysts now expect Cohort to report revenues of £117m in the 12 months to end April 2016, rising to £131m the year later to drive up pre-tax profits from £10.2m to £12m in the current fiscal year and to £14.1m in fiscal 2017. On this basis, the shares are rated on 14 times future earnings estimates. However, there may be scope for more gains if, as seems highly likely, Cohort continues to win new work that is currently tendering for. Potential contracts being pursued include submarine communications work; roadflow traffic enforcement systems in the UK and for export, including the red light system developed for rail crossings; and communications systems for surface vessels. In my view, any of these contracts could be the catalyst for additional share price upside if Cohort is successful. Run profits.

SAGA Guthrum 27 Aug 2015

Prospects For goodness sake, can we move on from the free share aspect and move on to talk about the share price prospects. My earlier contribution was geared to that end but judging from the lack of response nobody seems to care very much?

AEY barno99 27 Aug 2015

Re: trading I think with the positive cash in the bank and the management making firm decisions for cost saving the price should get a lot better.I am happy with the results and bought shares today and also have them is my sipp.Strong buy for now and oversold for me..

AFR smithsmith11 27 Aug 2015

Former Directors Possibly Embezzled Hundreds of Millions I believe that a large amount of postings on LSE, ADVFN, and possibly the occasionally one here over the last few months are created by a PR company or individual blogger who has been instructed and paid by or on behalf of Osman Shahenshah and or Shahid Ullah, this is to achieve the following; encourage shareholders to purchase shares, sway shareholder opinion, focus shareholder anger on the wrong people, create incorrect conspiracies, obstruct shareholder litigation and generally muddy the water with authorities to help them get away with the hundreds of millions they stole. The benefit of persuading private investors to buy shares thus transferring them away from institutional investors is that PI's are less likely to sell them at a loss and (may of) kept the price from collapsing (this is obviously bad news for them as it could potentially reopen the fraud investigation) In addition to this PI investors can also be influenced by fake posters on here and its easier to get them to believe (and then spread the) fake rumours to authorities, muddying the waters and diverting their anger thus helping to prevent a proper investigation into the stolen fundsTo divert the attention away from the true reason that the company collapsed (100s of millions embezzled by the above) and instead focus the shareholders anger on the recent directors (Toby hayward & Alan Linn) and bondholders, to spread the rumour that its been a long term conspiracy to transfer the company cheaply to bondholders and nothing to with the hundreds of millions that were stolen by these former directors. Its now clear that Bondholders have not profited from this situationTo create a fake legal action team, to slow down & obstruct the process of shareholders taking their own genuine legal action, the group would reassure its members that theres lots going on behind the scenes, this fake legal action could then send out more conspiracies to a captive ordinance, for example posts from 'Wild Wolf' suggesting that these former directors have been made 'scape goats'... and that its the bond holders what dun it..If the correct pressure was put on authorities then a full audit of the accounts from last few years could be performed and it may reveal that these directors authorised the purchase of worthless land from their friends in Kurdistan and other countries and pocketed 100s of millions in the process, if this took place the directors may face criminal action and may be forced to pay back these sums, these could be used to pay back creditors including bondholders and even shareholders. On the other hand If these directors can spread enough fake online rumours about bondholder conspiracies and can convince enough shareholders to contact the press, the SFO and FCA and confuse them with so much incorrect information these institutions would become tired of hearing about another afren conspiracy and /or might spend any allocated budget and energy on nonsense theories and fake leads long before they were on the right trail.'Wild wolf' is a great example, he talks about a long term conspiracy going back many years by the bondholders to oust these 'innocent' directors in an attempt for the current directors to hand the bondholder the company cheaply. Bondholders just want their money back, with the company now in administration i think this is becoming clearer. He says these directors were made scape goats for the failure of Afren. He writes that paying yourself undisclosed secret payments via another company is just standard stuff and was used as an excuse to get rid of the directors. His posts are regular sent to all members of fake shareholder legal 'action' group reiterating the fake rumour. There are many other posters who to talk about bondholder / director conspiracies who post hundreds of posts every month and some claim to not be invested in afren, why are they here then? Ask your self why dozens of posters on LSE over the last few months have e

SGZ Lochty 27 Aug 2015

I'm in It is great to see Scotgold again offering small shareholders the opportunity to participate in fund raising, rather than the select few arrangements that many AIM companies prefer.Under the last rights issue I was one of the few to subscribe for additional shares and I fully intend to do so again this time as the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter and closer.This has been a long journey but it is really beginning to feel like we will get to our destination.

MLIN Eagerbeaver66 27 Aug 2015

Re: loss I think a small reaction to the results was lost in larger overall market moves.Molins results were pretty rubbish overall, with operating profits significantly down.- But this is overshadowed by the paper loss from selling Arista which was flagged a couple of months back, so not a big surprise, and it does turns assets into cash to pay their dividends.- The smaller pension fund deficit partly covered the Arista loss (although with hindsight, my prediction a few months back that Fed/BoE rate rises would significantly help the deficit was rather premature!). The dividend is held but it just eats away at NAV - though this should not really be a problem if RPI and rate rises help the pension next year.But I'm not encouraged to jump back on board yet with so much else around, perhaps next year after we've seen a couple rate rises.

CRND rRomeo29 27 Aug 2015

Re: Ok, so where are we? Nice stabilization!This 13p line generated the first bullish alert.Everyone ready to come back in? There will be a new, long term buy-signal as soon as the 15.95p barrier is climbed.(Remember to keep an eye on China anyway!)

CIU lambrini girl 27 Aug 2015

Re: Market conditions vs Cape This stockmarket rout will continue into BANK any profits..SELL

TGL John Farthing 27 Aug 2015

CQC fund raise news [link]

ICGC forddrive 27 Aug 2015

ICGC A strong performer here.