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GAL 1to7 27 Aug 2015

not bad saw the news regarding the losses. Do not think this is too bad considering the open mine costs. very speculative but all shares are a gamble.

CSR k9maggie 27 Aug 2015

Take Over payment received sea sawing .....should I hold or buy.....gut feeling that their could be another fall

HFEL foolish learner 27 Aug 2015

Re: China market A look west may offer some balance SCAM looks fairly sound on its US holdings and smaller is MCT with an all Canadian holding paying a good dividend

AGTA akaDolly 27 Aug 2015

not much happening here Not invested here but have a fair bit in Afriag. I was conscious no one else was posting on the Afriag board but I notice no one here either, on a regular basisAfriag have investment here so thought I would take a look, see if anything is happeningI noted that Tropical Farms Ltd are a subsidiary and one their web page they state that training is ongoing to improve fertility of land. It says that 'under brushing' is a practice. Didnt know what that was. A quick google suggests brush mixed with goat excrement. Presumably that is the manure of the region. I was thinking that would take some time to break down, but then in the African heat I dont suppose it would. Then it occurred to me that never have I seen any worm culture/farms to do with African agriculture. I wonder why not. I would have thought it would be ideal for chomping down on brush and goat excrement, or anything mixed. It would seem to me to an ideal 'farming' companion in Africa to get rid of waste. Personally I cant see why we dont see it more in the UK. They eat nearly anything and it all just gets tipped onto the garden or into the bigger compost bin. Worm farming surely would do well in Africa as an inexpensive enterprise to start upI had a quick ponder on potash etc and was thinking on AFPO as in, wonder if they will be taking to adding fertiliser as part of the ongoing training and fertiliser programmeI considered all the mining that might have to be done, and the cost. Agriterra are involved in cocoa beans. Potash is an organic by product of the cocoa husks. I see from looking around that local growers (of the cocoa bean)are involved. I wondered how much training and or funding, they are being given to turn those husks into potash, and therefore an extra income streamAgain, a quick google shows that the organic potash may be preferably to the mined. I suppose it would be volume that would be a problem. For small growers, it would be a bit of value added. Put that with a few tiger worms, and a whole new soil fertility. Sure its not that simple otherwise it would be happening alreadyAnywayze, its curious why Agriterra sp is not doing so well, As good as Afriag it would seem, yet it is an established company. Agriterra is aligned to Mozbif which in turn is aligned to Vanduzi, which in turn is aligned to Gatsby foundation which in turn is aligned to Sainsbury foundationsFunny old world

HFEL TwoSporrans 27 Aug 2015

Re: China market "So it could fall a way yet."Absolutely agree GI.I've been saying this too but also looking further ahead, best I'm able.Yeah, in the short term, what we're seeing may well just turn out to be a mini relief/technical rally during a harsh sell-off and a second down leg to follow.In fact I think the odds are that we will soon see a second down leg.That's why I've got a buying cash stash teed up but holding off just for now.If not, and the rally continues, well that's fine by me; might even sell some.I expect a 2nd down leg to manifest globally, not just for Asia.But am expecting/hoping it will be a lot less deep than the first leg down.We've seen something akin to panic buying as well as selling to date; so the balance of fear and gusto probably isn't that far away from evening out.What's hard to predict is where it all goes in 2016, let alone by 2020.But methinks the East is the Beast.TS

VOG Duffer 27 Aug 2015

Foo and his board of yes men is neither competent nor trustworthy to carry on running this company

HFEL Greyinvestor 27 Aug 2015

China market I agree with much of what you say TwoSporrans, but attach this;[link] you plot the five year graph, it suggests that the bottom may well be 2000, not 3000. So it could fall a way yet.I think that the Chinese people will do everything possible to drag their annual income up from $3,000 to more like $30,000. They'll just have to contend with a credit bubble along the way. Bank debt in China has grown enormously, and all the money in China will struggle with it. This is where I agree with you; the government will pull every lever mightily to keep the economy going, as will the western world.Frankly I wish that I had filled my boots even deeper, even if I have been astonished at the last few days of volatility. A volatile market is a normal market, but the degree of this is amazing. I think it's a backlash against the long period of unnatural stability, plus lowish volumes......I also believe that emerging markets are beginning to offer a little value. But it's not for the faint hearted and it's early days. The US economy looks strong enough to take a piffling rate increase, which will worsen the outflows from such markets.

AIF PIE-EATER 27 Aug 2015

Re: Took advantage Ah well, just wait for the divid to accumulate and wait for the next "panic"....guessing that things might calm down a little bit for the next 8 weeks or so, expect more interesting times at some point in October, usually are.PE

MMX buzzard stubble 27 Aug 2015

''Cha-ching'' Cha-ching: Minds + Machines picks up another $3.5 million from losing auctionsBY ANDREW ALLEMANN — AUGUST 27, 2015New TLD company reaps millions from losing .art and .data auctions.Minds + MachinesNew top level domain name company Minds + Machines has padded its bank account with another $3.5 million as a result of losing two more top level domain auctions.The company got the money from losing private auctions for .art and .data.Minds + Machines still has an interest in 7 contested strings, so it might pick up even more cash from losing auctions in the future.full article[link]

KLN BOWOOD 27 Aug 2015

Re: Moving up nicely... Also the former joint Chairman buying back in adds a further tick in the box as he will know the potential KLN has

CHOO LK Hyman 27 Aug 2015

Re: I'm out! Games,"RB's mob must surely want to see it grow profits and do well in it's stock price appreciation, therefore should be mindful of costs."Yes, but it must surely be better for RB's mob to make 100% of the profit from reaming Jimmy Choo on services, plus their share of a slightly less profitable JC, rather than let someone else provide those services, leaving the RB mob with only their share of a slightly more profitable JC.Whatever, I'm relieved to be out.LKH on the flybridge

MLIN Tenobas 27 Aug 2015

Re: loss These results are better than I expected because of the reduction in the pension obligations.This is not yet a buy for me and I dislike the way in which the pension admin costs are treated as non underlying as they are clearly not so.

RRR scotchoverice 27 Aug 2015

Caveat emptor,..this is not a share it is a charade designed to make AB rich at others expense.....steer have been warned

AFPO BuyBAO 27 Aug 2015

looking good for tomorrow and monday

KLN broomfielder 27 Aug 2015

Re: Moving up nicely... I agree that we are now seeing more investor interest ahead of what could be transformational results at the half year stage expected anytime over the next 10 - 15 days. As KLN are now a recovery stock I had rather expected more interest if I'm honest - there's a strong case for a fairly big tick up in SP if the Accounts are consistent across income growth, market penetration and cost control etc.Allied to that, the longer term recovery for the Group (and its SP) looks excellent so I am somewhat surprised interest hasn't been greater. However it's almost impossible to get a firm online price these days as available stock is so limited.B