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ALD oldjoe1 28 Aug 2015

ALD.......... BROKER SP UPDATE........ 28 Aug 2015 Aldermore Group ALD JP Morgan Cazenove Overweight 253.50 278.00 325.00 340.00 ReiteratesSP TARGET 340p

GBG PIE-EATER 28 Aug 2015

Re: Dividend pay date tomorrow (28 Aug)? Think you will find it went ex-d a month ago, so fall definitely not related to that.......

ENRT Thomas Tallis 28 Aug 2015

On a serious note ... I posted a link to a Celente interview. Gerald Celente has, many times, explained how currency wars and trade wars lead to real wars.On 13th August, Holter was verbally attacked and abused for saying that Tianjin was nuked - but was he right?Here Holter connects the dots and it shows how events turn out in the way that Celente has warned.[link] if you want to know how governments hide the trith and lie to us about war, this is worth your time"David Irving Historian Discusses WW2 & Iraq Similarities (full)"[link]

MONI dotlink 28 Aug 2015

shopkeepers will be forced to provide a contactless payment method by 2020 and its compulsory [link]

BPTY nk1999 28 Aug 2015

Re: Offers It looks like BWin have given GVC management time until Tuesday morning to make their final offer, so we may not hear much in this respect with results on Friday.One way or the other, end game is here now.nk

RCN forwardloop 27 Aug 2015

info - buy Shares mag buy - courtesy of Alliance TrustRedcentric’s growth pushManaged services buy-and-build proving its quality modelSteven Frazer As global recovery concerns dominate stock market direction, niche plays with a proven track record for reliable growth will increasingly stand out and attract premium valuations. Redcentric (RCN:AIM) is just such a company. Having demerged from the old Redstone business in April 2013 and then basically doubled its size with the December 2013 Intechnology acquisition, Redcentric has now become one the of UK’s larger independent managed data and network service providers, with financials to match. Most recent full year results to March 2015 provided evidence in spades. Underlying revenues and EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) increased 8% and 32% respectively £94.3 million and £21.4 million. What’s really important to note is strong growth in recurring revenues (up 13% and now worth 81% of total sales) and an 18% increase in the sale pipeline over the last six months.Handling complexity Increasing contract size and complexity also bodes well for ongoing profitability improvements too. While communications kit income slumped 41% to £5.9 million last year this is no bad thing given the thin profit margins, as long as the revenue mix is managed well in future. EBITDA margins were 18% in the year to March 2014, but expanded to 22.7% last year, and they were 23.9% in the second half, a neat upward trend. Analysts are currently forecasting 23.2% this year, rising to 23.5% next, providing attractive scope for outperformance in real terms. The business communications space is fragmented and right now is hot for mergers and acquisitions, not least thanks to strong cash flows in this industry niche. Accordingly we have seen plenty of trade buyer action over the past 12 months or so. Redcentric itself has recently returned to the M&A trail having largely proved its own buy-and-build model, spending £12 million on a Calyx business in April that will add about 8% to revenues and EBITDA this year. So while this should mean that there is no shortage of potential deals for Redcentric to do down the line, there is also another interesting facet worth noting - private equity interest. Daisy’s £494 million management buyout backed by private equity investors Toscafund and Penta last year, for example. Companies with relatively debt-light balance sheets are particularly attractive to private equity firms which typically gear up for growth. Redcentric’s modest £4.8 million of net borrowings, plus rough £50 million of potential financial firepower stands out. Value proposition The company currently trades on an enterprise value (EV) to EBITDA multiple of about 9.3-times next year’s estimated £28.5 million, and a re-rating to 11.5-times would imply something like 25% share price upside, excluding further M&A. That would mean the shares trading at 225p or so, but any hint of private equity interest and we could imagine 250p or more on the cards. In the meantime, cash thrown off by operations last year was £15.9 million, and analysts see the Redcentric machine generating close on £22 million this year, and about £28 million in the 12 months to March 2017, the latter figure more than four-times the amount needed to cover anticipated dividends that imply a near-3% yield.Buy

BPTY bankmuppet 27 Aug 2015

Offers Having read the various updates under the 'News' tab above and on Google etc. I get a strong feeling that the Board may have been swayed by GVC. The Board have asked GVC to now go and come back with their best bid, so will be interesting to see if they up it, even by a small amount.So what do 888 do now? They have issued a statement saying nothing has changed, but if they want BWIN now they will need to up their derisory offer, and rightly so. They might throw teddy out of the pram and just walk away, but I doubt it as this is probably the jewel in the crown of the businesses that are left. Look at the impact of the Paddy and Betfair announcement on Ladbrokes and Hills, so they may feel that it is now or never.As a holder, unless the BWIN Board mess it up and both walk away (unlikely), I can only see an upside for us. As I have got my fingers burned on this one over the years, I am not counting any chickens.Results from us and 888 tomorrow, so will be interesting to see performance and whether eye still on the day job.

AEY Hub 27 Aug 2015

Re: Current valuation. barno,firstly - note the difference between dollars a pound. secondly note the cash burn due to decommissioning.when all is done - they should have around 5 to 6mln in cash plus an interest in skelleg well / if when that happens2p is cheap - 3p looks ok for time being but buyers market so they should be able to do something with a small interest that suits their tax credit shell. something like serica's deal from a year ago or so.HUB

ATC Tempestas 27 Aug 2015

RNS. Maybe, just maybe, patience is a virtue.Well done ATC.

ENRT nipper22 27 Aug 2015

Re: Phone call Wrong again Thomas,at least you are consistent in being wrong. I didn't believe it for a nanosecond. Go back to your obsessional posting of doom and gloom, no one takes you seriously any more. People on this site are all concerned about your mental health, perhaps you are more to be pitied than blamed.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 27 Aug 2015

Re: Phone call I expect that numpty nipper believes it!

ENRT Thomas Tallis 27 Aug 2015

Re: Phone call I can imagine the comments if I had posted that.

IBT lambrini girl 27 Aug 2015

Re: Neil Woodford parts of biotech in bubble WOW!!///Woodie very observant...this shudd drop to 365 by next summer...

VMT staffai 27 Aug 2015

sales I sent for some info on our sales agents and received nothing very disappointed

RRR scotchoverice 27 Aug 2015

Aim is a RRR the house has marked the cards and rigged the wheels..keep your money in your pockets