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BP mog 28 Aug 2015

No one sells at a loss unless desperate. So no one needs to make a loss. The scenario is unfolding. I suspect oil suppply will soon be turned off, duced.

SKP dave297 28 Aug 2015

Re: buy Yep ,Sadoldgit,glad to have increased at about 264 & now my largest holding.No reason why we should not continue to re rate towards brokers targets of 460p.Despite near 25% increase since Tue I will watch & may buy more in coming days

ENTU MrMeerkat 28 Aug 2015

NED Resignation Today The price drop today has certainly been large and unwelcome. Is it simply due to David Grundy's departure with immediate effect? Or is there something else going on?MM

PFP Old Ma Coni 28 Aug 2015

Capital Reorganisation 1 for 10,000 interim then 1,000 for 1 new

KLN broomfielder 28 Aug 2015

More evidence of strong recovery in Sector More evidence of the strong rebound in the Recruitment Sector has been disclosed in Hay's results today where they report positive growth in all their market areas / segments including UK for the first time since 2008.Some analysts view Hays as somewhat of a 'bellweather' for the wider UK economy where clearly market conditions in recruitment have improved significantly in the past year or more which should boost KLN's awaited H1 figures due any day now.B

AFR Kenj2 28 Aug 2015

Re: Former Directors Possibly Embezzled Hund... Smithsmith11,This is your first post iii, and unless you have used another name you have said little or nothing on LSE either. So where have you been while the company was crashing? Why join the party now that it is all over? And why should we not believe that you are being paid to support Toby or Egbert?Most posters on this board would not accept that the actions of Osman and Shahid caused the company to collapse. While the actions of Osman and Shahid did indeed damage Afren, the directors who followed them are far more culpable for Afren's demise imo.It was not just ASOG, ALAG, Wild Wolf and small shareholders who opposed the proposed restructuring according to this fairly comprehensive report into Afren's collapse. Hedge fund SRM, Afren's largest shareholder was also strongly against.[link] SRM was implacably opposed to the restructuring, viewing it as an unjustified seizure of the company by the bondholders. Rather than default on its bonds and hence yield control to creditors, Afren should have conducted a rights issue, which would have enabled it to keep going and shareholders to have kept their stakes."

VMT staffai 28 Aug 2015

spoke to soon -[link]

TAST zulu principle2 28 Aug 2015

Topped up today Tasty also came to my attention when it came up in my most profitable & reliable searches. It has appeared in this search for a while (nearly 2 Years ago at 86p). I bought some last year at £1.03 but I've been a bit topping up.I've only bought a small amount more as I'm pretty much fully invested after topping up on my favourite stocks during this weeks correction.I bought 1519 more shares at £1.26 totalling £1,900What I look for when buying a stock4 years of continual growth which can be a combination of historic and forecast growth – YesLow Forecast PER (<16) & PEG (<0.7) and good EPS Growth (>15%) – No in 2015 but Yes in 2016Based on a price of £1.26 on 28th Aug-152015 EPS Forecast 5.6p EPS Growth 21.2% PER 21.8 PEG 1.03 2016 EPS Forecast 7.7p EPS Growth 37.5% PER 15.8 PEG 0.42Below are based on 2014 ResultsPositive 1 Year Relative Strength - YesPositive 1 Month Relative Strength – YesROCE of 20% - No 14.6%Profit Margin of over 7.5% - Yes 10%Cashflow Per Share greater than EPS around 1.3 - Yes 2.1Low Gearing – Yes -4.7%Director Share holding >10% - Yes 41%Quick ratio of > 1.0 but preferably >1.5 – No 0.6Dividend Yield (a nice to have) forecast – None forecastToday Bought 1519 shares at £1.26 totalling £1,900Follow me on facebook[link] Twitter@GrowthStocksUK

ABF lambrini girl 28 Aug 2015

Re: Good trading update £23.50..

RRR scotchoverice 28 Aug 2015

Rand now trading at 20 to £1

RRR scotchoverice 28 Aug 2015

Forget how much Bell had put much has he taken out....AB takes more p*** than a urinal at your average music festiival

ATK lambrini girl 28 Aug 2015

Re: Attractive income payer with sturdy fina... £11..

RRR scotchoverice 28 Aug 2015

Rrr..renamed Bellenders Empty Promises

TPL coup du grace 28 Aug 2015

Re: Bid approach from Nostrum new offer is set at 14.7 Cents C$, now trading at 12 Cents C$ in Toronto, down 17%

LEK Highlander 28 Aug 2015

Start of the rot setting in setting in. Today's traded vol. is about 20 times the norm, for here and see the last trade after hours. Someone (Big ) in the know willing to take 15.5p just to get out before it's too late Better to get out ( as the wise are doing, by size of that trade ) with a little money rather than no money at all. Remember this is Nigeria and with Bert Cooper in about this it will end up exactly like Afren, and guess which African Billionaire will pick it up for next to nothing and take it private, to make it profitable again. Correct! You can't win when these guy's even have a good few those in the Nigerian Government in their pocket. Massive brown envelopes changing hands. Can see this sub 12p in no time now.