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BHR osammyboy 30 Aug 2015

nil value I have written to HMRC to have the shares declared as of negligible value so I can have them removed from my portfolio. There is no return for these

ETO Brimach1 30 Aug 2015

ETO no longer looking for a Buy-Out... ETO no longer looking for a Buy-Out[link]

AFR Kenj2 30 Aug 2015

Re: ASOG and ALAG IDLV,I understand the difference between ASOG and ALAG.The former was a shareholder pressure group who attempted (unsuccessfully) to persuade the board and bondholders to offer a better deal to existing shareholders.The latter is/was a group who sought to sue the directors through the courts for the deliberate or willfully negligent destruction of shareholder value.I did not join either, but I am aware that ASOG has closed following Afren entering administration. Perhaps you could tell us how ALAG is getting on, and reply to Smithsmith11's rather insulting views (below) on ALAG, which you were prominent in forming."To create a fake legal action team, to slow down & obstruct the process of shareholders taking their own genuine legal action, the group would reassure its members that theres lots going on behind the scenes, this fake legal action could then send out more conspiracies to a captive ordinance, for example posts from 'Wild Wolf' suggesting that these former directors have been made 'scape goats'... and that its the bond holders what dun it.""If you are seeking legal recourse for your loss it might the right time to create a genuine legal action group"

NIPT f32 30 Aug 2015

Re: Genoma sales increases every month s... Nice to see you on here tot, I've been slowly building a decent stake in the background for a while now. Like the fact the placing was over subscribed and that I managed to buy some at below the placing price myself too.There appears to have been a news vacuum of late (oh how familiar to us eh tot) but I'm convinced lots has been going on in the background even if it's with the companies like Genoma using our tech.Hoping for good things here over the next few months and beyond.f32

DGO dowso 30 Aug 2015

Re: Any Recommendations for Alternative ... Look at this, probably too late now but interesting and what a shot in the arm for Egypt[link] right investment is out there somewhereRegard to all and enjoy the Dragon DYOR etc etc

CIR dave31 30 Aug 2015

Moving Up Seems to be finally getting somewhere. Anyone have any insight as to what is driving this?Dave

VOG Duffer 30 Aug 2015

Sell VOG buy ACE.

AFR ldlv 30 Aug 2015

ASOG and ALAG I really hope people fully understand the difrent between ASOG and ALAG and stop mixing concepts.

AGL niceandsimple 30 Aug 2015

[link] CTCs are living cells they may be more reflective of future progression of the disease (looking through the front windscreen) than ctDNA, which are fragments of dead cells (looking in the rear view mirror)....."Says it all - and yes the operative word is 'may'. The Living CTC count surely has the advantage for both the 'as is' examination of the patient and thereafter the effectiveness of medicine on the CTC's.Just in my uneducated opinion / judgementAll the bestN&S

TIG OilPrince 30 Aug 2015

40 miserable pence!!! I cannot believe that this company will sell so cheaply! They've been doing very well the last couple of years and I thought the share price would rise accordingly.How on earth did they work out that 40 pence is a good offer?

KLN BOWOOD 30 Aug 2015

Re: Thanks BOWOOD I think KLN will report their interims next week - possibly Friday and last year NBB announced at the end of August. Take a look at the share activity of NBB over the past couple of weeks. Something seems to be stirring and I wonder if it is the consolidation you mention - there seems to have been a lot of buying.GL

TPL Quarryman Rock Buster 30 Aug 2015

Re: Bid approach from Nostrum "O.K. so now 14,7c, but was 21.85c. Can't say I'm encouraged by this."I'm definitely encouraged by this:'in light of the revised Proposal from Nostrum, the Company intends to reopen its review of strategic options and, where appropriate, pursue discussions with some or all of these interested parties in addition to Nostrum.'Notice they say 'some or all', not 'one or all'. It looks to me like Nostrum have shot themselves in the foot trying to get it really cheap rather than just cheap, remember these expressions of interest that Tethys received came when Nostrum had proposed an offer to Tethys of 21.85c, I bet the first time Nostrum knew of other interested parties was when they read our RNS like you and I. I think the next couple of weeks are going to be very interesting, they will either revise their offer or risk being left out and looking a bit naive.

AYM Boneidle62 30 Aug 2015

Glencore mine: another stimulus to mine or sell? [link]

SORB Gold or Silver 30 Aug 2015

Gunn Aims at McLean , Wang & Ang Aims at McLean , Wang & Ang

KLN broomfielder 29 Aug 2015

Thanks BOWOOD ,.....I hadn't picked up on NBB but had a quick look and trawled through their Accounts etc.On the back of greatly improved operating conditions in the Sector (well UK at least) coupled with their Corporate / Management changes, provided it is better focused, it could be set for a turnaround. My initial thoughts are that it's recent restructure didn't go far enough but to be fair their review of operations is clearly ongoing.I will do some further research but looks interesting. Could also be time for some consolidation within the Sector before prices are driven up by improved performance etc.Thanks again.B