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ENRT Thomas Tallis 31 Aug 2015

Perfect example - ZH spot on "China Dramatically Intervenes To Boost Stocks Despite Reports It Won't...We'll find out shortly just how much "China won't intervene any more in the market" — zerohedge August 31, 2015Less than five hours after this tweet, we found out that our cynical skepticism was again spot on: the moment the afternoon trading session opened, the "National Team's" favorite plunge protection trade, the SSE 50 index of biggest companies, went super-bid and ramped from a low of 2071 to close 140 points higher, ending trading with a last minute government-facilitated surge ..."[link] Global Collapse Will Be Unlike Anything In Recorded History""Expect Even Greater Fireworks In September And October"[link] - "... it will be a terrifying ride as holders of paper assets such as stocks and bonds get destroyed and the recent chaos in global markets is seen as just a warm-up."

ATC curious9 31 Aug 2015

Fantastic news Great RNS... In profit even after all the purchases of hardware this year..This should only get better ..Surely should hit 1p by Year End :

UU merce dismal 31 Aug 2015

Re: Boil water notice So UU have nearly solved the cryto problem in 3 weeks....pretty good when you think it took the Swedes a couple of years to solve a similar problem and another UK water co some 2 months to solve a crypto problem too. Seems to me many greedy investors are after "Short-Term" fixes to everything. In the long run...that does, literally, not pay dividends. Well done UU and may you continue to rain down those brilliant dividends.MD (Master Drainer)

AXM Cumisk 31 Aug 2015

More coverage Coverage by a U.S. Site based in Florida [link]

ENRT Thomas Tallis 31 Aug 2015

QE has ended now it is QT Holter has made a remarkable claim (based on what evidence is available). Note - he does say "if", but if he is right then this will cause an economic earthquake - "If I am correct, in effect the U.S. just “defaulted” to China. It would also mean our hoard of “power” is gone and so is the façade of financial strength. If correct we should know quite soon by actions in all markets. If correct, our standard of living will collapse into third world status hand in hand with a broken financial system."[link]

PCI Fordian 31 Aug 2015

Eni huge 30 tcf gas discovery - by PCI For those who haven't read the news of Eni's massive 30 tcf gas discovery in Egyptian waters, the discovery was in the Shorouk block adjacent to PCI's N Port Fouad block... Check out slide 27 of the recent PCI presentation below. Surely this bumps Egypt up the prospectivity list and prioritises it for exploration above all else. In the result of a discovery, production could be piggy backed on Eni's infrastructure potentially.[link] news itself:[link] where can PCI find some cash...?

GKP moker 31 Aug 2015

I voted "Down" in the Gulf Keystone Petroleum poll: Open on Monday? [link]

RRR scotchoverice 31 Aug 2015

It is not for PIs to ramp companies, the job of marketing companies to investors lies with the companies themselves. In early stages you have to buy into the forecasts and positivity...but after a few years one can judge on the results delivered and the ability of the leaders to deliver on the expectations raised.

RRR scotchoverice 31 Aug 2015

Oh dear...BTLs best argument...."do you have leprosy? No, well then, leave us lepars alone"

ENRT Thomas Tallis 30 Aug 2015

A new week for ERT Monday tomorrow - will we get news of the AGM?On the 13th July MW said two to three weeks to get news of the acquisition, will we get it tomorrow? Was it Bidmoll who said it was "clear" that we would get it ?I do go on don't I, but how come I get slagged off while those who post cr&p like "a little longer" and tell us "two to three weeks" get away with it?The world isn't fair!Just wait until the end of September - we'll see.[link] This Global Collapse Will Be Unlike Anything In Recorded History"[link]

TPL 3Dimensional 30 Aug 2015

Re: Bid approach from Nostrum Separately, the Company confirms that it has received expressions of interest from several other parties in relation to a variety of potential corporate transactions, all of which remain current.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----Several other parties, all of which remain current.Nostrum, go do one with your pathetic offer, you lost out big time, so dig deeper or ferhook off!3D

TPL 3Dimensional 30 Aug 2015

Re: Let the bidding war commence its going to be a good week.....3D

ACP mog 30 Aug 2015

You guys really bend me with laughter. The slightest bit of realism and ,out of the woodwork come the main offenders. But I like you want this to do well.GLA

ENRT Thomas Tallis 30 Aug 2015

Right or wrong - buy or sell? From the Telegraph - ""Irrational investors are panic selling instead of buying cheapInvestors have failed to heed the mantra of Warren Buffett: 'Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful'Garry White..."[link] is right wrong lying?See [link] where credit is due - Celente predicted yaun devaluation[link]

BET Punilux 30 Aug 2015

Re: Merger Does the EBITDA figure include the £12M+ Point of Consumption tax ?