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COP Rogen83 31 Aug 2015

Re: Rogen Rogen: SP A clue as to why someone doesn't bother conversing with a c&£T on a particular bulletin board is because said person sold out a long time ago. Laters

AFR ldlv 31 Aug 2015

Re: ASOG and ALAG follow interesting discussions here [link] join us on afrenlagalaction yahoo comOur last post responding to Tony (former ASOG committee member)Tony thanks for the suggestions. In regards your 004 post, while it is clear that a sale of 'the whole' as an ongoing basiswould be extremely unlikely, it would surely not be anywhere near asunlikely should the bondholders take a significant haircut &/or extendcoupon repayments & principle by a few years.As things stand, bondholders look likely to lose a significant proportion ofprinciple -Renaissance Capital have said as much as 94% is possible- sosurely it would be in their interests as well as shareholders' to pursuethis line ?The immediate issue is not the payment of the debt but to find short-termliquidity and in our view the numbers are substantially different fromyours. While the technical process explanations given at the meeting with Alix wereappreciated, -as was the time taken to meet, none of the attendees wereunder any illusion that we had received answers to our key questions but weappreciate the opportunity. Alixp seem to have very quickly come to very dull conclusions that don'tappear to be in the best interests of creditors, let alone shareholders. Itis very strange that just the parent company is in administration with noclear explanation of the circumstances leading up to the administration. Asyou know, Alan Lin who is still in place, was telling us a very differentstory until as recently as early July. We are just very surprised & disappointed with their one-track stance, andas they *are* the executioners, that is currently paramount in our opinion. Can you comment on that?We are keeping a communication line with Alix and we intend to fully exploreshareholders options in a constructive and respectful way. I hope everybodyunderstand our position.Surely if an offer for the whole were to provide *some* value tostakeholders -versus 6% via liquidation- that offer should become thepreferred route ? The alternative makes no sense whatsoever. Whats your takeon that Tony?having a constructive discussion all together we could at least FULLYunderstand what make an offer acceptable or not and what the BHs are readyto accept.

AVN Westden 31 Aug 2015

Feel Friday's movement had more to do with the Inmarsat story than any pending news. Would love to be proved wrong as I've built up a significant holding over the last 4 years. I'm not expectant of any RNS news prior to full year results in 2 weeks. Here's hoping they provide SP impetus to recognise the real potential and market advantage that Avanti has.

REM guyswonga74 31 Aug 2015

Off topic guys but take a look at sres

UU Ingenious Solutions 31 Aug 2015

Re: Boil water notice I'm with you on that md. Not all problems can be solved by pressing the reset button. I think thevye done pretty well. Their mistake was probably in 'managing expectations'.

TRT longtermBLVR 31 Aug 2015

Samsung competition [link] knows anything about this? I note that GE already works with them.Shows the potential but also they may corner the market.

VIP johnric 31 Aug 2015

Interims Surely interims in September so an update due.

MLIN gamesinvestor 31 Aug 2015

Re: reasons to buy! "Furthermore, the shares offer a 7.3% dividend yield that is more than twice covered."How valuable is this statement, given the company had a decline in cash at this report stage?I'm a shareholder here Castleford from back in the 54p days - Sold in Feb 2013 for 170p, only to buy back too early in Aug/Sept14 at 138The cash decrease of 5.4M was pretty bad, although 3.6M of this figure was used for share buy backs. But net cash dropped to 4.3M from 8.5M the year before.Games

AXM Cumisk 31 Aug 2015

CMR Compass Resources Removed from ASX Things are moving forward[link]

ACP mog 31 Aug 2015

take a look at guru focus re acp, total assetts as at dec 2014 4-69 m they issued 2 severe warnings signs about the company. . Now I am getting concerned!!

ACP mog 31 Aug 2015


BKIR Stevo111 31 Aug 2015

Jan 2016.... .34

BPTY bankmuppet 31 Aug 2015

Find Out Tomorrow ...which offer the Board will be running with according to reports. Predict that GVC will go to 130p and 888 will walk away as I can't see them upping their original derisory offer by 25% give or take. Anything north of that figure is a bonus but last weeks update was quite well received, albeit I think some of the commentary on regulatory& legal issues buried in the text was worrying. That is why I am keen to get a deal over the line and get out of this bag of spanners even with a smaller loss.As ever, god luck to all long suffering holders. Just noticed my typo, but decided not to change as we need all the luck we can get.BM

CHOO gamesinvestor 31 Aug 2015

Re: Choo reports surge in sales LK - It looks like Bart wil be fully occupied trying to pick his way through all the 40 odd brands COTY is buying off Procter & Gamble.Games -- divis will probably be a waiting game at Choo, but if they can double profits again next year by another £16M then I can hang on to this one I guess. If it does me as proud as Supergroup, that'll be OK

PCI Fusion98 31 Aug 2015

Re: Eni huge 30 tcf gas discovery - by PCI yes the block found in egypt is 40m wide and is an excellent find and news if as you say PCI is next door.Could someone enlighten me if PCI has even drilled anything in their block yet?Fusion98