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CRND Sourhills 01 Sep 2015

Re: Ok, so where are we? Correction to that - sorry - for "28" read 20. It's when all the "excitement" started.S.

APR arborman 01 Sep 2015

Bottom? 68p?I could not stop myself buying a few thousand more at this level

CRND Sourhills 01 Sep 2015

Re: Ok, so where are we? Where are "we"?Back to where "we" were when the market opened on 28/8/15.S. )

CAZA uniformtango 01 Sep 2015

A view First of all, a long overdue hello to my friend, Indy, AKA Steve the younger.I've been out of Caza, but watching closely from the sidelines, as I find it strangely compelling, as do many others. I've not commented, as I've had nothing to add to all that Indolent, Charleee and others have stated, usually following careful thought and assessment.Yes, we have the perennial debt problem, cash burn realities, oil price crash, oil overproduction, East versus West politics, in addition to Eurozone worries, and now Chinese negative factors.Nevertheless, the one thing that really impressed me, was the manner in which Ford and the board took the brave step of going defensive and entering virtual lockdown. It is true that, had they failed to do so, the SP may well have done exactly what it did, although perhaps at a later date. It may have been worse!At least they were proactive, and this demonstrates a certain prudence.There is little doubt in my mind that, should the price of oil really recover, despite all the negative forces I've alluded to, in addition to many more that I haven't, Caza, at these levels, has got to be ideally positioned to lead a minor oilies style recovery. It must, surely, be at least a punt for the future. As always, WTFDIK, but good luck, everyone.Steve

KLN BOWOOD 01 Sep 2015

Re: Interims Good end to the day - lets see if we can push on a bit more tomorrow. GLA

ESTL Sprocket60 01 Sep 2015

Re: relist Cant wait to see what the damage will be !!! Looking at a very large dilution but would be nice to see that the plants are in-service & that revenue will be following soon.Worse share i have ever stupidly invested in.

XTR lpdegeer 01 Sep 2015

Checking with British bulls yesterday; they gave a sell advice for xtr because I do not know why; maybe a lack of News!

CHOO LK Hyman 01 Sep 2015

Re: Choo reports surge in sales Games,"It looks like Bart wil[l] be fully occupied"Looks as if Anna-Lena and Meribeth aren't impressing Mr Market as replacements for Bart. LKH on the flybridge women,eh?

GBG Greasetigger 01 Sep 2015

Dividend Payment Have answered my own question, have been paid. Senior moment! Starting to be more frequent!!

SKP raptor66 01 Sep 2015

Re: buy Article below sounds very promising. I personaly expect 460-500p sp in next year or two, however, I think skp needs to bring another product to market or a time line for one, just as flutiform and not the ones in which just the royalties are earned. [link]

LMI Mole 01 Sep 2015

Goodbye FT250: Lonmin look st to be kicked out of the FTSE 250 and will join the FT Small-Cap. GLA

GBG Greasetigger 01 Sep 2015

Dividend Payment Have others received their payment? I haven't?

SKP raptor66 01 Sep 2015

Re: Legal & General [link]

DAN Orchard Gate 01 Sep 2015

KnobPark Update Rob Terry's latest scam vehicle has issued a statement saying it has met with the board of DS (interesting, as DS denied any such meeting had taken place so someone is telling porkies) following which"We expect last year’s trading results to be in line with the trading update that was given around the time of the fundraise, and that the company will use the opportunity to ensure the goodwill on its balance sheet is at an appropriate level. We would expect the company to be around breakeven this year, and during 2016 to organically produce a level of profitability that comfortably supports our 4.5p valuation on normal market metrics, taking into consideration the growth already being achieved"Now call me old fashioned but I don't think it usual or proper or even legal for Company A to hold a meeting with a listed Company B and then, in effect, put out a trading statement on its behalf or say what its profits will be.The guy is clearly a menace and the sooner he is locked up, the better.

COP Trouble_Two 01 Sep 2015

Re: Rogen Rogen: SP But yet you talk about it on other boards anf yet here you are to answer my question.....typical TT