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ALK George Zibbos 02 Sep 2015

Can anybody tell me Why on a nice warm day I went past one of Alkanes coal methane generators and it was running ? The sun was out and it was midday so why ? I thought these generators only kicked in during times of high demand in Winter. Not that Im complaining because hopefully the more generation we supply the more profit and maybe the share price might even go up a bit. Or am I missing something ?

INFI kintra 02 Sep 2015

Re: Judicial review link to the news:[link]

INFI kintra 02 Sep 2015

Judicial review Brave decision.Odd way to spend money given that they are only arguing the toss about what a proportionate (ie. lawful) notice period would look like. Result will depend entirely on which judge we get.Win and we will get our costs back and perhaps a longer notice period (but only by a few months).Lose and we will have to pay HMG's legal costs.Personally I am surprised the SP hasn't fallen further on the news. All legal action is uncertain and the upside if we win is limited.

LMS thirty fifty twenty 02 Sep 2015

Re: IC update No surprise to see ST cover the recent RNS.The news better than I thought though re the change in value since 30 June as the FX rate is favourable and continues to be so in recent days.I do think some discount to NAV is warranted but with a tender offer at 90p+ due within weeks for 33% I think a 15% discount is probably where the price will settle. I. E. That is the equivalent to 20% discount on the non CASH assets.At 75p the best of the gains are gone but still view as a 'better than CASH' holding.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLLMS IS in my top5 hldgs

MONI dotlink 02 Sep 2015

sp should be at least 8p next week and lots of gaps needs filling and closing

AVG Lion Rock 02 Sep 2015

Re: Interesting Hi Tejo - I have to agree my tongue was heavily in my cheek when I wrote that, however there has been some sizeable awards over the year not least for Sellafield and I think given they are setting up a finishing facility in the area will have put them in a favourable light for the future.Results may not be sparkling but neither would I expect them to be a disaster given the changes over the past year, but of course I will advise you when I return from the AGM. Please advise any questions if you are unable to attend

SML thehog2 02 Sep 2015

Re: Bargain Basement Time DDD,Well done. The 250k buy, just now, was mine.TH2

CSI thedogsundergear 02 Sep 2015

csi...the larger the return the more desperate the rhetoric I feel.

HFD Lupo di mare 02 Sep 2015

Re: What bad weather? Misty - I'd say that you're a tad late with your 'sell' recommendation. The signs were there in July, and then would have been the time to sell. True, there are probably better investments elsewhere, but a well spread portfolio is a must - as I'm sure you're aware: you never know what's around the corner.HFD's seems to be able to churn out the cash, and it has been reducing debt quite successfully. Assuming that that situation continues, HFD has enough value for me to consider it a 'hold'. But each to their own.

CEB theaussie 02 Sep 2015

RNS more then met all the expectations I was personally hoping for ... what I find funny is that some people still think DW and his team are not serious about turning CEB into a very serious player and company ... of course nothing is guaranteed but I couldnt feel more comfortable with the goals me so far and the direction this team is taking my investment in

TGL whitelabel 02 Sep 2015

News coming [link] call on the 9th of September.

ETI Misty Creamybib 02 Sep 2015

ETI & PUB Two years ago if you asked me if thought investing in pubs was a good idea I would have said you were off your rocker. Pubs were closing at an alarming rate and I saw no growth in the sector. fast forward to now I have looked at the charts on each of these companies and the respective low forward P/E (as per digitallook). The trend over the last year has been up which is a result of culling unprofitable pubs and write downs finally shining through. It appears that the estates now contain pubs which offer good food and an atmosphere for a wide demographic of people. Growth will pick up in line with the economy but given the valuations both these look attractive. I hold both on a watch list and am ready to buy - (I'm a sucker for trying to market time!) I prefer these stocks to most of the retail / supermarket plays which have gone the other way, there are too many supermarkets! Good luck to all holders.

NMG citychap2011 02 Sep 2015

Greg Kuenzel & FinnAust Mining FinnAust Mining, another Austrian miner of which Greg Kuenzel is a Director, has been flagged as one of the worst performers as far as AIM company consolidations go. Well done Greg. You must be really proud. May be you'll learn how to be a CEO from Roderick McIllree.[link] shareholders can probably expect a similar level of appalling performance here as NMG will find it very difficult to raise funds to take forward its Georgian assets or anything else for that matter. Significant dilution and consolidation looking likely IMHO.Can we be sure the deal with GMC and Martyn (Unfeasibility Study) Churchouse has even taken place? KEFI's significantly improved economics and revised definitive feasibility study being much better than Martyn (Nyota's) attempt for Tulu Kapi[link]

PUB Misty Creamybib 02 Sep 2015

PUB & ETI Two years ago if you asked me if thought investing in pubs was a good idea I would have said you were off your rocker.Pubs were closing at an alarming rate and I saw no growth in the forward to now I have looked at the charts on each of these companies and the respective low forward P/E (as per digitallook). The trend over the last year has been up which is a result of culling unprofitable pubs and write downs finally shining through.It appears that the estates now contain pubs which offer good food and an atmosphere for a wide demographic of people. Growth will pick up in line with the economy but given the valuations both these look attractive.I hold both on a watch list and am ready to buy - (I'm a sucker for trying to market time!)I prefer these stocks to most of the retail / supermarket plays which have gone the other way, there are too many supermarkets! Good luck to all holders.

NCYF Guitarsolo 02 Sep 2015

Re: 1.45p dividend Ignore that! Divis received.GS