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BPTY bankmuppet 02 Sep 2015

888 Offer According to various reports the offer from 888 amounts to only 115p. This does not compare in any way to the 130p on offer from GVC even allowing for some issues that we may not be aware of. Interesting that the new offer price was kept under wraps and one of the clauses includes increasing the break clause fee to 1% if they go with GVC instead of accepting the recommendation they had already made to shareholders at 105p.The Board would have real trouble in getting the lower figure across the line in my view and GVC Chair has indicated that they would go hostile if BWIN don't pick them. That would make it very interesting and delay things even further.This could run and run.

MMX oggs 02 Sep 2015

Re: ''Cha-ching'' Cash fund or business? Discuss.

MWA grogg 02 Sep 2015

Open Offer Is todays announcement just a vehicle for Ning and Hu to get 29.9% of the company on the cheap, almost doubling their holding? Fishy to say the least especially after all the recent director changes.

TEA foggy 02 Sep 2015

Trying to buy 200,000 shares on HL and can't get a quote, any one else had problems today?

ENRT nipper22 02 Sep 2015

Variations on a theme. "In the case of a widespread Gulf conflict, $40 per barrel would be missing at least one zero ".Richard Hastings Global Hunter Securities.

SRES guyswonga74 02 Sep 2015

A flurry of buys. Volume rising

AXM character 6 02 Sep 2015

Zinc dust and residues. Are where Indium is found. As at this morning £888 per 1lb. Wonder if this fuels AXM"s interest in zinc projects. All on Wiki.

INDV II Editor 02 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Find quality shares at cheap prices in volatile markets "Stockmarket volatility can be stomach churning for even the hardiest investor. Yet a disciplined focus on company fundamentals in these conditions can make it possible to pick up good quality shares at momentarily cheap prices.During the recent ..."[link]

ENRT Thomas Tallis 02 Sep 2015

Oil Glut - Bearish Doesn't Morgan Stanley see what this man sees, or does embry not see what Morgan Stanley's analysts see?"Propaganda And Outright LiesHowever, everything is far from all right. Economies are weakening everywhere and more debt and more derivatives are being impaired every day. The lie that the U.S. economy is firm is simply that — pure fiction. The U.S. fantasy has been a contrived exercise that isn’t confirmed by the micro-numbers at all....Oil Glut Has Bearish Price Predictions Reaching a CrescendoI’ve also been seeing a lot of speculation that oil is going to plummet to $30 a barrel or even lower. ..."[link]

MTV yoyo 02 Sep 2015

confidence building fast on MTV

EDEN speculator59 02 Sep 2015

Re: Drop in share price Yes, we're all waiting for those subsequent announcements on product approval following the Malta decision. In theory, each country has 120 days (but i'll believe that when it happens).However, that said, approval from Greece was announced yesterday.Speculator

AHT Hydrogen Economy 02 Sep 2015

results Not so shabby! Happy to have been adding in this dip which seems to be triggered by analysts downgrading on assumed lumping of rental cos instead of spotting the stronger performers. This cycle has repeated several times, Im happy to have topped up again. H2

ENTU Courtier1 02 Sep 2015

Re: First look around 7p eps this year and 10-12p next year is my expectation with 10% of market cap in cash and no debt.Strip out cash and put on a 1yr fwd pe of 8 and you reach 87-103p range but suspect that only happens when management is considered more credible around their forecasting. order book of £30m+ and a £10m deal with DIY firm suggests reasonable visibility in the remaining business once the solar business is disposed of but who knows....

RRS tornadotony 02 Sep 2015

Just survive drop [link] think they held on by fingernails on last day.

TIG Steve Jenks 02 Sep 2015

Re: Well they accepted it... TIG management have accepted the bid thus by definition deeming it to be a fair price. If you were a rival company looking at the situation and considering making a higher bid then I would think it would be difficult to convince your board / shareholders that you were not paying over the odds.I'm disappointed that the 40p bid was accepted, I would love to be proven wrong here but the fact that it has been accepted will set the wheels in motion for a sale at this price and not any higher in my view.