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ESTL Sprocket60 02 Sep 2015

Re: relist Accordingly the voting power of Harrington Global Limited will increase from 11.26% to approximately 25.01% after the issue of the New Shares and to approximately 39.64% if Harrington exercises all of the New Options and Existing Options. Taken from the proposed General Meeting been held on 1/10/2015. Looks like this company will be the one who buys out KPO so it does not bode well for the SP when finally re-listed.

HFEL TheDrugsDontWork 02 Sep 2015

Re: Adding elsewhere I think China becomes Japan. They take twenty or thirty years to work off their excess investment binge however there will still be a Toyota's and Sony within the morass for investors to get excited about. I also like the argument that natural low cost competitors (Such as Mexico, Turkey, Vietnam) will do well now that they don't have the unfair competition from China. No reason South East Asia should not steam ahead even if China is an anchor not fully lifted.

NOP investorprotestor 02 Sep 2015

dead lies, lies, lies aim dross - sell imho

BOK takestockmark 02 Sep 2015

Re: big move today [link] September 2015: The CMA has cleared the anticipated acquisition by Booker Group plc of Musgrave Retail Partners GB Limited. The full text of the decision will be available shortly.

AMI sbp1988 02 Sep 2015

Personally gonna use my losses in AMI to offset the tax I need to pay on my gains, elsewhere!

HUR sbp1988 02 Sep 2015

Not much happening here...

UKOG sbp1988 02 Sep 2015

40p....I wonder how long it would take to reach that level!

WLFE wabbit1958 02 Sep 2015

Re: been there They are producing as we speak but official opening 2 weeks time FACT !!

UBI Carefully Does It 02 Sep 2015

Re: awards Not easy to tie the below or a Stevie Award into chance of more revenue.A little more PR perhaps but otherwise no use.Better to stop chasing awards and chase customers instead?[link]

ALK pseudopolylageraemia 02 Sep 2015

Re: Can anybody tell me Because most of the coal mine methane capacity is 'baseload' running 24h, rather than 'power response' running at peak times.

BOK jaxonsax 02 Sep 2015

big move today a big move today on no news ???wonder if the CMA have cleared the Londis/Budgens deal maybe?

ALK mexicoman 02 Sep 2015

Re: Can anybody tell me Because some power stations are offline

RUR broomfielder 02 Sep 2015

8.4m share purchase at close Fairly chunky trade (definitely showing as a 'buy') @ 1.50p at close.Crystal Ball anyone.......?B

VOG NannyTess1 02 Sep 2015

VOG. Stockholders and speculators had a tough day trading on low volume in a tight 50p to 51p band. I hope this is near the bottom of the sink, and a black hole like the one they envisage at CERN on 23 September, doesn't suddenly appear and swallow up what little we have left. I hope Mr Foo, in his next address to stockholders, describes how stockholder value has been consolidated. Anyway, I'm going for a brew.

AMI MG 02 Sep 2015

Hi, new here. Any idea if there is a group who put a claim against AMI?