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OML Greyinvestor 04 Sep 2015

Modest first purchase Made a first purchase of these today, at £1.88. Seem like good value.....

BPTY RAConnell 04 Sep 2015

Why no RNS? Reports in press and CNBC of GVC takeover but no RNS detailing terms etc. Why?Cheers, RAC

JQW I always get it wrong 04 Sep 2015

Re: Interims date A dividend would really give the company credibility. there is a real shortage of shares as I can not get live prices to Buy Just £ 1000.00Look good now.

VOG NannyTess1 04 Sep 2015

VOG. I hope their is no contagion from the terrorist attack at Kerawa yesterday, in the extreme north of the country, bordering Nigeria, resulting in the deaths of at least 30 souls. These actions occurred about 800 km from Douala as the crow flies. The effect on SP at the moment is not apparent.

MWA grogg 04 Sep 2015

Re: Open Offer Shame really as this company has promising underlying assets and prospects. I sold my shares yesterday because of the shenanigans.Good luck to all holders.

JQW rick43 04 Sep 2015

Interims date "JQW announces that the Group will be publishing its Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2015 on or around Wednesday 23 September 2015."[link] Expecting to see an interim dividend in the highlights!


EWT RNS What is missing here is any information on the production outcome of the EWT on the Penistone Flags Zone 3A.They state the positive; but information is missing. Chances are the workover will cure a problem encountered but not reported.Hopefully this still has a favourable outcome. But a few months yet till then.

MXCP stillere 04 Sep 2015

cheer up i think it time someone pointed out that sp stesdily recovers.

CBG Warren Buffoon 04 Sep 2015

Re: Enticing income payer however with d... I've had these shares since 2007 and I like the (relative) consistency of the company.They are still on my "buy" list and the consistent dividends are important to me.Touble is, whatever goes on in a lot of 'merchant banks' is still a mystery to me even after trying to fathom it out for 30 years. I just haave to go on the history of the particular operation. (was only in one bank at the crash.... HSBC).WBHaving bought in 2007, this share has provided me with a compound 11% per annum. Can't complain.

PNL EssentialInvestor 04 Sep 2015

Re: PNL In a word - YES.Look at PNL re most major equity markets in 2015 and the outperformancehas begun.Gold has held relative performance back and I noticed they appear to have reducedgold exposure looking at the latest portfolio composition.All imv only, please dyor.

PIM tejo 04 Sep 2015

FY Results and update Impressive report and exciting outlook. Added more this morning.

TCG UphillStruggle 04 Sep 2015

Am I worried? ...No I'm not worried in the slightest. I could have sold at 160p with a 17% profit... But I didn't. TCG is reducing debt steadily and is still on track. Results soon... It will be a good year despite Tunisia etc. remember we always have an extraordinary event every year, volcanoes to terrorist attacks to harsh winters. TUI doing well.. EasyJet doing well... So.... I think TCG is too... Next year will be a bit harder due to competition but with oil dropping 51% in a year and looking to stay low.... The hedging for next few years will be ultra low. So... Buy at these prices! The whole stockmarket has burped... Fosun lost 30% of its value in China but are still committed to TCG... Volatility is TCG so use it. As for the doom masters in here you can ignore them.... I'm a in longterm and I still have a rewarding job. As I already receive a pension since 2004 I can sleep at night. TCG will get a re-rating.....

PSL HoleInTheWall 04 Sep 2015

three storey multi-tenant office installation See link below:[link] this will start the ball rolling for more projects and revenue generation.

RMP IvestorOl 04 Sep 2015

Seventy Three Pty Any idea who these are? They appear to be quite keen on RMP!

RXP asilad 04 Sep 2015

Re: New Discovery! Not a market boosting RNS by any means. Seems to me like 801 is not going to be anything like a game changer, if anything at all. No surprise there though, I think punters could have guestimated that from previous RNS releases - unfortunate. As Hub said, shallow gains matter very little - in fact just remind me of the horrors of MXP where they gambled on deeps or nothing to a greater extent. 501? Better come in good now or this is heading the way of MXP particulary with the low oil price. For long term holders the next deeps are a big consideration, but hey, these deeps are clearly troublesome in this part of the world!No current investment now, despite being too heavily invested up until a couple of months ago and out at a loss. GL to all still holding. I hope 501 comes up trumps for you - you need it to.