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BPTY RAConnell 04 Sep 2015

Re: Why no RNS? DB,Thanks. So it's for each Bwin share it's 25p + 0.231 x each GVC share currently at about 430p equating to a current total of about 124p.But why did iii not include the RNS in their news system?Cheers, RAC

AFPO BuyBAO 04 Sep 2015


BPTY Davey Baby 04 Sep 2015

Re: Why no RNS? See GVC News:-[link] here[link]

DQE dicko80 04 Sep 2015

can't buy many online...she might be ready to move north

RUR Leicesterboy 04 Sep 2015

Re: 8.4m share purchase at close Are we sure its not a matching trade one being a sell and the other being a buy, and bit of B and B maybe transferring into a Pension Fund who knows its all a mystery but one thing for certain the BOD and Sterling know a lot more than us !

CMS MRBIG 04 Sep 2015

up today in a weak mkt..

JQW woodee 04 Sep 2015

2p dividend could... see JQW above 20p by month end. That would be great!!! Broker news 30p!!!!

DWHT II Editor 04 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Six for the future "Thanks to a summer hiatus, it's been nearly two months since my last roundup of companies tracked by the Share Sleuth decision engine.These companies don't get as much attention as they deserve because their immediate prospects are unexciting, ..."[link]

AFPO BuyBAO 04 Sep 2015

Up we go

RXP Hub 04 Sep 2015

Re: New Discovery! asilad,Roxi is a completely different play to MXP in that it is not under the cosh from huge debt. Management have already achieved 2 deep wells and have 2 more planned and that's through farming out and past asset sales etc.MXP management messed up and got caught in the debt trap.In terms of drilling success, RXP have broken through the high pressure zones without major problems. These drills are highly complex and very dangerous at that level. MXP failed to get through these zones.In summary - I wouldn't compare Roxi to MXP at all as the business stability is quite different. However, Roxi are like every other explorer in that they are at the mercy of mother nature and geology. Anything can happen.I would have preferred the RNS today to have said the sidetrack has been completed successfully and test will follow. I think the market is applying a decent discount to the sp based on them not completing this sidetrack.It only takes a month to do and whilst it still costs money, there's a chance that they can always try and sidtrack again if still unsuccessful.Lets hope the drilling fluids/mud etc is cleared and they move on to completion. If or when that news gets rns's - I think quite a few investors will get stuck in.As for 801, Sinopec are no foools. If they plan to test - then there's clearly something worth testing.HUB

JQW I always get it wrong 04 Sep 2015

Past 10p nice Not bad going. not too many sellers price is rising fast.

FRP paddington_bear 04 Sep 2015

Right + wrong! Looking back to my comments last August when I bought in, I was right about the holding action of DMA + IVA until legal services came on stream, fortunately wrong on how dramatic an effect those (subsequently greatly increased) legal aspects would be, The equivalent full year contributions from these now form over 60% of total income.Profits are starting to flow through, but the downside of course is the rise in debt, mainly related to acquisition costs. There has been a significant and welcome rise in SP, but comforting dividend still around 3.8%. As with any new venture, which in effect is what has happened here, there may be teething problems, but so far so good and all achieved without a rise in BoE interest rates. Pretty full valuation for now. GLAPB.

SKP raptor66 04 Sep 2015

Re: buy [link]

JQW rick43 04 Sep 2015

Re: OMPs out? As at 2nd June RNS, the two OMPs who have been selling this year were down to 2.7mn and 2.1mn respectively (down from 10mn each at admission) so it is just possible they are both completely out by now.and this from the 30th April Finals"The Board is disappointed by the share price performance of the Company since the 2014 interim results were issued, and feels that the share price has been disconnected from the positive financial and operational performance of the Company since admission. This has been caused in part by share disposals by a number of the overseas and early stage investors who have realised returns on their original investments." [link] worth having a look at what the group Chief executive has to say about regular dividend payments in that Finals RNS

KLN Waste_not_want_not 04 Sep 2015

Re: Interims Results look as expected to me. Do not really understand NFI but cash flow looked good and improving and that is my main metric for small AIM companies.As noted before I deal with Kellan and have found that their finance department and purchasing very well run - firm and fair. Cannot comment on the recruitment market generally other than difficult to find staff at moment for me in different sector.As a long term investor my view was over 3 pence I might take some 'profit'. Given I could buy at 2.25 p this morning topped up a little.There is very little volume going through at moment so going to be volatile pricing and the issues for Mr Bell and his arrest etc are unsettling I guess for large investors and really he needs to sell down some of the shares in order to provide a better market for the equity.I guess he has the £ 1.36 million of loan notes which I would like to buy ! , 10-112% interest would be welcome. More realistically if the company uses its cash to pay these back early that would help the share price imho. As above seems good value at 2.25 (£ 7.5 million market cap) and over 3p and thus over £ 10 million market cap is going to need EBITDA in excess of £ 1 million I would have thought per annum.