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KWE Richygm 05 Sep 2015

Director buyiing... so may take a stake, for diversification purposes. Tiny dividend yield, though.

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 05 Sep 2015

Stock - meant to add, I do think we will have a MOU sometime next week, I am really hoping for the confirmation of order RNS though which hopefully outlines our commission from the arrangement

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 05 Sep 2015

Stock - made a mistake earlier, my target is 5.6 and not 6.5. Though I will review it when we close in on this number and assess then, I'm hoping to hit this target and take 80% out to invest in a few stocks I have my eye on to hopefully give me safe big returns in December 2018, so fingers crossed we'll hit our respective targets.. Still intend to keep a 10 to 15k in AFPO though because if CC gets what he seems to be aiming for, this will be huge.. Strikes me the deal with COMESA is nothing to do with short term business deals, it's about something way bigger, that's why I feel CC had all this arranged and in place with COMESA before he even 'joined' AFPO

SKP Chicken Lips 05 Sep 2015

Re: 5 day trading graph Thanks.It is a peculiar phenomenon. There have been some pretty big swings on intraday sp prices, anyway but seems to be tailing and topping early to late. Making this nice wave formation for 5 day.I sold down I must admit as the SP fell, but began getting back in just before the results.I think the SP increase in the current market is a real sign of the results and previous falls (manipulation - I too have some paranoia).I think my only other SP to rise is another Pharma - VecturaEverything else has tanked and I made a couple of bad plays on possible SP rise elsewhere in financials. Cant see anything but choppy waters. So fingers crossed for SKP and VE

AFPO Stocksboy 05 Sep 2015

Congrats man, wish I entered at that price! This is my first AIM share actually, my portfolio hasn't been that big to be honest, fairly naive. But I've done well thus far and hope this stock will be another to add as a success. I usually prefer a shorter term invesment, but part of me is tempted to wait this one out. I completely agree, I think this will go big in the long term and CC is definitely the guy to be behind it all. I have everything in this stock too, I'm all in. I've even considered trying to get some more capital and buying more come Monday, but may just play it safe now and let it ride. So you reckon we'll see another deal placed next week?

RXP dickie3times 05 Sep 2015

Re: RNS OPS UPDATE This new discovery might just prove to be bigger with further testing making extraction easier and another revenue string to our bow. LOOKING GOOD IMO?

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 05 Sep 2015

There's a few interesting AIM shares worth looking at - but I'm staying in AFPO until it reaches at least 6.5 and even that target could be extended if sentiment and momentum is still the driving force. What I would say is, while there are 1 or 2 shares I'm desperate to get in to, I can't see any reason to cash in on AFPO just yet while we are getting positive news so frequently which will take the SP higher.. Al my inexperienced opinion of course

TGL Hedgehog100 05 Sep 2015

Re: D-Wave Breaks 1,000 Qubit Barrier "Posted on AUG 20, 2015Announcing the D-Wave 2X Quantum ComputerWe are very excited to announce the general availability of the latest generation of D-Wave quantum computers, the D-Wave 2X™ system. With 1000+ qubits and many other technological advancements, the D-Wave 2X will enable customers to run much larger, more complex problems on the system. In addition to scaling beyond 1000 qubits, the new system incorporates other major technological and scientific advancements. These include an operating temperature below 15 millikelvin, near absolute zero and 180 times colder than interstellar space. With over 128,000 Josephson tunnel junctions, the new processors are believed to be the most complex superconductor integrated circuits ever successfully used in production systems. Increased control circuitry precision and a 50% reduction in noise also contribute to faster performance and enhanced reliability. ...A summary of the TTT benchmark is as follows: • The D-Wave 2X finds near-optimal solutions up to 600x faster (depending on inputs) than comparable times for the best known and highly tuned, classical solvers. This comparison uses the quantum anneal time of the D-Wave processor. ..."[link] unveils new quantum computing benchmark (and it’s fast)Time to good-enough is a better measure than Chris Lee - Sep 2, 2015 4:28pm BSTD-Wave, a company we have covered extensively in the past, has taken some heat because a number of tests have shown that its adiabatic quantum optimizer is no faster than a regular computer. But the company is now claiming that its machine is between two to 600 times faster than a classical computer. What happened to obtain such a huge speed-up? A new benchmark, that's what.I remember when every OS manufacturer, chip maker, and video card vendor would either cheat or invent a new benchmark in order to claim to be the fastest. So my eyes initially rolled so hard that Newton's third law just about kicked me out of my chair. After recovering from the muscle strain, I got a hold of the paper, and much to my surprise, I agree with the authors. …This comes into play in two ways. One is that the D-Wave system still has too few bits to be used for real-world problems—it's still the equivalent of a computer that can only compete with calculators. The benchmark only works within the space of problems that fit on the chip, which makes it unrealistic for now, although there is no denying that it shows the potential of D-Wave hardware.At present, D-Wave is aiming to compete with simulated annealers and equivalent solvers that can run on standard hardware. But once the company has scaled it to the point where their chip is useful, the real competition (and the real use of the benchmark) will be other physical annealing, 2015, 1508.05087This post originated on Ars Technica"[link] 4, 2015 @ 5:33 PM 14,809 VIEWSQuantum Computing: From Theory To RealityThe word quantum often portends New Age mumbo-jumbo, in spite of the fact that quantum mechanics underlies many of today’s most important technologies, including lasers and the semiconductors found in every computer chip.Nevertheless, today quantum computing is becoming a reality. And while it may look to the layperson like mere mumbo-jumbo, in reality of the technology has largely moved out of the theoretical stage, as recent news indicates.In fact, two important announcements over the last few weeks underscore the progress quantum computing is making.First, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada-based D-Wave Systems announced the general availability of the latest generation of their D-Wave 2X quantum computer.Second, semiconductor behemoth Intel INTC -3.57%announced a $50 million

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 05 Sep 2015

I first entered at 0.51 believe it or not and through inexperience and idiocy have managed to take my fairly largeish holding to an average of 1.30. Still got a tidy profit. I'm all in on this, I know it's a gamble, but CC strikes me as guy driven by morals and ethics than by cash, he also has a pedigree background and African contacts to die for, so I figure what the hell. I think 5p is a safe short term play mate, we could reach that Friday or the week after if we get the order confirmation MOU, I could be wrong here but I think this is safe place to be in the short term of a month or two.. Longer term I really think this could go all the way and become huge, but that view point is based on CC and a hunch more than anything more substantial

AFPO Stocksboy 05 Sep 2015

It's not bad, I mean I watched the stock nearer 1.00, but didn't buy any. Only just seen its progress at 2.15, entered and around 2.30 bought more. I'd be happy to make one or two thousand out of this. Haven't got enough capital, I'd be happy if this hit 5p. What about yourself?

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 05 Sep 2015

By the way my name on LSE is just Heathcliff, I tried my DTM username of heathcliffironballs but there were too many characters... How's your luck with AFPO mate?

AFPO Stocksboy 05 Sep 2015

Cheers Heath!!

AFRI akaDolly 05 Sep 2015

Re: of interest to MozbifAgriterra? link, interesting to see it has been tested in several countries. As well as US could imagine Cuba and Guatemala. Could be good trade there between SA and those two. Guatemala recently expanding their container portLooking again, it is not just waste that is used for animal feed, c33% oil and 67% animal feed. Also says it is grown to be tolerant to salt/salinity. I would expect then it has been tested in area of Australia,. One good crop where no other will grow, crops three times a year, not sure how that worksNot only aviation fuel but also diesel (products)Paul de Robillard involvement?

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 05 Sep 2015

Stocks boy... Hi, just a heads up, discuss the market is an amalgamation of discussion sites, so I can post on here, and only discuss the market members of this BB can read it.. If you want to discuss or raise points with other members you need to join LSE and post on that site.. What I like to do is, post on LSE, but read all published posts on DTM site because. Find it easier and cleaner. Good luck

AFRI akaDolly 05 Sep 2015

of interest to MozbifAgriterra? In the link below, re the biofuel from tobacco plant. The plants have been engineered to push all the strength into the plant seed. This in turn being harvested for its oil. The waste of this product, nicotine free and non GMO is being investigated as being added to animal