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ARG penguin14 06 Sep 2015

more oil news... [link]

MCGN Blanketstacker 06 Sep 2015

Worth a go now? I have topped up now. My reasoning runs thusER = 12PEG = 0.28Yield = 3.4%Div cover = x2Recent positive broker comments.There have been a couple of recent small acquisitions, which the company has an excellent record of making profitably. An approach was made this summer by a private equity group to purchase the bulk of the business, but this was declined. This seems to confirm the real value here, and the potential for further growth. The management is responsible and hard working.On the less positive side there is as yet little evidence the retiring chairman has found a home for the 7%+ of the company he is looking to sell. Also revenue has been somewhat static of late.However the positives far outweigh the negatives. The company is currently trading at a five year low. A more reasonable price here seems to be c125, so there is possibly a 20% potential profit here.

OPAY jonnydurex 06 Sep 2015

SCSW Another keep buying from scsw with lots still to come. One of the few bright lights in my current portfolio. Will be here for a while, gla. jd

SAV dickie3times 06 Sep 2015

Re: A Gem of a share waiting investors ... Pi's bottom fishing. I"m just adding as funds allow at any price under 2p Quiet board will soon be active after next RNS update?

AVM mog 06 Sep 2015

Master investor ,gold deal binge,,,makes a good read ,

EDEN scoobes 06 Sep 2015

Re: Drop in share price does this apply to us countryfile on now 7 til 8 bbc1

AFR ldlv 06 Sep 2015

ALAG Many of the Afren PLC investors who have lost countless sums during the scandals of the past years are seeking legal advice to seek redress and to gain recourse over the significant amount of irregularities that have occurred within and by those associated with this company.We are not convinced of the impartiality of many of the key players involved in this company over the period and the motive or the methods of those who are either involved in irregular behaviour or who have assisted this malicious destruction of a multi billion pound company into its current condition. Some parties seem to be trying to rush through even further unacceptable outcomes to add insult to injury and the only way for us to counter this is to work methodically with the appropriate regulatory authorities and professionals in order to carefully and clinically reverse the damage inflicted upon many investors through what is alleged illegal and unethical actions. This is a marathon not a sprint.Ultimately, this will be resolved by a judge and jury and will probably require multiple litigations in more than one jurisdictions to seek the best outcome for all those who have been dispossessed.It will take a long time to resolve fully but we feel that a positive resolution is likely regardless of any counter narrative that is deployed to deter us.In the interim, we request that no genuine supporter publically reports on any key historic events, allegations or developments on any bulletin board.Justice is slow but pure and we request and suggest that any posters do not waste their time in engaging with the deliberately provocative posters who are being paid to undermine our efforts or who seek to benefit from the dubious transfer of Afren PLC assets to key third parties.These malevolent parties have caused enough damage already and Pied Pipers have misled enough innocent investors to date that we do not want to encourage them further.A legal class action point of contact has been already advertised, published and distributed to all qualifying claimants by our lawyers and they will become the key future unifying voice for the escalation of this pursuit for justice.Be assured, we will continue regardless until this injustice has been rectified.We already have a very strong body of evidence emerging and as before we request that if any shareholder, company official or interested party in Afren PLC can provide any factual information of any event involving the company, that they feel should be reported to the regulatory authorities or has which has unnecessarily damaged the value of the company, please can they collate the information and forward it accordingly to us initially and our lawyers subsequently.The response to date has been staggering and we can only request that you all continue forwarding this information and evidence and we are especially interested in speaking with anyone who has key knowledge of any illegal act or dubious event.If you have legally contentious facts but are naturally concerned of the legal ramifications of passing this information to us please contact the legal contacts direct and they will advise you accordingly as to how this can be handled correctly in the appropriate manner.We have faith in the quality, integrity and powers of the judiciary and authorities to assist us in gaining justice and we are all working towards the day that judges and juries have an opportunity to evaluate the entire facts and not just the propaganda that we have all been barraged with since the irregularities began.Thank you for all your support:claim.alag at gmail comafrenlegalaction at yahoo com

BA soi 06 Sep 2015

Re: Telegraph- Questor Hi games Excellent post, drilled the fundamentals.If only others would do the same.I entered a SB long trade late last week, perhaps contrarian, often am.Agree with your view, I`m just looking for a short term opportunity, which may or may not happen.It might also be OK on a very long term view.Only time will tell.ATBsoi

GKP tejassi 06 Sep 2015

I voted "100% Chance?" in the Gulf Keystone Petroleum poll: GKP sub 30p Monday? [link]

CEY mog 06 Sep 2015

Thanks Tony. Interesting. Take a look at Master investor Gold deal binge. He has confidence in the price of AU !!!

BA gamesinvestor 06 Sep 2015

Re: Telegraph- Questor Intersting article, but for a stock analyst it seems particularly light on any figures explaining why BAE is where it is -- here are a few ideas :-The reason why the P/E is 11 is because the company has been in decline for 5 years. BAE is not a defensive company because it's business and government budgets are under threat, particularly with the ring fencing of NHS etc and the fact that the government's 2% protection figure is massaged as a number to role in some services to pad out the number. Some figures :-1. Falling Revenue -- £20.3Bn in 2009 ---> £16.7Bn projected end 2014.That's a fall off in business of 18% in 5 years. OK this is backward looking, but based on the recent large lost contract and the discussions about the bloated cost of the Typhoon do we really have confidence in the next 5 years? -- I dunno, do you?2. Earnings per Share (EPS) is also less now that in 2009 (37p compared to 40p in 2009) and this is despite the share buy backs which are supposed to flatter the EPS figure to help management bonuses (OK that was overly cynical of me).3. High PEG ratio of 2.0 going into next year based on a high P/E of 12.8 -- the highest BAE has experienced for years.4. No quoted ROCE -- I simply don't know how much is generated for each £ invested, and it doesn't seem to be a goal for the company unless I've missed something in the annual reports (I could stand to be corrected there).5. Dividend cover declining. Whilst still relatively comfortable it's fallen from well over 2 to 1.9 and not covered by cash flow, which is the only real true measurement of dividend cover.6. Share price trading close to 52 week highs, which in itself is not necessarily that meaningful except there is no room for shocks buying in at this level.7. Cash flow - was £1.1Bn short at the end of last year8. Debt is not enormous but still represents over 4.5 times it's current pre-tax profits.BAE is more than generously priced at this level.Games -- Prepares himself for a stiff riposte!

ENRT nipper22 06 Sep 2015

The Terrifying Dark Years Were at the time when I was married to. ..... On second thoughts, don't even think about it! It's still terrifying.


SCSW coverage Decent write up as Primary Recommendation (one of two) this weekend so a short term positive next week. Sounds like it will make it into their portfolio shortly.

REM paidtosave 06 Sep 2015

Already tonnes of white powder going over the border. A few more bags of lithium won't matter.

BVC gerihatric 05 Sep 2015

Re: AGM on Tuesday I plan to be there. If there are any questions you think I should ask let me know. I have a few of my own.