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ENRT Thomas Tallis 07 Sep 2015

Recovery? All "shutting down" At the bottom of that page - this sounds dire -"After the Interview:Rob Kirby also said that one of his contacts in Dubai told him, “Everything is shutting down. The economy has turned to mush.” Kirby also says his other contacts around the world are all telling him the same thing. Kirby predicts, “Bad things are coming soon. Bad things are happening already around the world where you can’t lie about it to cover it up.” You can find free information on the home page of,"

ENRT Thomas Tallis 07 Sep 2015

Recovery? "Rob Kirby says forget what you are hearing about the so-called “recovery.” The powers are hiding a coming collapse."[link] he is talking about the USA - but we live in a global economy so it will affect us, and many of the points about economic matters apply here too."The American economy is being propped up with fraud and crime and time is running out. Kirby explains," - I think Max Keiser said that 75% of the UK's GDP is based on fraud.All nothing more than chit chat and waffle to pass the time as we wait for the ENRT sp to get back to 2p (or drop to 0.05p?). Nothing in any of my posts is intended to be advice nor to be taken as being any recommendation to take action.

ATC one4all 07 Sep 2015

about to blow BUY

AVAP claude reins 07 Sep 2015

Finals today Good growth. Better divi. Better spread of customers - including Thomas Cook and Flybe (not new news). Blip on net profit because previous year's profit on sale of new aircraft before they touched the ground was not replicated. Also wrote off 1 aircraft come to end of useful life. These things will happen form time to time.Overall cost of finance coming down. Getting finance for further growth.8 out of 10 aircraft coming this year already let.Broadly good. Don't see why they have fallen so low this year. Asia effect?Weak buy only because there does not seem to be much enthusiasm for them at the moment in the market.

AGTA alltold9 07 Sep 2015

EXCITMENT BUILDING! Have we a BIG announcement brewing?

ENRT Thomas Tallis 07 Sep 2015

The need for cash - finding it tough Condor Gold is considering putting itself up for sale because of the difficulties in getting the cash it needs."Furthermore, there is no guarantee that either equity or debt financing for the construction of the mine and associated infrastructure can be secured on satisfactory terms"[link] hope the royalties from Brownwater and that million pound plus order come flooding in to ERT - and soon. I wonder if this is why we are waittig for the AGM - they are waiting for the royalties to come in Sept so they can announce the good news at the meeting. All guesswork on my part and not based anything more than a hunch.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 07 Sep 2015

Re: AGM Any news of the AGM?Does anyone remember being told about a potential Chinese deal being in advanced discussions and then the documents being with the lawyers?We were given statements which descrbed the discussions as advanced and that the documents were with the lawyers - giving me the impression that this was close to being signed off - but no one on here seems to care that it could just disappear without a word of explanation in the Prelims.Will it be mentioned at the AGM (whenever that is)?

LEG BOWOOD 07 Sep 2015

VS Could VS reverse into LEG?

AUE laurence 07 Sep 2015

rns is out

ENRT Thomas Tallis 07 Sep 2015

"Recovery" over? The business news section of the Today programme had guests telling of the decline in confidence in British companies.They had been feeling confident due all the talk of recovery but was that because they fell for propganda and fiddled statistics? Was all the talk of recovery a load of bluff? In the alternative media, people such as Gerald Celente have said all along that there was no recovery - it was all fake.King World News has a few articles by Marc Faber.[link]

AGL niceandsimple 07 Sep 2015

Come on Angle [link]

ENRT nipper22 07 Sep 2015

Re: The Terrifying Dark Years Oh dear, I think that my post has not been seen for what was intended. It was an attempt at humour to lighten the depressing, incessant predictions of doom and gloom by you know who.One can but try.

WG II Editor 06 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 7/09/2015 " WOOD GROUP PLC (LSE:WG.) starts our Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution Sector week. We last looked at it back in 2014 and postulated a bottom of 620p. Unfortunately the price not only reached such a level but broke below rather ..."[link]

BA gamesinvestor 06 Sep 2015

Spending Review [link] MoD have a target that we should be saving them [about] £200m a year,” Mr Newman said.In reality, the figure could be far greater."Games

BA gamesinvestor 06 Sep 2015

Re: Telegraph- Questor Soi, I think you need not worry, this share like all the others is likely to oscillate up and down so your trades are as good in BAE as any other.Games -- you'll probably see a bounce up from here.