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SAV dickie3times 07 Sep 2015

BAD NEWS...may have sent us higher? ...Well, good news is doing nothing for us is it?

ATC seadoc 07 Sep 2015

Re: just getting started here One4all,There are 2.2m tons left in the ground (Interims 2015), 165,000 mined in 2014 (finals 2014) but lets assume doubling in rate of extraction in which case the mine will be worked out in 2.2/(0.165x2) = 6.7yrs. Where do you see the price of anthracite one year and six years from now? And on what do you base your predictions?Regards,Seadoc

HFEL Fabius1 07 Sep 2015

Re: Not HFEL related TDDWSome interesting ideas there. Japan is pretty much a blueprint for China's development. Question is, where are they at the moment on the chronological/economic curve. Graduating from sweat shop of the world and probably showing signs of moving into the key manufacturing phase ( Japan @ 60's-70's at a guess). I think we have to start with the basic premise that the Chinese 'government' can do pretty much what they like in China. We already know that it seems to own a chunk of the 'Shanghai' care of the people's republic but we just don't know the size of that chunk. You are right about the dollar. A weak dollar isn't that great. Back in the 80's, I remember endless debates about the the extent of the US of A's Japanese debt and the tongue in cheek suggestion/solution was to give them Florida and call it quits. Bit of a rum deal for the Japanese if you ask me. Anyhow, the rest is history because shortly after that we had the Nikkei meltdown which hit Japan especially badly at a time when they were saddled with all that debt and deflationary issues which still haven't been resolved. At this stage, I don't actually think the Chinese stock market is that materially significant compared with other major markets. Is China really a free economy with unrestricted flows of capital in and out of the country etc. I think we look to invest for the potential and in the light of recent shenanigans, I believe there is a bit of window dressing going on there after the Oriental equivalent of egg on face. I suspect most of the big money deals go on behind closed doors and are conducted between various Triads and concluded with funny handshakes that date back hundreds of years. How does this tie in with your conspiracy theory? Well, I suppose if they run the show then it could easily be arranged but is it plausible when you consider the priority is to propel China into the global front line with 'mucho' kudos and respect that they clearly crave. Is it possible they consider the Treasury conundrum is just the cost of doing business. Besides, I am sure it will put to one side and dusted off at a convenient moment in the future. I don't see China becoming a post eighties Japan, there is just too much waiting to happen. On the scrapping front, I think South East Asia in general must be more than a little interested in the growing 'clout' of its neighbour, not to mention the sheer size. After all, China has already flexed its muscles with Taiwan and Japan over territorial disputes. On the Russian front, access to resources must be high on the agenda and boy does PP need it right now! That's fine, as long as they 'don't see the big board' (Dr Strangelove) in which case we are all doomed.Interesting chat.F1

AEN dickie3times 07 Sep 2015

Re: Future is bright Hold and wait till oil recovers.Still one of my favourite atocks.

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 07 Sep 2015

Who can say for sure? I hope for close to 4p by late Friday or early next week.. Can't call with any certainty though. GL

HSS mildmouth 07 Sep 2015

Re: Good entry point I would agree wholeheartedly with the point you made that the flotation of this stock is laughable, except that it is also a disgrace. A company displays confidence, floats at a high price and then within no time produces mysterious warning statements which can only show that the management had no clue what was going on..... or worse.....I just checked this stock for the first time, thinking due to its fall that it may be cheap but take away intangible assets - which in the circumstances may be worth nothing - and the stock is still very expensive in net asset terms. As for the trading what possible confidence can anyone have?I feel sorry for those who invested and who must be feeling aggrieved ..... or worse. Any investment now is an out and out gamble until new management provides some proper information which can be believed.

AFPO georgehissi 07 Sep 2015

what is the target for the next few weeks?

AUE shugg1e 07 Sep 2015

production what are the cash costs per oz?

RRR scotchoverice 07 Sep 2015 are interacting with AB as if he has any interest in building a real company when, in my opinion. His sole game is to rip off PIs.....look at his business history...go back to Housing Loan Vorporation and his IVA...AB makes money fo himself and his one else

ATC one4all 07 Sep 2015

just getting started here this could be the investment of the year... the numbers now look fantastic, really fantastic.a lot of things have now come together after a few years of infostructure strugglesnow have the machinery in placethe rail logistics sorted.massive seems of anthracite being easily monedbig cutmers in placerising market prices into wintera stock pile of inventoryand their debt managed by trading in profitfor such a small cap company this can be a huge return this ad next year

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 07 Sep 2015

Sorry George - typo, yes 2.75 may be possible, the only prob is the MM's drop the price, but sometimes it's really difficult to but at that, I think they do it to try and scare people into selling.. All my opinion of course, and I'm no expert, so don't plan any strategy on my say so.. GL

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 07 Sep 2015

George, of course it could drop to 1.75. However I think that's extremely unlikely, it has strong consolidation around 2.80 at the minute so this would form a strong base and platform for higher rises.. If there is a RNS in the morning it could surge higher again.. GL though

AFPO Heathcliffironballs 07 Sep 2015

George- I think this share has everything going for it, it has a great Exec Cairman who has transformed the company, it looks to have imminent revenue streams, a contract to supply COMESA for 3 to 10 years which could earn us millions, we also have an as yet undeveloped potash mine with IRO $1 billion, it couldn't look rosier from where I'm sitting... But, if you understand the casino that is AIM, you've done your research, you can afford to lose what you invest etc, and you are happy to take the risk that will be your decision... Then no, I really don't think you've missed the boat.. I'm looking to de risk at 5.6 but will keep money in long term because I think AFPO has the potential to be big.. DYOR and GL

AFPO georgehissi 07 Sep 2015

could it drop to 2.75 tomorrow, just for a limited time?

AFPO georgehissi 07 Sep 2015

is it too late to buy?