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HCP ventura1 08 Sep 2015

why would the company and shareholders want to get involved in a scheme managed by puma/shore who lost the company everything???

SAL casabanker 08 Sep 2015

Network Rail contract win I liked the deal with Network Rail so much so that I have bought a few SAL shares a few days ago. It will be interesting to see the effects on the bottom line of this contract. Casa.

ETO gretel 08 Sep 2015

"Too cheap" per Shares Mag ETO are tipped in this week's Shares Mag in a long feature on brands....ETO are "too cheap":"Entertainment One (ETO) 303.7pThe TV, Film and music rights outfit has a number of valuable brands in its portfolio but number one on the list by some distance is Peppa Pig. Probablyfamiliar to anyone with children under the age of five it is a deceptively simple animated series about a four-year-old pig, her family and friends which is increasingly becoming a cultural phenomenon and generated upwards of $1 billion of retail sales in 2014.The Toronto headquartered firm buys the distribution rights for films. it produces TV shows, selling broadcast rights to third parties but retaining merchandise and digital distribution rights. it undertakes brand licencing and has a small music rights operation.The £893 million cap owns 50% of the underlying rights to Peppa Pig and therefore gets money every time toys or goods bearing the cartoon star’s pictures are sold, as well as a fee for licensing activity. Peppa Pig will make its debut on Chinese TV this year and there’s a big push on merchandisein the US.While it could be a few years before Peppa toys are sold in China, entertainment one says it has already tied up the trademarks and got the necessary legal paperwork to ensure there’s tight intellectual property protection. This should help prevent counterfeiters from cashing in with knock-off merchandise.Although TV shows generally have a shelf life, Peppa Pig’s appeal shows no signs of waning more than 10 years since the first episode was broadcast in May 2004. suggesting it may be able to match the longevity of Us kids’ shows like Sponge Bob SquarePants, 16 years and still going strong, and Sesame Street which premiered nearly 46 years ago.And with plenty of other coveted content to sit alongside its porcine star the company is a beneficiary of the trend towards video streaming. The company licenses its material to major platforms like Amazon instant Video and Netflix(NFLX:NDQ) – and these platforms are likely to be willing to be pay increasing amounts for the right properties as they look to secure contracted viewers.This should support the company’s drive to double the size of its business in the next five years. The expansion plans will require significant investment – pressuring cash flow and undermining return on invested capital in the near-term.However given the growth potential, which could well be augmented by acquisitions, a March 2016 price-to-earnings ratio of 12 looks too cheap. (Ts)"

PCI earthly 08 Sep 2015

Re: Someone not happy Petroceltic, the Irish exploration company, has said that its largest shareholder is trying “to gain control of the company without paying fair value”. __________ __________ _______All I can say is that the share price has fallen, and if its not a rude question, who is to blame for that ? The Bod need to deal with minority shareholders ( pi's )disapproval and get the share price up and perhaps get some sort of agreement with its largest shareholder, but of course that may require someone else to run the company and guess that won't happen !!! so catch 22 situatuation... will the meantime we that are left Pi's are losing thousands of £'s.EARTHLY

ISG Lupo di mare 08 Sep 2015

Results Looks like they've had to add another £4m or so of provisions since the July Update. Other than that all looks ok. Just hope that that really is the end of the provisions; although I'd put money on it not being the end, albeit much reduced - I hope.

SER Fese 08 Sep 2015

what you thing about: Cambria Africa PLC up 90%

UTW jonnydurex 08 Sep 2015

scsw Did mention it could bounce very sharply indeed-hope so!jd

LRE Greyinvestor 08 Sep 2015

takeover Of AML today, 100% cash and a big premium.Only BEZ, NVA, LRE and HSX to go. In that order!

LRE SilksDream 08 Sep 2015

Any ideas on why the big move today. SP up 53p at £7.06?SD

DQE dicko80 08 Sep 2015

Re: can't buy Hello

CRE gretel 08 Sep 2015

Next update will be the interims The AGM has come and gone. Good to see the share price inching up again.I e-mailed CRE again - it seems that the next trading news will be the interims in November "As there is no new information to update the market on since our last trading update on 9 June".This is good news. There can have been no material change in trading since that positive results outlook in June, otherwise CRE would have had to say something. So nothing has changed, and hopefully we can therefore expect good interim numbers.

AML Warren Buffoon 08 Sep 2015

Ooops Ooops....I missed the press release saying the offer is 670p in cash.Ah well. Onto the next....

GEM goldminer70 08 Sep 2015

Auction Results Gemfields have announced the auction results the full RSN can be seen on their website but the highlights areEmerald auction revenues of USD 34.7millionThe average realised price was USD 58.42 per carat, the third highest figure on record;Of the 0.60 million carats offered for sale, 0.59 million carats were sold(98%); and19Kagem auctions held since July 2009 have generated USD 360million in total revenues.Amethyst auction revenues of USD 0.44 millionThe average realised price was 4.32 US cents per carat (an increase of 144% compared to the 1.77 US cents per carat realised in the February 2015 auction; Of the 11.0 million carats offered for sale, 10.1million carats were sold (92%)Roll on the full results later this month. The should be stunningGoldminer79

AML Warren Buffoon 08 Sep 2015

Re: More consolidation According to today's papers, a bid is in the offing from Mitsui Sumitomo.Had these since 2010 with an annual growth rate of 9%. . . . be sorry to see them go.

PEG gretel 08 Sep 2015

Good H1 results just out PEG made 1.03p EPS in H1 alone, against a 12p share price.Cash generation was good, and they now have a £2m cash pile against a £4.84m m/cap.The outlook statement shows a lot of confidence for the year end outturn.Looking good.