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MONI LMIGKP 09 Sep 2015

The group’s earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (ebitda) - which strip out one-off costs and impairments - came in at the lower end of the company’s expected loss of between £40m and £50m.

MONI LMIGKP 09 Sep 2015

Buy all the shares available they are going cheap

AFRI akaDolly 09 Sep 2015

Fresh to go UK The model clearly works for SA to UK. Fresh to Go operating from same airports as our Johannesburg distribution centre, based airside at Oliver Tambo International Airport, our Quality Assurance teams check all product before despatch to overseas markets. Morgan Cargo, a leading perishable cargo agent in Africa, provides our logistical service by air, road and sea freight, supplying an end-to-end handling and clearing solution from various African locations, through to their perishable cargo handling centres at Heathrow and Schiphol International Airports.

HZD pharmaspecialist 09 Sep 2015

Re: Placing and share price Hello Kestlemill,Yes I agree it is very hard to value this company and you can, indeed, expect more dilution. I like the agreement with Abcam just announced but I prefer Abcam as an investment because its business is less speculative, easier to value and it throws out cash rather than consuming it. I would advise taking no notice of what Mr. Woodford invests in. His training was in economics and he has worked in insurance and as a fund manager with great success in selecting equity income investments. I am sure he must have done a crash course in biotech but, speaking as an investor with 25 years experience of the UK and US biotech industry, I find it hard to work out how he has developed the expertise to invest in this sector which, believe me, is fundamentally different from equity income investing. I assume he must be outsourcing the due diligence on his biotech investments and I have a feeling that he is adpopting a "scatter gun" approach as I can see no rhyme or reason with the companies he is choosing, some of which are look excellent to me and some appear to be no-hopers.

PLND Chocolate Dustbin 09 Sep 2015

Aquisition Is there bad news on the horizon?SP on quite a slide again.

AML highsnlows 09 Sep 2015

Which stock exchange If this take over goes through what stock exchange will the new shares be traded on? As I hold Amlin, it might be a reasonable idea to sell some for the immediate profit and hold the rest ( in the take over company) ..... but on what stock exchange?HnL

MONI LMIGKP 09 Sep 2015

in for £5k

MONI LMIGKP 09 Sep 2015

Cash position expected to be in excess of £45m throughout FY 2016.

ALK IB Investor 09 Sep 2015

Re: Ouch! Misty makes a good point - the footsie 250 is a much better investment bet than the 100. The 100 only just passed its 1999 high this year whilst the 250 passed its high in 2004 if memory serves me.My only reason to invest in the 100 is either when I think a share has gone too low(miners?) but mainly when I want an income share - this usually means a pretty static dividend and a capital loss I'm afraid. In fact there are income unit trusts who beat any return from a footsie company.The smaller companies and AIM can produce even better returns, but also big losses. Whilst I have taken a beating on Alkane this time around ( made good bucks on previous purchaes over the past 12? years or so - but timing is crucial) Power companies are in a strange place - we seem to have a shortage of supply, yet prices are falling. I would also not sell this time of year as we only need a bad winter and prices will go up strongly.

LEK barno99 09 Sep 2015

Lekoil ready for lift-off This is going to be a super company with oil at over 6000bpd coming out of the ground with just one well drilled to date in Nigeria. Results at the end of the month expected to show a large rise in profits and 3 more wells to come on stream with the same potential as the first..Blockbuster will not be the word and the miserly valuation at present a distant memory.[link]

AFRI akaDolly 09 Sep 2015

So....2 years ago and counting We do not appear to have many partnerships namedMaybe sometime this month? Perhaps??? Possibly???? something????? anything???and can ii get that trade thingy fixed, it is not minus 14%, last trade was at 0,

AFRI akaDolly 09 Sep 2015

2 years ago Doc H did this interview iii wouldnt allow the name of SP to be inserted as a link, I had to remove every mentionxxxxxxxxxxxxx quizzes serial entrepreneur David Lenigas about his latest AIM listed vehicle - Afriag (AFRI) which is a relatrive newcomer, via reversal into a shell, onto AIM. Q1. David, given the relative novelty of Afriag as a listed vehicle many will not have heard of it, Could you enlighten us as to what it is that the company aims to do? DL. There is a great opportunity in Africa for someone to establish the first true pan-African Agri-Logistics companies. I have teamed up with Paul de Robillard my old partner in this sector from when I ran Lonrho who built the foundations of the main part of Lonrho's business today. His experience and expertise are unquestionable. AfriAg is working to secure some very important and key contracts with major growers and exporters of agricultural produce and utilise our experience to competitively compete in an underserviced and obscenely overpriced market.The business does not require a great deal of working capital from the Plc at this stage, as AfriAg is as stated, a management company. We focus on taking margin from the logistics chain and specialise in getting produce from source to the end destination where-ever that is in the world on time and at the best price. We have a good track record historically of this. The Plc will receive regular dividends from its associated companies which will form the basis of a growing balance sheet and cash flow. We will be looking for a number of Paul de Robillard partnerships over the coming year to expand our logistics network across the African Continent. In 3-5 years, we will strive to have an office or representative office in all 55 African Counties.Q2. Currently the market has found buyers into the Afriag story including yourself, having secured a large stake in the business could you clarify the significance of this position and its advantage or security this may hold as Afriag brokers new deals?DL. I have been actively involved in building a number of Companies on the LSE over the past decade, 4 of which have now been taken over for significant sums of money. I never really had a significant personal shareholding in any of these ventures, so it was and is important that I am one of the largest shareholders in AfriAg as we grow this business from the ground up. The board has a good plan to grow AfriAg quickly and we are focused on this. I would like to buy more shares, but unfortunately, due to the rapid growth I expect at AfriAg, I see that I will be in a continual closed period and therefore I cannot increase my holding much further.Q3. I see that you have teamed up with Paul de Robillard who clearly has a wealth of experience out in Africa along with a significant holding in the business. You announced on 12th July that Afriag will be looking to reach out to affiliated parties and companies working closely to provide excellence within your field. Could you give a simple appraisal of how this will be rolled out and its potential impact on the company from its current position?DL. AfriAg South Africa will be the first of a number of partnerships we will ultimately seek to put in place around Africa. Paul has excellent business experience in southern Africa, but we will be seeking similar partnerships in north, east and West Africa. I can't say any more than this at this stage. I am not planning on issuing further shares for these partnerships at this stage. The model is still developing.Q4 David you are fast becoming the benchmark for those that can go right and some not so, Without focusing too much on the 'what ifs' could you explain to investors your track record over the past decade?DL. BDI Mining - Took control at 1.5p. Taken over for 37p.Cambrian Mining and Western Canadian Coal - Cambrian was on the old Ofex Market and Western Canadian Coal was at 3 cents on the Canadian Exchange. 5 years later, t

PNL EssentialInvestor 09 Sep 2015

Re: PNL Gold is the area where I disagree with PNL.It has cost them dearly on performance over the last 2 years, coupled with a largepotential loss of income.PNL hold some fantastic companies, but the performance of gold has helped toobscure the quality of their equity holdings imv.3 years ago gold was a massive speculative bubble, you could not turn on the TVwithout being bombarded by .. we buy your gold adverts, online, in papers, everywhere.This speculative aspect should have been recognised by the BOD and TROY,even halving exposure then would have greatly enhanced returns. All IMV, as always.Gold aside, I like PNL at this point of the cycle.

SRX Donatron 09 Sep 2015

Ghost town Bit quiet around these parts at the moment! The price has dropped quite a bit, which I think is hardly surprising given the both the H1 update and the wider slowdown in China.For those who didn't see, Investec lowered their price forecast from 38p to 35p. I haven't seen the note so can't say exactly what they think has changed, but the rutile price isn't helping.We saw from the interims that the rutile price has been hovering around the $800 mark. We also know that the all-in cash costs are expected to be about $650-670 and that production is on target to meet 120k-130k.Scribble that down using the worst case figures in those ranges and we are hopefully looking at a profit for 2015 of $15.6m (call it £10m). Divide that by the 522m shares and we're looking at about 1.9p EPS, which puts us on a PE multiple of about 11x. On that basis, I would say the company is at a reasonably fair price at the moment - you wouldn't expect it to fall much further, for example. That said, there are many triggers that could positively affect the share price:Lower than expected costsHigher than expected productionHigher rutile prices - this could be a game changer due to operational leveragingCorporate action - for example a takeover offer, etcIf they did go ahead with a dividend at the end of this year, the EPS would perhaps support 0.9p a share assuming they retain 50%. I'm sure PALA would like to start extracting some cash from the company, plus it sends a signal that this is a stable, secure company. If that were the case then, we could calculate that the share price ought to be perhaps 45p using a 2% risk free rate.Not suggesting I'm correct, so interested to hear thoughts.

AFRI akaDolly 09 Sep 2015

Many media outlets covering Dangote deal Looks like the signing of many of the deals is imminent going by the media attention in ZimbabweZimbabwe cabinet working flat out to remove unfriendly investment lawsDangote holdings to pour billions into ZimbabweGovernment elated with Dangote interest, overwhelmingly endorsed the initiative for the Zimbabwe economyCement manufacturing, thermal power station construction (power generation)Opens up everything, new builds homes, warehouses, hotels, tourism and the power generation for the whole of Zimbabwe. Construction of all sites means there will be roads and infrastructure going