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RRR scotchoverice 10 Sep 2015

AB seen at Abbey Road Studios today..recording "tell me lies tell me sweet little lies" with Tom Winnifrith on bavking vocals allegedly

PHNX danners 10 Sep 2015

Re: have I missed something? StockMarketWire | Thu, 10th September 2015 - 14:48Canaccord Genuity has upgraded its rating on Phoenix Group Holdings (LONHNX) to buy from hold, which it stated was primarily based on its M&A prospects.

EMED davegrace 10 Sep 2015

Schoolboy errors, WHY.. Do they really think that PIs are thick..

JQW rick43 10 Sep 2015

Re: New FD A bit more about the new CFO - this from the JQW website - updated Board of Directors"Francis Chan Hein HueyChief Financial OfficerMr Chan has over five years of experience in the auditing industry, having started at Crowe Horwath (Malaysia and later International), Audit Alliance and One Assurance LLP. During his tenure with these companies, he has been involved in numerous IPOs in the UK and Japan. Mr Chan has also had previous experience working with JQW, having worked on the Company's IPO process in 2013 where he had some exposure to JQW's management team. He is fluent in English, Mandarin, and Malay. Mr Chan joined the Group in September 2015."We did not see this in yesterday's RNS -" During his tenure with these companies, he has been involved in numerous IPOs in the UK and Japan."

FRP janebolacha 10 Sep 2015

Article from "Cambridge News". [link]

HTG lambrini girl 10 Sep 2015

Re: First look longer term 12 month target 260..

RSA Ingenious Solutions 10 Sep 2015

Re: Takeover There's a lot of items on the news tab relating to takeover (not that I understand it). I gather the takeover is very much about to take place.Im quitting single share investing and putting my dosh in the hands of a financial manager.

ETO sage in the hills 10 Sep 2015

Re: Cheaper Well they just got 10% cheaper in 2 days !!! .... whats going on ?SAGE

ENRT Thomas Tallis 10 Sep 2015

Guangzhou "Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2013 23 June 2014...Highlights...· Successful trade exhibitionso ...o ...o Chinaplas 2013 in Guangzhou" - end of extract.The Merriam Webster dictionary defines successful as -"having the correct or desired result : ending in success: having gotten or achieved wealth, respect, or fame"[link]

ISG LoadsaDosh2 10 Sep 2015

Re: Results The way I read it, they had £16m cash in March but it has only resulted in YE improvement in cash of £6m. Where has the £10m gone? Is it cash burn?The underlying eanings of 10p are from 'continuing operations' and already excludes the exceptional losses; so sorry PE is 18 currently unless they can turn this around. Its easy to make optimistic noises and more welcome than not but they still have to prove they are out of the woods.

GEM loadsadough 10 Sep 2015

Re: Columbia Hello G.It Would be nice to wait for the GEM to come good. It seems to make it sooner or later, I just invest and wait. It has a good long time chart.Loadsadough

TRIN alltold9 10 Sep 2015

Re: WHAT A BUY! Well tomorrow it must be then!!

BPM thirty fifty twenty 10 Sep 2015

analysis at 144p interesting that ST of the ic re-iterated his buy advice at 144p - he has a target of 180p.I decided to do my own is widely quoted that BPM has a 11% compound growth over 25years.when I analysed how much was due to the 'one-off' of HYPERION,it showed that HYP had delivered c.17% p.a.,and the remaining portfolio had delivered c.9%also I wanted to look at the last 10 years as this is equally relevant.NAV growth then is c.6% p.a. so maybe the magic touch is slowing down?regardless, for me, the relevant fact is that it is still outperforming the general market.DISCOUNT - the average discount over the last 10 years is c.19%however this is influenced by the period in 2007 when it was trading at only 10% discount.I think it is reasonable to assume a 25% discount is 'the norm'.though admin expenses as a % of the portfolio size has reduced in recent years.also interestingly at the moment is the fact that BPM has a higher proportion of loans and CASH assets than normal which gives more support to the NAV.Biggest equity investments are LEBC + BESSO.LEBC is in a growth market, and compared to valuations of MTW, IFP + LGT it is conservatively valued in the NAVBESSO is also conservatively valued compared to recent deals.So this means that:> 20% of NAV is in CASH > 25% of NAV is conservatively valued compared to know public information.To me this supports if anything a lower discount than the 10 year average of 20%.My conclusion.....NAV will 'only' grow at 6% for 2015 and 2016 to then be 245p;the discount to NAV will revert to norm (25%) and thus generate a share price of 185p.So that is 36% return over 20 months including divis,and downside is very limited given the asset backing and CASH levels.I am holding as a BTC (Better Than CASH) investment, intending to then flip into something 'more exciting' when the market bottoms.ALl IMHO, DYOR + BoLBPM is in my portofolio

ENRT Thomas Tallis 10 Sep 2015

Transformational development ... Any news of the AGM?Any news of the Transformational development?Any news of the acquisition?Any news of the Chinese deal?Any news of the royalties?

TCG Orchard Gate 10 Sep 2015

Re: Short "I work FOR the company! So I think I may have a better idea of how it is trading than Orchard Gate does" Uphill Struggle.Price then? [2 June]. 145p. I think he overestimated his own knowledge.