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CAMK Orchard Gate 11 Sep 2015

Another China AiM share suspended This time China Chaintek is suspended and looks likely to be kicked off AiM. How long before the regulator gets to grip with the Camkids fraud?

ENTU Courtier1 11 Sep 2015

Re: Management fair enough - in my view if one does not trust management one should never be invested.I see things a bit differently though I do admit I am giving the mgmt some benefit of the doubt here though.1) the EU VAT decision was pretty arbitrary and unexpected - this is one of the reasons for the ditching of the solar business2) they did not try and chase the sales team that upped and left after being poached and so did not engage in a cost inflation war that would have resulted in a lot more in losses3) they jettisoned the business when they saw it was not going to turnHowever, I still find it difficult to reconcile the half year statement that basically said we're ok to meet y.e expectations irrespective of the issues and 5 weeks later issue a profits warning. At best that feels a bit naive to me from a forecasting perspective, which is where I need to make a call. Do I think the mgmt just got it wrong as they are relatively inexperienced to public company life or is the business visibility poor or worse, mismanaged?After some deliberation my view is the former and that the continuing operating business is worth around 90p or maybe a bit more. a £30m order book and a £10m p/a deal with a national DIY store give me some comfort.

SCH wineberry 11 Sep 2015

Results due No one interested in SCH any more? It's a strong rise in the share price ahead of results due 16th Sept, and nice to be holding a share which goes up when the market as a whole is rather dismal. The rise suggests that the results will be positive.

EMED Frogboy 11 Sep 2015

Re: Which way to jump I took my money off the table on WRES, nice little earner but will drop back now. I got .75!

QED Maddoxx 11 Sep 2015

Just say NO!! Hi Guys,After failing to secure sufficient acceptances to their lousy 131p offer - they have given us the wonderful opportunity to reject it all over again. They only managed to get 53% acceptance - way short of the 75% they need to force unconditional acceptance of the deal. Many of the acceptances will have been 'default accepts' by the Nominee in view of the Board recommendation. A no vote is the more considered option and so it is a clear and unambiguous rejection to the Board. So whilst they re-consider what price to pitch to us it is worthwhile to get your vote in early and let them know yet again what we think of their lousy offer.Regards, Maddox

CBUY alecro 11 Sep 2015

What's Up? Shares temporarily suspended! Any comment folks?

FOGL georgehissi 11 Sep 2015

is it too late to buy?

AFPO blueday80 11 Sep 2015

Looks like big money has been taking positions throughout the day.... I recon Monday is going to be manic!

EMED Comeuppance 11 Sep 2015

No trades today!??? According to iii there were over 3.5 million shares traded today, but also according to them there were no trades. can someone please explain to this naïve punter?

CRND rRomeo29 11 Sep 2015

Re: Calculation help Citychap2011 Honestly mate,I truly hope that you can find a way to sit out the current FTSE-hammering! Why not simply focus on your manchester city real estate office for a while...But in the long run, old chap, you really might want to consider a second opinion. Maybe even TA chart research, who knows? : D5 min. TA research could have saved you lots of valuable time this year: "Stocks headed back to 2015 low, strategists say"[link] someone is able to produce a 90% sure calculation where the next bullish/bearish trigger lines are waiting - then thats fair enough for me! Lots of sites do that for a living. Goldman Sachs does that for a living and works with an automated trading system.But why bother with this anyway, Citychap? Why not pick a decent AIM fund on 3-i, and let others do the exhausting reseach work and in- and out trading.(Did you know that some public funds, by their own regulations, are forced to sell and turn bearish as soon as a certain technical chart-signal appears?)Lets not bother with all this anyway. Let other people do the work. You sit back, enjoy your fortune, and rest assured that someone presses the take-profit button for you - before CRND collapses again through the bearish 20p trigger line.And yet another honest word from man to man: The current watchlist covers around 75 share tickers. Just one honest request from you five years ago(!), and you could have held a very valuable stream of infos on your desk every week.

FOGL harpmandoodle 11 Sep 2015

It says resevior, not target depth. They have HCs.

SDY holsten 11 Sep 2015

the hire industry imho is on its knees for the big boys ,any one in the game will tell you hire rates have been at same rate for years if nit less ,big firms like balfour and carrilion go from one big player to the next every few years getting new kit into the bargain and the profit margin for hire companies is next to nothing...Only ones who seem to be winning at moment is GAP and A Plant

MONI LMIGKP 11 Sep 2015

once Norges clears and we are past the overhang hopefully a rise will be on the cards such a dump of stock and to be quite strong is good news someone is buying in large

SDY holsten 11 Sep 2015

Speedy are buying a lot of new kit recently plant and small tools

AFPO laurence 11 Sep 2015

blue sky blue moon let it be blueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee