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BET numberbiter 13 Sep 2015

Re: Answers to questions Thank you for confirming my post that bookmakers do indeed limit their liabilities through Betfair.


Times article Birmingham property booming. HSBC opening new Offices in RLE s home ground ,will help the BHam property market which could build RLEs asset property returns values .

APH Oxtrader 13 Sep 2015

Re: Silly article from Motley Fool today Hi pharmaspecialist - I agree! However I bet Glaxo would love to be Alliance's shoes without having the heavy burden of expectation! (Also debt ratios I must add.. )

TMZ TheDrewster 13 Sep 2015

Still number one [link] 58

BPM Tom WM 13 Sep 2015

Re: analysis at 144p You have clearly put some work into this but there are a couple of points I can't understand.You say that HYP growth is 17% and the rest is 9%. That totals 26% or am I missing something here?You also need to take into account that the sale of most of the Hyp stake changed the whole company in that a major revenue producing asset was converted into cash at a time of record low interest rates.Investing that money will take some time although a good start has been made and some of the cash has been loaned at attractive rates. The company is still in transformation and this will take time. so it's unrealistic to compare I now with the past 10 years or so.The question that should be addressed is whether we have confidence in the board to use that cash wisely. ( Incidentally there could be a further cash influx of c£7m when the option to sell the remaining HYP holding either lapses or is called.)Personally I am very happy to retain my holding.

TGL Hedgehog100 13 Sep 2015

Re: Positive Outlook In June TGL invested £200,000 into CQCL, a 20% discount to the price of the subsequent much larger fundraising, i.e. TGL's stake is worth £250,000 at that latter price.If CQCL 500-bags from that latter price, TGL's stake will be worth £125 million. Let's call this the "Microsoft scenario".Though if CQCL does indeed become the 'Microsoft of quantum computing', then CQCL could actually thousand-bag, as Microsoft itself did.And if that happens, then TGL's stake would be worth a cool quarter of a billion pounds.Compared to TGL's current market cap. of circa £3.5M.And that of course is in addition to the value of GOS Systems itself, including its distribution rights over CQCL's forthcoming Quantum Key Encryption ("QKE" products.So anyone looking for a LSE listed play on quantum computing should look no further: TGL is it, and longer term must surely have 100-bagger potential, combined with superb downside protection.

SLI Dragons teeth 13 Sep 2015

Re: Dividend reduction Hi PJ, well done you're persistence has elicited a better response from II than I and others have received. I wrote to the Fund Manager a few months ago pointing out this discrepancy as I was on the verge of selling because of it. I actually got a nice reply saying they'd look into it too, but I don't follow up as I he would be far too busy and it was my/our problem. Anyway, I decided not to sell and hopefully this will be resolved as SLI itself has been a great investment for me.

AVN Westden 13 Sep 2015

Re: AVN Stream Log Re Predictions: expecting a strong set of results and future prospects statement. Decent contracts gains recently, final financing in place and mast would have had full access to business insight prior to investment decision. End of week SP around 245 - 248 pence in my view. Hoping for 310p by end December 2015. Keep the faith all.

AVN Westden 13 Sep 2015

Re: Predictions

TEA foggy 13 Sep 2015

The signs are good here, i've been buying here for a year now with total confidence in the company.

EMED Ace08 13 Sep 2015

Re: It's a tough call Phil they always go down on consolidation maybe this one will be different with production kicking in soon we will see

FCCN BOWOOD 13 Sep 2015

Re: Interims Figures due on Wednesday; any thoughts anyone?5

ALD oldjoe1 13 Sep 2015

ALD, TAX U TURN............. <b>Chancellor will drop 'challenger' bank levy, says Hermon</b>Neil Hermon, manager of top performing Henderson Smaller Companies trust, believes George Osborne will reverse decision to make all banks pay a Gavin Lumsden on Sep 11, 2015 at 166 CityWire.Speaking ahead of a meeting today between George Osborne (pictured) and new, small banks such as Aldermore (ALD +), OneSavings (OSBO +), Shawbrook (SHAW +) and Virgin Money (VM +), Hermon, a top-performing smaller companies fund manager, said a u-turn was likely.The chancellor's decision to replace a previous levy on the Big Four banks with an 8% additional tax on all banks with profits above £25 million angered the so-called 'challengers'. They complained it would restrict their ability to lend and compete with the high street financial giants, a point that has been picked up by MPs on the influential Treasury Select Committee.Osborne's move followed pressure from HSBC (HSBA +) which had threatened to move its HQ to Hong Kong if its levy was not reduced.Hermon (pictured above), manager of the Henderson Smaller Companies (HSL +) investment trust, said: 'I suspect we could see a volte face. Clearly it's not what they intended to do.'The manager pointed out extending the levy was at odds at the government's efforts to encourage new banking entrants and increase consumer choice. He added that the small banks had got caught in the 'crossfire' over the previous levy, imposed in response to the financial crisis and the taxpayer-funded bailouts of Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland.Despite this mishap, Hermon believed prospects for the challenger banks was good, which is why he had bought into Aldermore and Virgin Money at their flotations.

MTR scotchoverice 13 Sep 2015

tomorrow is Rosh Hashannah - the Jewish New Year....may it be the year of the Tiger

ENRT Thomas Tallis 13 Sep 2015

It must be bad when the BIS and AEP warns What's this - the mainstream press giving the same sort of warning that sites such as Zero Hedge and King World News have been reporting for months? No chance. I see this piece as a bit of bluff to keep the real dangers and horrific consequences hidden from the masses, but when the crash comes, they (and I'm not saying who they are, the BIS, the author, others?) they can say "We did tell you.""BIS fears emerging market maelstrom as Fed tightensGlobal debt levels are dangerously high and central banks cannot keep the game going indefinitely, warns the high priest of orthodoxy"[link] Jim Sinclair and read Egon von Greyerz on KWN to get the full facts and get the news first, and not the sugar-coated version.