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SGI coolcharm 14 Sep 2015

SG Marketplace Some pretty harsh feedback from users on Marketplace. I am concerned that this could turn out to be a disaster. Any thoughts? [link]

AGQ jaja 14 Sep 2015

AGQ = RNS= placing is coming, at what price?

AVAP janebolacha 14 Sep 2015

Re: Beaufort Research note on Avation There seems to be a problem with the link.If you sign in or log in to Beaufort Securities, you ought to get it.This is the summary:"The last three months has seen Avation shares knocked by same general sentiment that has affected the much wider basket of Asian-quoted equities. Yet the Group's earnings visibility is exceptionally high, with revenues contracted from long-term leases for aircraft that have been financed on fixed terms while being amortised over the life of the initial agreement. And despite hitting something of an economic 'speed bump', Asia is still confidently expected to be to remain the world's fastest growing market for ATR lessors for the remainder of this decade. Despite having secured significant options for fleet expansion from 2017, which can now be funded through the global debt capital markets, Avation is now trading at an unjustified discount to its obvious peers. Even after applying a 10% discount to account for its relatively small size and limited liquidity, Beaufort arrives at a price target of 178p for the shares. Read the full report"Why Beaufort are stressing Asia and the ATR72 in the above, I don't quite know since AVAP has next to direct no exposure to Asia as such and a rapidly lessening dependence solely on the ATR72. Maybe they are behind the curve, as well.

MONI jaja 14 Sep 2015

NICE. [link]

AFPO jaja 14 Sep 2015


IAG Dr Trustme 14 Sep 2015

Re: IAG Broker Target 700p...... Can't post images here, but this looks like a normal BA economy breakfast to me.[link] too bad. Must admit I travel a lot too, but I am lucky enough to travel in the better cabins.Glad to see the share price recovering - bought a few more around the £5 mark.

TRE farmerdave 14 Sep 2015

Arbitration 15 out of 25m contingent liability removed with likelihood of all plus legal fees - so from -25m to +1m eur or so !Means cash of company will approach (including subs) 4p a share. Share price about 6p now with NAV over double that (and potentially more)Have upped my stake given the downside/upside and due to fact that arbitration in Brazil due soon as is further Asian onesFD

FCSS NCMR 14 Sep 2015

Re: Discount may be fair value You may easily be spot on the the delta between price and NAV seems to be a function of the buyback process. I was interested see in Moneywek that they were suggesting that this may be time to start buying back into China.

RRL jaja 14 Sep 2015

WRES about to move up !

AVAP claude reins 14 Sep 2015

Re: Beaufort Research note on Avation Not much use to me. Just faced with a blank piece of paper following your link. Good iead, bad execution! Can you help further?

TTG gtand 14 Sep 2015

What's going on ?? Down almost 10% yet if you look at todays trading it shows as 'no trades today'- Do the mm's know something we don't. A bit strange to say the least.

XTR bargainhunt1 14 Sep 2015

sky news major flooding in chile

CRND laurence 14 Sep 2015

drake as a post every were just a deramper with is mate cautioussid

IOF pharmajiles 14 Sep 2015

Re: Record production figures This stock continuing to perform exactly as per the price chart.As I mentioned previously……..those who look for external influences will be completely disappointed……….

AOR M y Quest 14 Sep 2015

AU or AG Give us a break, pal....